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  • sirloot
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2011
    • 2607

    Originally posted by BlueSaint
    Hello dudes, completely new here. I became a member just because of the community, and I like discussing about different manufactures, tastes, life and so on. But don't think Im a swede just because of the location, I'm just random finn being proud of the gold in World Cup Icehockey!

    PS I'm sure I am the only one here who never been smoking, and got to snus first..
    Ahh welcome to the family .. \0


    • LawOfficeGirl82
      • Apr 2011
      • 135

      Originally posted by BlueSaint
      But don't think Im a swede just because of the location, I'm just random finn being proud of the gold in World Cup Icehockey!
      that was an ass kicking. it was sad almost!


      • BlueSaint
        • May 2011
        • 195

        Originally posted by sirloot View Post
        Ahh welcome to the family .. \0

        Originally posted by LawOfficeGirl82
        that was an ass kicking. it was sad almost!
        Haha, I am truly sorry. <3


        • rictorblackbus
          • May 2011
          • 47

          Hi guys. Just started up my account today, the day I purchased my first swedish snus! I'd been a cigarette smoke for 12 years and decided it was time to quit. I started using an e-cigarette for about a month, and the nicotine rush was way too intense for me. I'd also done some reading on how swedish men used Snus to quit cigarettes, so I bought a can of Marlboro mint. totally sucked, didn't feel any nicotine in it. Then I tried Camel frost and Skoal's frosted flavor; a bit better. I began using both American snus and the e-cig. I saw some video reviews and did some reading and found the differences of Swedish Snus. I, for one, like that all the ingredients are listed on the can.

          Then...I found that a local tobacco shop in Miami sells general, so I went to check it out. I picked up a can of General mint & General white portion. I've had about 4 portions today and it's great! I don't feel like I need a cigarette at all! The Mint portions are great right after a meal and I'm digging the mellower, citrusy flavor of the white portion. Needless to say, I think I found my way to kick cigarettes.

          BTW, this forum pretty awesome!


          • zm88
            New Member
            • Jul 2011
            • 3

            Hey guys/girls, my names Zac. Been dipin skoal for the past 3 years after smoking ciggs for a few. I stumbled onto this site while looking for another that I use to post on that's been shut down. I live in Charlestown in boston and look forward to being a member here.o


            • Scottie
              New Member
              • May 2006
              • 7

              Hey fellow snusers!

              I´m Scott from Germany but born in Scotland. I stopped smoking in 2004 with snus and dip while I was serving in AFG.
              My favourite snus is Ettan and Grov but my stock is nearly used up, so that I´m trying to substitute the SM-Products you don´t get anymore in the EU. Now I´m using Granit and Skruf sterk.
              I can say that I´m a nicotine.afficionado :-) . I love Snus, sometimes a dip and I own a Humidor a with nice stock of cuban cigars.
              Also I love to use nasal snuff. My favourites here in Germany are the "Schmalzlers" and the good british toasts from Wilson, F&T and Toque of course.

              Hope to read you soon!



              • sirloot
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2011
                • 2607

                Fàilte, Ceud mìle fàilte and guten tag !


                • bill77.017
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 2279

                  Hi Scott, welcome to the forum, great to have you You should try They are based in Sweden and sell through out europe. Since the EU ban they,ve been great, and make the best Snus I,ve ever tasted.


                  • Wailer
                    New Member
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 8

                    Hello ppl, new user here
                    I'm just interested in this points (below number of posts) - what are they? (I didn't find the answer in FAQ)


                    • sirloot
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 2607

                      I extend to you a Laurel ... and hardy hand shake !

                      the points go toward discounts in the snuson shop. 1000 gives ya 2% off and so forth


                      • Xakz
                        • Aug 2011
                        • 79

                        Hi guys,

                        I'm from Australia and just started using snus.
                        I ordered from 2 different stores. One was faster than the other but didn't stock everything.

                        So far over the past 2 months I've tried six cans of snus.
                        It took me a few days to get used to the taste.

                        2x LD Black salmiak portions
                        1x Ettan original portions
                        1x Roda Laket white portions
                        1x Gotborg Rape No.2 portions
                        1x General Onyx portions

                        I had started smoking again because I ran out of snus for a couple of weeks
                        but have since then re-ordered more cans approx 7x portions and 1x ettan lös.
                        It's difficult where I live to order large quantity without being taxed so I just
                        order a few cans at a time to be safe.

                        I really can't wait to try the lös. Hopefully I'll enjoy the lös and have to order more.
                        I'll also have to order in advance before I run out and feel the need to smoke again.


                        So far I like the Ettan and the General Onyx

                        Special Thanks go out to these reviewers on youtube
                        for getting me into snus :
                        • cnashx
                        • humanpixel
                        • snusify
                        • DoomiteAsh
                        • Snubie
                        • Sevenhunter728
                        • TalkSnus
                        • evelutionz
                        • Julls from SnusCENTRAL

                        Should be arriving in this week :

                        1x General Portion
                        1x General Wintergreen White Portion
                        1x Grovsnus Black
                        1x Thunder Frosted Extra Strong portion

                        Snus on order :

                        1x 05 White Strong Long
                        1x 06 Extra Strong Long
                        1x Below Zero Strong Mint portion
                        1x Ettan lös
                        1x General Green Harvest


                        • bill77.017
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 2279

                          Hi Xakz. Welcome to the forum


                          • jaysalti
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 125

                            Welcome to the forum and congrats on converting! I think you will like lös, I was hesitant at first, but use all the time at home now and love it!


                            • Xakz
                              • Aug 2011
                              • 79

                              Do you bake, prismaster or icetool it ?


                              • crullers
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 663

                                Hi all,

                                I have been lurking this forum for the last couple of weeks and have found a wealth of snus information. Like many of you I found out about snus while researching an effective means to quit smoking. I've been a pack a day smoker for the last 25 years. The patch, nic gum and cold turkey just didn't seem to work. Luckily for me, a tobacco shop in the small town where I work just started stocking a few flavours of General and I picked up a couple. They are mini portions - just over $10 for 25 half gram portions. I tried and liked them but knew through my research online that there is better stuff out there.

                                I ordered 10 online from Northerner and they split my order into 2. I got 2X Thunder Frosted, 2X Thunder Wintergreen and 1X Thunder ES portions the middle of last week. My order of preference is Frosted > ES > Wintergreen. Still waiting on 2X Thunder Coola, 1 Grov black, 1 Odens extreme and 1 Ettan. Its been 2 and a half weeks and I fear the taxman is going to come down hard on me for the order I am still waiting on. BUT, thanks to my Thunders that have come in I am smoke free 4 days now!

                                So, I just wanted to say hi and thank you all for the valuable information I have found here so far. If any Canadian snusers can give me the lowdown on what I can expect from my delayed order I would appreciate it. In the least I expect I'll be looking at paying some extra $$$ once it does (finally) come in.


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