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  • Earl O Sandwiches
    New Member
    • Nov 2013
    • 5

    Hello SnusOn Community!
    I'm a Canadian snuser I smoked the occasional pipe tobacco until my tobacconist showed me General Snus. I switch between Titanium and Titanium W loving the vitamin N kick and the focus they provide me. Problem now is I have tried a few different kinds and wish the tobacco store would carry more selection however Snus is fairly new to the Canadian market and they (tobacconist) said it would be years until we see any variety. I have also tried Belmont Snus which was bland and virtually flavorless. It's great to have found this forum. Look forward to interacting with other Snusers I'm all alone out here in the Great White North! Thanks!


    • squeezyjohn
      • Jan 2008
      • 2497

      Welcome Earl O Sandwiches! Great name!

      Welcome to snus ... it's great stuff and part of that greatness is to do with the variety of flavours it offers. I would really suggest you place one diverse order with an online shop carrying the full range of Swedish snus. I don't even recognise some of the brands you mention (Titanium and Belmont) - and I assume they are american ones. Classics to try out would be General, Ettan, Goteborgs Rapé, Röda Lacket, Skruf, Oden's and Jakobssons original. And then there are the more obviously flavoured ones too.

      But a word of warning ... the choice may mean you can never go back to your local tobacconist except in emergencies!

      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


      • Earl O Sandwiches
        New Member
        • Nov 2013
        • 5

        Funny you say that! I made an order online and have this coming today!

        1 x Gotlandssnus Julesnus (Christmas) Portion 2013
        1 x Jakobssons Melon Strong Portion snus
        5 x Goteborgs Rapé White Portion Snus
        1 x Nick And Johnny Green Spyke Xtra Strong Cactus Portion Snus
        1 x Nick And Johnny Captain Yankee Xtra Strong Americana Snus
        1 x Goteborgs Rapé Lime White Portion Snus
        1 x Offroad Julesnus (Christmas Snus) Portion

        I am so excited as though Christmas is early! Which to try first? Also I'm down to my last few portions of my regular snus The Titanium is from General I believe it's like General Onyx I may be wrong then again that's why I'm here.. ... UPS can't come quick enough! I'm like a dog waiting in the window waiting for his master to come home!


        • squeezyjohn
          • Jan 2008
          • 2497

          Nice selection! I love the Gotlandssnus Julesnus - like spice cake.

          May your UPS parcel arrive swiftly!

          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


          • siroc
            New Member
            • Jan 2014
            • 1

            Hi all,

            I decided to sign up as I'm a first time snus user and had a few questions I hope you may be able to elucidate. First of all, I'm an occasional smoker and also enjoy hookah every now and then. Since I was making a trip to Sweden I thought it fitting that I give snus a try too. I bought a container of Ettan original portion (largely on the basis of positive reviews here) but after trying it a few times, I have some questions:

            1. When using it I get a very unpleasant burning sensation in my throat everytime I go to swallow. Is this normal? Does it go away with extended use?

            2. Unless I keep my mouth closed I feel I constantly need to readjust it under my lip. Am I doing something wrong?

            3. The first two times I used it (for about 20-30mins) I felt an unpleasant dizziness and nothing at all enjoyable. Is this normal with first time users? Also I don't seem to get the same buzz as that I get from cigarettes or hookah, am I perhaps doing something wrong? Is the feeling from snus something thats 'acquired'?



            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by siroc View Post
              Hi all,

              I decided to sign up as I'm a first time snus user and had a few questions I hope you may be able to elucidate. First of all, I'm an occasional smoker and also enjoy hookah every now and then. Since I was making a trip to Sweden I thought it fitting that I give snus a try too. I bought a container of Ettan original portion (largely on the basis of positive reviews here) but after trying it a few times, I have some questions:

              1. When using it I get a very unpleasant burning sensation in my throat everytime I go to swallow. Is this normal? Does it go away with extended use?

              2. Unless I keep my mouth closed I feel I constantly need to readjust it under my lip. Am I doing something wrong?

              3. The first two times I used it (for about 20-30mins) I felt an unpleasant dizziness and nothing at all enjoyable. Is this normal with first time users? Also I don't seem to get the same buzz as that I get from cigarettes or hookah, am I perhaps doing something wrong? Is the feeling from snus something thats 'acquired'?

              1 sounds like it's maybe juicing too much for you. It never bothered me, but some people are more sensitive to it. Try keeping it more forwrd in your mouth, and tighter against your upper lip.

              2 It takes awhile to get used to snus being in your lip. Comfort and control should come with time.

              3 Sounds like you got more nicotine than you're used to. Smokeables hit faster, and die faster. Snus takes longer to get going, and it lasts longer. That makes it harder to dose when you're inexperienced. When you get enough nicotine smoking, yo just stop smoking. With snus, it stays in your mouth, and slowly builds. It can get to be too much before you realize it. Like most addictive drugs, if you keep it up, you'll build a tolerance, and it'll stop negatively affecting you. It's up to you whether or not that's a good thing.


              • Rhojin
                New Member
                • Jan 2014
                • 4

                G'Day All im Rhojin and im from Australia

                I quit smoking after 20 years on the 10th of June 2013 and went on to ecigs and about two months ago I found swedish snus

                now I snus more than I vape and I am loving it

                my fav snus's atm are islay whiskey snus, Taboca extra strong white portions and Thunder extra strong though I have some general white portions on rotation and some others

                anyways my first post here so I will keep it short hope everyone is having a great day and I look forward to getting into this forum


                • Nikolaos
                  • Mar 2013
                  • 30

                  Hello to all, Nice to be here! Nikolaos from Greece. I mainly use nasal snuff, snus and chewing. After 3 years using snus its time to enter Snuson!

                  Nice forum guys!


                  • Andy105
                    • Nov 2013
                    • 1393

                    Welcome, Nicolaos!


                    • Burnsey
                      • Jan 2013
                      • 2572

                      Welcome Nickolaos......
                      Last edited by Burnsey; 10-04-14, 06:12 PM.


                      • hoarfrost
                        New Member
                        • Apr 2014
                        • 12

                        Hello, I'm new to snus. I have found General brand locally and like the original and mint flavors. I also enjoy smoking a pipe, (Latakia blends) but was looking for something more conducive to use at work. I'd like to learn more about snus so I joined this forum.


                        • Gruven75
                          New Member
                          • Apr 2014
                          • 6

                          Hey all, just joined, first snus today! I like the no spit.


                          • Ratatoeskr
                            New Member
                            • Mar 2015
                            • 1

                            Hey there !! I am a german guy from East Frisia and on my way to beat the deathsticks with the help of nasal and oral tobacco. Just want to have a good time, nice conversations and maybe some good trades. Let's see what the future holds for me. Anyway, seems you got a strong board going here and i am happy to found you.
                            Cheers !!!

                            PS: I am in a very good mood since my holiday just did started and i had a few beers already.


                            • Andy105
                              • Nov 2013
                              • 1393

                              Originally posted by Ratatoeskr View Post
                              Hey there !! I am a german guy from East Frisia and on my way to beat the deathsticks with the help of nasal and oral tobacco. Just want to have a good time, nice conversations and maybe some good trades. Let's see what the future holds for me. Anyway, seems you got a strong board going here and i am happy to found you.
                              Cheers !!!

                              PS: I am in a very good mood since my holiday just did started and i had a few beers already.
                              Welcome, from Illinois. Have a great holiday!


                              • Snusdog
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 6752

                                Welcome to the forum mate!

                                Congrats on kicking the cigs............let the snuff and snus do their thing........they will win

                                Enjoy the holiday and make yourself at home here......keep us posted on how it is going
                                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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