Yep. That's about all I have to say. Howdy.
tmiGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Little over a year now regularly. I had an "international" friend in college who would let me steal a can or two in the winter months, but up until I started snusing regularly I was a two pack a day smoker, excluding cigars, most of them at my office at home or huddled in the smoking shelter at my downtown office. When they pushed a smoking ban into effect in the city, after getting tired of leaving my drink at the bar to sneak outside for a cigarette, I started ordering larger amounts and now..well, Snus it is!
Yeah, just so much easier. I ride a motorcycle, just got mine out of the shop after 5 1/2 months today and was just laughing about how nice snus and a bike are. Now, I can get all my nicotine I need while I ride instead of having to stop every 20 minutes, take my gloves off for a smoke. Snus just way better.
I recently took up pipe smoking and love it as an addition to my snus. guess I never lost my love for the feel of smoke. But pipes just way, way better than cigarettes.
And welcome again, glad you finally found your way to us. Read your post in "who are you" and don't worry. Most of us re strange too here. :lol: :lol: