Hi there!
I've been snusing for about a month and a half now, and smoked cigarettes for 5 years, but have cut down drastically. Started with a tin of US Camel snus like a lot of people... it seems to have an aftertaste like diet soda that I'm not fond of.
So far I've tried General white, original, wintergreen, and mini mint, Goteborgs Rape, Roda Lacket, and Grov white.
I've found them all to be pleasant enough although nothing stuck out as particularly amazing. I'm going to order some more tomorrow and I'd like to try something with flavor that isn't as subtle as Goteborgs or Roda Lacket, yet isn't completely overpowering like wintergreen or mini mint. I seem to prefer original portions but white is fine too...
I've been snusing for about a month and a half now, and smoked cigarettes for 5 years, but have cut down drastically. Started with a tin of US Camel snus like a lot of people... it seems to have an aftertaste like diet soda that I'm not fond of.
So far I've tried General white, original, wintergreen, and mini mint, Goteborgs Rape, Roda Lacket, and Grov white.
I've found them all to be pleasant enough although nothing stuck out as particularly amazing. I'm going to order some more tomorrow and I'd like to try something with flavor that isn't as subtle as Goteborgs or Roda Lacket, yet isn't completely overpowering like wintergreen or mini mint. I seem to prefer original portions but white is fine too...