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  • Vintage
    New Member
    • Feb 2010
    • 6

    Hello all!

    Hi all!

    I am French, I smoke the pipe on a regular basis (and not intend to quit).
    I love tobacco, and I really mean it, I don't love it for some kind of addiction reason (I can, ans have lived months without a pipe and it went just fine), I love it for the smell of it, the taste if it and everything.

    Hence, I am curious about any way to consume tobacco (I have tried cigars, snuff and pipe, the only thing I avoid are cigarettes).

    Anyway, you now understand why I'm interested in snus.

    But I have troubles to imagine the real effects of snus. What is it ? does the saliva gets through the bag and you end up with some kind of tobacco-flavored juice ?
    How strong is the taste ? what is the effect on your breath ? do you stink like a smoker ?

    Also, what about that "nicotine" effect ? what is it really ?

    Anyway, since I live in France, I wonder a little on how hard it will be to get snus...

    Also, I will look on the forum to find precisely what kind I should get? though if you have suggestions, knock yourself out

    Bye. Thanks.
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Welcome to Snuson Vintage

    Many questions, let's see if I can deal with some. but first, I recently took up the pipe and I am in love. I am active on Smokers Forums these past few months, it is m,y obsession. I quit cigarettes with snus 3 years ago, and added snuff a bit over a year ago.

    Yes, flavor comes from the juices created, but unlike American Dip, you can swallow the snus juice. Why whites flavor comes on slower as they are dryer than regular.

    The nicotine delivery of snus is the best I have ever found. Comes on over 1`5 minutes, but then stays in the blood stream a long time, almost an hour at least. You can read more about how it works here... http://www.swedishmatch.com/en/Snus-...cotine-uptake/

    Different snus are stronger than others, all whites are typically more mild than regulars. Some snus affects breath more than others. None of the snus is ANY where as stinky as cigarettes. By a factor of 20 at least.

    You can order snus form both northerner.com or buysnus.com. Plus others in Europe I am not familiar with. Although snus can't be sold legally in the EU with two exceptions. It is perfectly legal to import for personal use.

    And again welcome. best advice...is just try it. I think snus and pipes are magic together. the snus maintains the nicotine for me throughout the day, and I smoke between 1 -3 bowls a day as I have time to properly enjoy it.

    And welcome to Snuson again!! :lol: :lol:


    • Mazur
      • May 2007
      • 159

      Hi Vintage,

      As for ordering I'm not sure about how it looks in practice but you have strict regulations regarding orderig tobacco online: http://www.douane.gouv.fr/page.asp?id=34

      In France you can buy smokeless tobacco in shops (but it is not snus):

      CHEMA CAFE, en 30 grammes
      CHEMA, en 30 grammes
      CHEMA MENTHE, en 30 grammes

      http://www.poeschl-tobacco.com/kauta...hema-cafe.html (German site)

      MAKLA BOUHLEL BENTCHICOU (VERT), en 20 grammes
      MAKLA EL HILAL, en 20 grammes
      MAKLA EL KANTARA, en 20 grammes
      MAKLA EL KANTARA, en 25 grammes
      MAKLA IFRIKIA, en 20 grammes

      http://www.tabac-trends.ch/raucherwa...5fbd1e4df9baaf (Swiss site)


      • Vintage
        New Member
        • Feb 2010
        • 6

        Thank you all for your answers.

        Mazur: where is it that you found that list of tobacco products sold in France ?


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Welcome Vintage.

          I am curious of these Makla tobaccos too.


          • copenhusker13
            New Member
            • Feb 2010
            • 3

            I disagree that you can't swallow American dip. I have been a Copenhagen user for the better part of 20 years and have "gutted" the juice for more than 15 years now. It is an acquired taste, but still, it is possible. I just tried real Swedish snus for the first time recently. That, too, is an acquired taste. To me, it all tastes like tea leaves, with some brands throwing in a hint of flavor (eg. citrus, bergamot). I ordered five cans of loose (I have never been a fan of "pouches", or "bandits") from northerner.com (took 12-13 days to get it, but I ordered on a weekend and we had snow in Nebraska). However, after trying it a few times, I think I have learned to appreciate it a bit. I still plan to use my Copenhagen, but snus is a nice "exotic" change up once in awhile. My personal favs (of the five brands I ordered and, in order of preference): Skruf, GrovSnus, Ettan, General, and a very distant fifth...Goteborg's Prima Fint.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Welcome to Snuson copenhusker13

              No one says you "can't" swallow dip juice. Yes, a small percentage of folks have always been able to gut it. But still., that is a minority of users. Most will have to spit or get sick. Snus is just different, will never get sick form the juice.

              And don't assume portion snus is the same as dip "pouches" It is a very common assumption former dip users have when they start using snus. But in the several years I have been here, I have read hundreds of former dip users find they actually prefer portion snus.

              Again, snus and dip just so different, lessons learned from one don't always apply to the other.

              Also, in case you haven't seen this tread yet, check it out....


              • Mazur
                • May 2007
                • 159

                Originally posted by Vintage

                Mazur: where is it that you found that list of tobacco products sold in France ?
                At your gouverments site:


                • Veganpunk
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 5381

                  Welcome to Snus-On Vintage.


                  • Christi
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 2104

                    Originally posted by Veganpunk
                    Welcome to Snus-On Vintage.
                    Yes, what he said!


                    • N0mad
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 550

                      Welcome this is a great place you will enjoy it.


                      • Vintage
                        New Member
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 6

                        ok, thank you all for your sympathy.

                        I finally purchased some snus. Here is what I got:
                        • Skruf Xtra Strong Portion
                        • Offroad Limited 09, Mango Creme
                        • Offroad Coffee / Vanilla, Portion
                        • Montecristo, Portion
                        • Camel Original, Portion

                        What do you suggest I try first ?




                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          Camel Original, as it is closest to "traditional" snus of the one's you got. Montecristo is good I hear, but banned for folks like me so can't comment. the skruff is that extra nicotine is what you really are looking for. The rest, interesting flavors. But probably, maybe but really probably not what you will end up using most of the time.

