Need some guidance after 2 weeks of snusing

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  • Mordred
    • Dec 2009
    • 342

    Originally posted by chainsnuser
    Originally posted by giancarlo
    Could it be that my taste buds have not recovered enough from smoking?
    Definitely! Ettan, for example, can taste bland for a smoker, while it tastes spicy for a snuser. It takes a few weeks till the taste buds are back to normal. After a few days you should already get a feeling that everything tastes "different.

    Get yourself some Probe Whiskey or General. You'll taste something for sure.

    Ettan tastes spicy? Mmh, I'd like to dispute that, even after 3 months off cigarettes. I find it to be extremely mild, slightly sweet with a hint of honey. In the same department, I much prefer Grov.


    • scylla
      • Feb 2010
      • 44

      I have been using snus now for two weeks just like you giancarlo, and I feel exactly word for word in your first post.

      My head is swimming and I don't feel at all well. It's not like in the first week when I felt really euphoric.

      I'm just guessing but I think we are both going through symptoms of having nicotine in our system constantly instead of the spikes like cigs.

      I for one am gonna stick with it for a couple months to see if everything smooths out. Anything is better than going back to cigarettes.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        It won't take a couple of months. At best a month, usually only a few weeks for you body to get fully acclimated.


        • LHB
          • Oct 2009
          • 115

          I went through all the symptoms described by the OP, including an initial disenchantment with Los because of perceived lack of flavor. Most of the time, I felt that I was actually getting more nicotine from snus than my smokes, and that didn't make me feel good either. It takes a while for your body to acclimate itself to different nicotine deliver systems, and for your tastebuds and sense of smell to recover from decades of smoking.

          I went on a bit of cigarette bender this weekend, and I really had to force myself; it was more a gesture of rebellion than giving into an irresistable craving. I'm still pissed off at what I was pissed off then, but I feel so much better getting back into the snus routine. I only use Skruf Sterk Portions for my first snus of the day, and then back off to regular strength portions or Los during the rest of the day, supplemented by nasal snuff, which is really a delight once you get the hang of it. Within a month, I suspect you'll find yourself craving snus, and if somebody offered you a cigarette instead, you'd feel a distinct letdown.

          Two years ago, if anybody would have suggested I'd quit smoking I would have laughed at them. Now the thought of smoking a half a pack at work is revolting, and I look forward to my pris of Los after meals exactly the way I used to look forward to my after meal cigarette. Stick with it, and I don't think you'll be disappointed, but don't necessarily believe that you have to be like a lot of other ex smokers and chain snus extra sterk portions all day long.

          Once they get used to it, some people find that they do better with some nicotine in their system, but not so much that they continually feel "buzzed" by it, especially if you're an older ex smoker and just want to feel a little peace, calm and relaxation instead of vibrating inwardly like a tuning fork all day long.

