1st month of snus

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  • visiON
    • Mar 2010
    • 308

    1st month of snus

    Hey guys, I just opened my 2nd can of Thunder Frosted extra sterk(1st can was that too) but I'm running into some problems: 15 mins after usage I get horrible diarrhea and feeling sh*t altogether. My 1st snus resulted in puking ^^
    So I'm wondering if those problems go away with time or do I need to switch over to some... weaker portions, if so, can you recommend me some?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Welcome to SnusOn!

    You need some weaker portions. That's nicotine poisoning you're getting :^)

    Try a few different kinds that aren't labeled as strong or stark. Here's 10 I like...

    Grov- Plain tobacco
    Gotland Yellow- Bergamot
    Goteborgs Rape- Juniper
    Goteborgs Rape #2- Juniper and berry
    LD Black- licorice
    General- Bergamot
    PM1847- Plainish tobacco, light bergamot?
    LD- Bergamot
    Catch Eucalyptus
    Gneral Mint


    • visiON
      • Mar 2010
      • 308

      But saying I continue using the Frost, will my nicotine tolerance rise up enough so I wouldn't get the poisoning so fast? Or does the tolerance rise up utterly slowly?
      Not many non sterks here in Estonia, and ordering from northerner gives me about 10$ per can so that ain't an option with my current budget.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by visiON
        But saying I continue using the Frost, will my nicotine tolerance rise up enough so I wouldn't get the poisoning so fast? Or does the tolerance rise up utterly slowly?
        Your tolerance will go up, but why would you do that? If you aren't enjoying it, what's the point?

        You edited, right? Maybe I'm going blind :^D

        You could try twisting the portion in half. Someone here did that with decent results. You might get some tobacco in your mouth, but that's not so bad.


        • visiON
          • Mar 2010
          • 308

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          Originally posted by visiON
          But saying I continue using the Frost, will my nicotine tolerance rise up enough so I wouldn't get the poisoning so fast? Or does the tolerance rise up utterly slowly?
          Your tolerance will go up, but why would you do that? If you aren't enjoying it, what's the point?
          Actually I am enjoying it, feels super after gym sometimes I won't even get the poisoning and just enjoy it, other times.. well they happen too.
          There's just 1 thing I dislike about the Thunder Frosted: the smell. When I smelled it the first time I loved it, but now it makes me sick so I usually hold my breathe while taking snus out heh :P .
          Right now I'm just trying to avoid snusing at school for obvious reasons ^^.

          Edit: By twisting you mean cutting the pouch in half?


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            Nice list of recommendations there lxskllr! Most straight tobacco with just an occasional flavored snus to break up the monotony.


            • f. bandersnatch
              • Mar 2010
              • 725

              Im not sure the tolerance ever really goes up for some people. I think sterks are just too much for some people, myself included in that number.

              I used sterks when I first quit smoking, but I switched to regs as soon as I could stand it. I would start sweating and really get overwhelmed by the nic. I never had this problem before, even with a lipfull of cope and a cig. I would just use the sterks or extras when you really find yourself craving a cig or whatever your particular vise may be.

              If you really cant get any regs (or even a sterk at like 11mg over the whopping 17mgs in the TF), there are a couple of options:

              1. Loose: just buy loose snus and bake small prillas
              2. split the portion in half.
              3. try leaving the portion in for less time. I found that thunder hit really hard, really fast, so you may just want to pull it after 10 mins or so, before you absorb all the nicotine. This seems like a waste, and I dont find it preferable, but it is better than shitting ones pants, vomiting uncontrollably and/or passing out.


              • visiON
                • Mar 2010
                • 308

                Originally posted by f. bandersnatch
                Im not sure the tolerance ever really goes up for some people. I think sterks are just too much for some people, myself included in that number.

                I used sterks when I first quit smoking, but I switched to regs as soon as I could stand it. I would start sweating and really get overwhelmed by the nic. I never had this problem before, even with a lipfull of cope and a cig. I would just use the sterks or extras when you really find yourself craving a cig or whatever your particular vise may be.

                If you really cant get any regs (or even a sterk at like 11mg over the whopping 17mgs in the TF), there are a couple of options:

                1. Loose: just buy loose snus and bake small prillas
                2. split the portion in half.
                3. try leaving the portion in for less time. I found that thunder hit really hard, really fast, so you may just want to pull it after 10 mins or so, before you absorb all the nicotine. This seems like a waste, and I dont find it preferable, but it is better than shitting ones pants, vomiting uncontrollably and/or passing out.
                A waste? If the snus is left there for like 10 mins most of the nicotine is still in there, so theoretically it should be reusable right?


                • f. bandersnatch
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 725

                  good point. I mean, i try to avoid suggesting putting half used snuses back into a container or in your pocket for later, as I am afraid people will find that to be just a little to "hobo esque", but I see nothing wrong with that. Try it out.

                  I have never done it, as the selection of regular strength snus is both vast and inexpensive to those of us living in the USA (for the time being (fingers crossed)), but there is nothing wrong with trying.


                  • visiON
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 308

                    Originally posted by f. bandersnatch
                    good point. I mean, i try to avoid suggesting putting half used snuses back into a container or in your pocket for later, as I am afraid people will find that to be just a little to "hobo esque", but I see nothing wrong with that. Try it out.

                    I have never done it, as the selection of regular strength snus is both vast and inexpensive to those of us living in the USA (for the time being (fingers crossed)), but there is nothing wrong with trying.
                    That reminds me of the time me and my friend were smokin joints(loose tobacco) and we collected loads of the finished ones, once we ran out of tobacco, we emptied the used ones and rolled up new ones ^^ worked out good.
                    In fact I'm using a used snus atm, doesn't seem to give me anything tho... so I think that's as far as I go with used portions.
                    Edit: It's actually starting to give me a buzz ^^


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      visiON, as others have said. What you described is symptoms of nicotine OD.

                      If you keep doing it, will that speed up the time it takes your body to adjust, of course. You like and enjoy those sensations, then go for it.

                      Me, I don't. I simply take it as a sign to slow down a bit. When Thunder first came out, I made the mistake of chain snusing it. Bad mistake. Felt a bit ill. Simply didn't do it again.

                      Your body is feeling that way as a sign to you saying... Cut it out, Don't listen to it if you want, for me, it is too unpleasant not to listen.


                      • BadAxe
                        • Jan 2010
                        • 631

                        If you are set on using the Frost (My favorite as well), they have Thunder Frost mini's that are 8mg nic in a portion. And they are coming out with 12mg per portion version as well. So you can stick with Thunder but drop down in the nic dept. as an option.


                        • visiON
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 308

                          Originally posted by BadAxe
                          If you are set on using the Frost (My favorite as well), they have Thunder Frost mini's that are 8mg nic in a portion. And they are coming out with 12mg per portion version as well. So you can stick with Thunder but drop down in the nic dept. as an option.
                          Thanks for the heads up, I will finish this can and then make my decision

                          However I have a question about los, I have read that many people here prefer los to pouches, and I wonder why?
                          Are there any significant advantages to using los?
                          I have never done los so I don't have any idea ^^


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            LOL, let Snuson's most famous anti los fanatic answer this question for you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

                            There are many potential advantages of los, and you should make a point of at least trying it once everyone should.

                            But in relation to your situation here, the most obvious advantage of los over portions is you control the size of the pris. You can make a tiny pris, 1/4 the size of a regular portion, all the way up to a huge wad 4x larger than any portion. So YOU have control over how much nicotine you use with los every time. Can be areally big advantage.

                            Personaly, I hate los, love portions but that is me. You should try for yourself.


                            • BadAxe
                              • Jan 2010
                              • 631

                              Originally posted by visiON
                              Originally posted by BadAxe
                              If you are set on using the Frost (My favorite as well), they have Thunder Frost mini's that are 8mg nic in a portion. And they are coming out with 12mg per portion version as well. So you can stick with Thunder but drop down in the nic dept. as an option.
                              Thanks for the heads up, I will finish this can and then make my decision

                              However I have a question about los, I have read that many people here prefer los to pouches, and I wonder why?
                              Are there any significant advantages to using los?
                              I have never done los so I don't have any idea ^^
                              I only use los at home. For me, it would be too big a pain to pull off at social situations. But I really like los because of the texture and taste. Its just a completely different experience than portions for me. I like portions as well, and use them more than los, but I would have to say I like every LOS flavor and brand I have tried so far, I can not say the same for portions. There is room for both.


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