Nicotine can be an incredible concentration/alertness aid. If you think you may have ADHD, I would think you should talk to a doctor. I would also say that nicotine strikes me as a much more attractive option than the amphetamines they will prescribe you at the doctors office. I have far too many friends that have become addicted to those substances in the name of medicne for me to believe that nicotine is not a safer alternative. Obviously, either route leads to addiction, but I would take snus over synthetic amphetamines any day. That is just an opinion though.
On the subject of snus addiction, I get the feeling I am in the minority on this, but I find it to be incredibly easy to moderate my intake. Snus is such an easy and convienient way to use tobacco, it is not hard to imagine why a person would pop portion after portion, so you should be aware of that, but my experience is quite the opposite. Nicotine from snus comes on slowly and sticks around for quite awhile, so it seems like it is easier for me to go for several hours, even most of the day, without one.
All that being said, I still have a strong nicotine addiction that is tied to my snus use. God help you if you get inbetween me and the fridge early in the mourning, etc. So, I guess the short answer is yes, you will develop an addiction to snus if you use it, even if it is a moderate and regulated addiction.
On the subject of snus addiction, I get the feeling I am in the minority on this, but I find it to be incredibly easy to moderate my intake. Snus is such an easy and convienient way to use tobacco, it is not hard to imagine why a person would pop portion after portion, so you should be aware of that, but my experience is quite the opposite. Nicotine from snus comes on slowly and sticks around for quite awhile, so it seems like it is easier for me to go for several hours, even most of the day, without one.
All that being said, I still have a strong nicotine addiction that is tied to my snus use. God help you if you get inbetween me and the fridge early in the mourning, etc. So, I guess the short answer is yes, you will develop an addiction to snus if you use it, even if it is a moderate and regulated addiction.