New from Montana :)

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  • Whitak3r
    • Mar 2010
    • 29

    New from Montana :)

    Hey. Just signed on. Typing a brief hello.

    I'm 23 and from Montana USA. I've been trying to quit smoking for about 1 year now. Failing always. I've NEVER liked chewing, I hate the spitting part. I heard mixed reviews about "chantix" that quit smoking prescription. People say it works for some, but others it makes them depressed, turns skin yellow, other bad side effects. Anyway, right now I have been using Camel Snus Frost, and boy is it weak. I LOVE the flavor but it is REALLY weak stuff. I started my long journey of trying to quit smoking about 1 week ago and so far I have been smoking about 3-7 smokes a day. I used to smoke about a pack a day. It was getting EXPENSIVE, considering that the smokes I buy are over 6 U$D a pack.

    It is nice cutting down as much as I have now, my girlfriend smokes, but not near as much as I do. Now we are saving a little more cash on smokes that I cut WAY down. Right now I have 6 cans of Thunder Frosted Extra Strong portion on order, that should be here in a day or so. From what I read they are about 2.5+x stronger then Camel Snus. This should help curve my craving for smoking ALL the way and I should be able to pop one of them in, in the morning, instead of lighting a smoke. From what I read that brand is good and tastes very similar to Frost so I should be in good shape.

    Another reason I want to make the switch is that I have been smoking for around 5-7 years. About 5 years steadily. I am starting to get to the point in my life where I am starting to worry about my health. From what I read, Snus is 98% better for you compared to smoking, and if this Camel Snus can cut me down 14+ whole smokes a day, the REAL DEAL should work great!

    I look forward to meeting people on here and reading their experiences.

    Thanks for taking the time to read and reply. If anyone knows of any other Strong Portion Snus that compares in TASTE to Camel Frost please let me know. I'm really excited to get my first package of REAL Swedish snus!

    One more thing. Does anyone know of a place that sells REAL swedish Snus in that states? I don't mind ordering for I can buy snus from this site I will), but I wanted the product rushed to me before I start smoking heavily again and ended up paying 29 U$D for shipping on 6 cans ...

    Ok enough about me! Later guys
  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090

    Welcome Whitak3r,

    I don't think any Swedish Snus tastes like Camel Frost.

    Thunder Frosted is a good choice, it "might" be a little strong for you. When I first started I liked the flavoured snus the best because my tastebuds were dulled by years of smoking Marlboro Reds and it also helped mask the saltiness of the snus until I got used to it.

    Another one you might want to try is Genral Wintergreen. I loved them when I first started and grew to hate them as my tastes matured.

    Good Luck.


    • Whitak3r
      • Mar 2010
      • 29

      Awesome. I figured that I won't find a brand that tastes like Frost, I just want something stronger. I was a very heavy smoker(not VERY heavy I guess, 1 pack a day about((Menthols)), and I want to get something that will stop the urges completely, even if it is very powerful. I did do a little reading and I'm fairly sure the next kind I will be trying will be a type of wintergreen. Either General or Thunder Wintergreen. I always like the wintergreen taste over spearmint. Greets and Thank you.


      • lawofficegirl
        Banned Users
        • Mar 2010
        • 293

        Oh welcome I wish I had more time this morning but jumping in the shower! I'm late! Briefly, u ought to order some different stuff not just the thunderfrosted which I'm in love with but I still enjoy a regular flavor like general original.switch it up I promise you'll like it better. I started snusin about a month ago and although ppl kept telling me that it wasn't until I switched that I learned u can like a variety. I'm a menthol smoker and so went for the mints but again non flavored I crave now also, I like to alternate.ill be back in a bit and ginish posting...'Til then...xoxo


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Welcome to Snuson Whitak3r

          Shame, shame on everyone else for missing the obvious question you pleaded for an answer to.

          There are THREE vendors now based in the US that sell Swedish snus. All of them don't carry everything, so check with each.

          Clubsnus - 2 days to get snus every time
          Getsnus - 2 -3 days to get snus
          Northerner US Warehouse - 2 -4 days to get snus, but they do seem to be shipping a bit quicker, last order was the fastest ever to me in 2 days.


          • lawofficegirl
            Banned Users
            • Mar 2010
            • 293

            Hey! I'm naked and trying to post before I blow dry! I knew there was more I needed to say ill bein the office within an hour and be back then. 'Til then xoxo


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              Originally posted by lawofficegirl
              Hey! I'm naked and trying to post before I blow dry! I knew there was more I needed to say ill bein the office within an hour and be back then. 'Til then xoxo
              Pictures or it didn't happen!


              • lawofficegirl
                Banned Users
                • Mar 2010
                • 293

                Ill get those up later


                • MojoQuestor
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 2344

                  Hey Whitak3r. Welcome aboard. I didn't see anyone recommend General Dry Mint Minis. I wonder why? Oh, yeah, everyone hates them No, not really. They're worth a shot. Also the new General (full-size) Mint might be, although I have not tried it myself. I don't mind mint but I do like to stick to unsweetened snus. Oh yeah, there is also Discreet, which might be worth a pop. The best strategy, though, especially with regard to quitting (or cutting way back on) smoking, IMO is to get used to regular snus, something like Ettan or Grov or General (or LD or Taboca or Röda Lacket or...) General is a good choice because it's the one you might actually see in a store. Thunder Frosted is really popular. Phantom (or Rothbrix) is an inexpensive non-sterk choice. If it floats your boat, you can buy the Rothbrix stateside and save some pennies.

                  Enjoy the snus!


                  • LaZeR
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 3994

                    Originally posted by lawofficegirl
                    Hey! I'm naked and trying to post before I blow dry! I knew there was more I needed to say ill bein the office within an hour and be back then. 'Til then xoxo
                    I expect some pics in my inbox ASAP. :wink:

                    Oh... Welcome to Snuson Whitak3r


                    • lawofficegirl
                      Banned Users
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 293

                      i like a variety thus far. i have tried a bunch of stuff, nick and johnny strong, general original, general white, thunder frosted, thunder wintergreen, offroad cranberry *which i really like* chad's review on it really turned me to it. right now i'm really diggin the general mini mints (unnoticeable, yummy, and just a good flavor) discreet i always turn to for a quick (not strong but good) nicotine fix - as in when im in a meeting, or a lot of people are buzzing around my office door.

                      again, i think i might have already said this but i really do love the flavored snus however, if i don't alternate them it get tired of them. don't do that. mix it up, at first you might think that you WONT enjoy them but trust me not only do they grow on you but it becomes a crave. see you soon. 'til then xoxo


                      • lawofficegirl
                        Banned Users
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 293

                        Originally posted by lawofficegirl
                        Hey! I'm naked and trying to post before I blow dry! I knew there was more I needed to say ill bein the office within an hour and be back then. 'Til then xoxo
                        I expect some pics in my inbox ASAP. :wink:

                        coming love.

                        haha. check your email. [/img]


                        • lawofficegirl
                          Banned Users
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 293

                          ok that was a joke you all do know that right?


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Hey, if anyone gets pics, you need to send them to the folks who sent you snus first. :wink:

                            Originally posted by lawofficegirl

                            again, i think i might have already said this but i really do love the flavored snus however, if i don't alternate them it get tired of them. don't do that. mix it up, at first you might think that you WONT enjoy them but trust me not only do they grow on you but it becomes a crave. see you soon. 'til then xoxo
                            Yeah, but you hit on the nail what happens with 90% of folks and flavored snus. You already notice how they can turn on you. eventually. 6 months, a year, or more. You will just like the flavored stuff less and less.

                            Quiz anyone here who has used 3 years or more, and I would almost guarantee you that at best, 5% of those folks use any significant flavored snus any more.

                            It just doesn't seem to hold up over time. But for now, use what you love. Just know that your tastes will continue to evolve.


                            • lawofficegirl
                              Banned Users
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 293

                              ok sage, pics coming out to christi and you first. :wink:

                              it was you who told me to try the unflavored and sure enough i have and now like i said, i have to alternate. thanks for the advice as always. 'til then xoxo


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