^No, its not a joke, I don't believe you, super senses are real, its not just the fog of cigs lifting off of my sinuses and other vital parts.
Seriously though, since I quit smoking cigs, I can tell when anyone in a block radius is smoking reefer (which is often in my neighborhood), and I can tell when my female roommate has been in the house in the past four or so hours. It is awesome. I feel like wolverine.
oh you can't say that. i looooove wolverine. don't do that me this late at night.
EDIT: i will be going to bed dreaming of a full of snus wolverine. grrrr!
So unfortunately, I'm such a loser that I can only discuss my snusage with you guys. I have inmy mouth, skruf stark and I gotta say, there is nothing in there for me. Maybe it just isn't for me. I am getting no flavor of nothing, just nic. No tabaco. Nothing. Am I missing something?
I get no flavor from any Skruf portions except Skruf Stark White. I have Skruf Original, Skruf White, Skruf Stark, Skruf ES, and Skruf Stark White. All of them completely bland and flavorless to me except the Stark White. So you are not alone.
I enjoy Skruf products, I think it must be just an acquired taste for some. I think someone here sent me my first skruf product and I enjoyed it. Now I still stick to TFES for my ES pleasure, but I do buy the Skruf ES on occasion for something different. Like a treat. It goes good with beer
lawofficegirl, if it is any consolation to you, I long ago figured out I just didn't like ANY skruff. Just not a snus that works for me, not a snus that I think tastes right. The sterks are too much, the regulars are not enough, just not a good snus for ME.
The los is badass. I get a flavor from the los that does not compare to any other product on the market (including skruf portions). I remember reading a review somewhere that skruf stark portions "tasted like an astray". Harsh, but more or less my reaction. The los though, its good shit. A little strong, but tasty.
I'm not a huge Skruf (or Knox) fan. Sometimes I enjoy it okay, but it's more of a miss than a hit for me most of the time. I am lazily looking around for good homes for the little bit of Skruf I have on hand.
i hate to say the exact same thing as others, but the only skruf i like is the los. and that surprised the hell out of me, because i really, REALLY, hate the portions.
I hated Skruf when I first started using snus, but love it today. The original portions are the best to me, though I've not tried the lös. The whites are too bland for my tastes.
I'm from Belgium, but now living in Sweden for a year. Brought some tabaco with me from Belgium but after a while that's all gone offcourse. So went to...
So last night I crack open a can of this. I did so with no excitement whatsoever because I have tried Skruf Original and Skruf Stark (non white), multiple...