New Snus'er

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  • Nightfirez
    • Jan 2009
    • 36

    New Snus'er

    Firstly Hello SnusOn

    i have been reading the forum for a bit on and off gleaning some very useful info so thanks all

    i first came to snus about a year ago after a couple of my Swedish friends told me about it so being curious i google’d it and bought a couple of cans PM1847 (the can looked nice lol) and catch eucalyptus i think i had a cold at the time so thought it might help .

    but after not really taking to either of them so much although i could feel them curbing my nic cravings mind you only just as i believe those 2 are quite light in the nic department considering i smoked unfiltered extra thick roll’ies for 10 years i figure each one must pack around 4/5mg nic and god knows how much tar.
    so i continued to roll my own though more recently ive noticed myself getting short of breath due to the cigs so thought id jump on the snus band wagon again and bought a try out pack and a few cans of skruf stark for those i want a cig moments just in case

    so this morning i kicked the day of with a skruf stark and a good strong coffee quite nice if i might say so myself first morning in years i haven’t had to go easy on the first rolly of the day that usually busts your lungs.

    the nic hit from them is good to ! i then mellowed out with a general portion ,and am now liping a thunder frosted extra sterk after lunch , and as its persisting it down outside quite glad i don’t have to go out in it to have a smoke
    Though so far i have noticed that the mini portions seem to be a better fit maybe i have a small mouth so i think ill stock up on some more of those any recommendations?

    any way just about 24hrs smoke free so far and although i have had the ill just pop for a cig thoughts it seems to have being more habitual ritual than nic cravings screaming at me i know this as i have tried every other nic delivery method under the sun bar snuff that they give you these days to get you off the cigs

    only thing that comes to mind at this minute is it might take a bit of getting used to the peppery taste but as i like a lot of seasoning on my food i don’t see it being an issue lol

    Hope your all having a good Easter
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    Welcome to SnusOn!


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Welcome to SnusOn!

      I'm glad to hear it's going well for you. If you end up smoking a cigarette, don't sweat it. Life's here to enjoy, and a cigarette every so often isn't going to kill you, regardless of what the anti tobacco zealots want you to think :^)


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077


        Welcome to Snuson. You sound like you are doing it right, glad you got a try out package. You need to try as many different snus as you can, also be aware that your tastes will change all over the map, especially in your first few months.

        I have written books here abut using snus to quit ciggs, can't try again here now. Just say, it is a process, don't stress it. Heck, don't even think about it. Just use what your body wants at any given moment, the snus DOES win in the end. But it is a process. Took me 4 months of both smoking AND using snus before I finally mostly put away the cigarettes.

        that was 3 years ago. I still insist on enjoying one cigarette every few months, kinda the whole point I use snus is so I CAN have just one when I want, not when I need.

        And again, welcome.


        • f. bandersnatch
          • Mar 2010
          • 725

          Welcome to the forum.

          As far as minis go, the toboca strong minis are pretty good. Only 6mg of nic, though. They have thunder minis also. Even though these minis don't compare to a sterk in nic content, they are still strong tobacco, so the nic still comes fast, like in a sterk.

          And as far as kicking the sticks goes, sure you shouldn't worry about having the occasional cig, but I have found that after I was finally able to go three+ weeks without one, the act of smoking became very uncomfortable and not gratifying in the least. This is a personal thing, and you should take it slow to begin with, just focus on primarily using the snus for now, but just make sure your ultimate goal is genuinely to kick em for good, lest you fall back into the habit. Picking up some nasal snuff or a pipe also helped me a bunch. I only use snus now, but when I was first weening myself off cigs, a pipe or a snuff each had characteristics very similar to cigarette smoking that helped me through the mental part of it.

          And if you like that skruf, you should give the los a go. Hell, you should give it all a go, but skruf stark los is delicious, and it kicks like a mule.


          • Nightfirez
            • Jan 2009
            • 36

            Thanks for the warm welcome

            sage you should write a book ! i think collectively the advice dished up on this forum is very helpful and sound

            im mainly thinking mini's for work as i work in education i dont want to be going around day to day with a big case of snus lip lol

            so far a couple of things ive noticed is there is no High and Low like you would get with smoking sticks pop one in and im leaving it in place anything from 30 mins to 2 hrs which seems more than adequate ive had no over dosing on Vit N like i did previously trying snus as i was smoking as well
            that and unlike NRT i dont feel the need to eat all day long either ! thank god last time i gave up the sticks i put on 2 stone in 6 months

            i just seem to have fallen in to a pattern of a good sterk or 2 first thing then switching down to regular / mini's just to keep things flowing during the day a minty ES mini after lunch to freshen up then depending on what meetings i have its either regular or a Sterk .
            so far so good no sticks just snus with out and of the issues I was getting with NRT
            only down side i that comes to mind is im not overly keen on the feeling you get when they juice to much just feels like im chewing on pepper corns lol guess i will get used to it


            • pris
              • Mar 2025

              Welcome to SnusOn Nightfirez.

              I didn't get on with NRT either due to the side effects and inadequate nic delivery and this had me turning back to the cigarettes.

              To me snus is much different though. Tastes nice, delivers a good nic hit and is enjoyable. There's so many varieties to choose from too.

              In the early days of taking up snus I would go back to the occasional cigarette but eventually the snus wins (as I recall being mentioned here before) Personally Skruf Stark did it for me. When I switched to that I just lost interest in cigarettes alltogeter and haven't looked back.

              Oh, if the juicing is bothering you might like to try white portions, they don't drip as much as the brown portions.


              • Nightfirez
                • Jan 2009
                • 36

                Well out of everything that came in the try out pack I’m glad I bought a few cans of skruf stark as an extra option out of everything there it seems to be the one of the better ones at least for me

                Oomph Citrus/Menthol 6mg (not bad bit zingy good after I’ve been in the gym for an hr or so)
                Ettan Portion (didn’t taste of much at all perhaps a bit too delicate for my pallet as of yet)
                Skruf Stark Portion (the one and only tastes brilliant with cranberry juice!)
                General Portion (nice mellow slight citrus good with tea)
                Thunder Frosted Strong Portion (actually gone off these shame I have a roll on order)
                Nick (and Johnny) Original Portion (bit Smokey wasn’t keen on it at all)
                Röda Lacket White Portion (yet to try)
                Grovsnus Portion (yet to try)
                Göteborgs Rapé White Portion (yet to try)
                Catch Eucalyptus White Portion (had before straight to the freezer)
                Lucky strike original (wasn’t keen at all went straight in the freezer and was also a little surprised it was in the tryout box lol nice can though)

                now after a few days the juicing is not bothering me at all still really now I think about it but the peppery taste I was feeling was just the nicotine in my mouth I guess as that’s what I wasn’t used to now I think about it I had the same feeling with nic gum ! .
                Think ill add a can of skruf stark los to my next order or should I go with the ES skruf which seems to be out of stock everywhere I look lol?


                • bluesstrummer
                  New Member
                  • Apr 2010
                  • 3

                  Newbie here

                  I have been smoking 2 packs per day for over 40 years. yes, I am still alive. HeHe.
                  I have tried it all to quite, but I'm as hooked as one can be. I wake each hour at night craving a cig. Pathetic, isn't it.
                  I just ordered some SKRUF snus. The heavy kind. I'm hoping that it will at least help me to cut down on the cigs. thanks for all the info in this forum
                  HOPLESSLY HOOKED 8)


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