Too Strong - What am I doing wrong?

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  • Bongo_Silly
    New Member
    • Apr 2010
    • 2

    Too Strong - What am I doing wrong?

    Help me please! ... I can't keep a snus in for more than a few minutes. Once I get some saliva rolling I start to feel noxious, dizzy and have to remove it. Is there a super mild snus for total newbies? Should I start out like it is chewing tobacco and spit? I have tried Camel mellow and Marlboro rich. Smoke many packs per day and chewed in my misspent youth.... so I am not new to nicotine delivery methods. TIA
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    When I 1st tried snus, it about knocked me out. I think it's because you are new to it. I did spit when I 1st started too. But in about a week, I didn't have to anymore. My body just was not used to oral tobacco then. I even cut my Camel snus' in half. My recommendation if you want to get used to using snus, is, when you start to feel ill, take it out, and eventually, you should be able to keep it in longer.

    Now, I'm not a fan of the American snus at all. So, I'd say get some General Mini Mints, Ganeral Mint, maybe Wintergreen, if you like that, as well as some non flavored.

    It took me 2 tries to "get into" snus. I quit the 1st time, and later came back to it, and that time it stuck.

    I used to smoke regularly, but I had quit, only smoking occasionally, so snus was just totally something my body was not used to.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Welcome to SnusOn!

      Some of the problem might be the obnoxious sweetness of the American brands. You could try some Swedish minis, or perhaps General Silver.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Yea if you are using American Snus my guess is that it is not the nic but rather you are having some sort of allergic reaction to something added to the snus.

        Try some Swedish- get a few mini portions, some regulars and also throw in a can of regular strength los (see if lower lipping it helps). Keep us posted on how it is going.

        Again it does not sound like nic. The good news is that American snus and Swedish snus are two different things. Chances are the switch to Swedish snus may very well solve the problem. Can’t hurt to try
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • deebocools
          • Nov 2008
          • 661

          try swedish minis. They didn't used to do a damn thing for me, but since I quit nicotine for like 4-5 month, upon my return to using nicotine it seems like less is more and I see no need to increase my tolerance.

          Some people mysteriously function better on less nicotine versus more or none. The kind of people that smoke 5-10 cigarettes a day. probably not many of those people on here, but I find that a few small hits of nicotine a day is all I need.


          • texasmade
            • Jan 2009
            • 4159

            Originally posted by deebocools
            5-10 cigarettes a day.


            • chainsnuser
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2007
              • 1388

              Re: Too Strong - What am I doing wrong?

              Bongo_Silly, your experiences are typical for newbies. You don't have to look for mild snus, because the dizzy feeling disappears after a few days. But you could take the chance and quit the cigarettes as long as snus still gives you such a kick - like certainly most of us here did.

              Also, you must try Swedish snus for a pure nicotine kick. With what I'm hearing about the American pseudo-snus brands, I also fear that some of your experiences may be "allergic reactions" to some of the chemical crap inside Camel and Marlboro "SNUS".



              • Bongo_Silly
                New Member
                • Apr 2010
                • 2

                Thanks for the considerate replies. I simply spit the initial snus goodness and am able handle it better. I am confident that Swedish snus orders will be on the credit card!


                • daruckis
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2277

                  Originally posted by deebocools
                  try swedish minis. They didn't used to do a damn thing for me, but since I quit nicotine for like 4-5 month, upon my return to using nicotine it seems like less is more and I see no need to increase my tolerance.

                  Some people mysteriously function better on less nicotine versus more or none. The kind of people that smoke 5-10 cigarettes a day. probably not many of those people on here, but I find that a few small hits of nicotine a day is all I need.
                  yeah i use about 5 snus a day. i dont really understand how you could use more. more often than not i have snus in.


                  • deebocools
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 661

                    Originally posted by daruckis

                    yeah i use about 5 snus a day. i dont really understand how you could use more. more often than not i have snus in.
                    Our European friends use a normal portion for like 20 minutes, that's how. Otherwise, some people just need tons of nicotine.

                    I used to have fun getting buzzed off strong portions, and I could still get buzzed even after months of use. Yet I quit because I felt really tired and run-down. I realize now I'm probably just a lightweight and was setting myself up for burning out.


                    • Owens187
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 1547

                      Originally posted by daruckis
                      yeah i use about 5 snus a day. i dont really understand how you could use more. more often than not i have snus in.
                      Im in this boat too, 4-5 a day tops, and I still feel like Im chain snusing my ass off.

                      To the OP: I also agree that its more likely the sweetness and other crap in American snus thats making you ill.


                      • Experimental Monkey
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 795

                        I use about 8 a day normally. The nicotine is pretty much gone in the things after 45 to 50 minutes.


                        • MojoQuestor
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 2344

                          Originally posted by deebocools
                          Originally posted by daruckis

                          yeah i use about 5 snus a day. i dont really understand how you could use more. more often than not i have snus in.
                          Our European friends use a normal portion for like 20 minutes, that's how. Otherwise, some people just need tons of nicotine.
                          I tend to snus this way; 20-30 minutes, sometimes more. At first I tried to keep them in longer, even timing myself, but now I just snus until it's not fun and then (usually) pop in another one. I think part of it was getting over some sort of mental hurdle about "getting my money's worth". Having lots of snus helps. I think there's more of a scarcity mentality about Swedish snus in America, especially now with PACT. In Sweden, it's everywhere all the time, I guess, so it's no big deal.

                          I used to have fun getting buzzed off strong portions, and I could still get buzzed even after months of use. Yet I quit because I felt really tired and run-down. I realize now I'm probably just a lightweight and was setting myself up for burning out.
                          One thing I can say is that I don't use nearly the sterks I used to do when I was first coming off the heavy smoking habit. Plus back then I couldn't taste snus very well, particularly Röda Lacket portions, and minis were basically useless to me. All that's changed over the last eight months.


                          • Jonnymh1
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 86

                            Originally posted by deebocools
                            try swedish minis. They didn't used to do a damn thing for me, but since I quit nicotine for like 4-5 month, upon my return to using nicotine it seems like less is more and I see no need to increase my tolerance.

                            Some people mysteriously function better on less nicotine versus more or none. The kind of people that smoke 5-10 cigarettes a day. probably not many of those people on here, but I find that a few small hits of nicotine a day is all I need.
                            I'm one of those people who smoked 10 cigarettes a day... I had not heard about snus until the 60 Minutes story on snus that aired a few weeks back. I took right to the swedish snus and I've never used oral tobacco before. I tried the Camel and Marlboro snuses, but it was weaker than the General snus I found at a local smoke shop. I haven't had the urge to smoke since I started using General Mint. I love it! I just got some other varieties from I don't think I'll ever need to smoke again! I do think I'm getting more nic now which is helping a great deal with the smoking urges.

                            I'm using about 10 to 12 snuses per day and I keep them in for at least an hour... I have one constantly going!


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Jonnymh1, let me just take this opportunity to say welcome to Snuson.

                              Your pace seems just about right on "typical" whatever that means, maybe a few less portions than some of us use. But yeah, Chain Snusing is VERY common here. :wink:


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