Well I most definitely fall into the category of desperate to quit, so that probably colors my view of things. As far as my smoking comrades... guess it's going to be their issue. I'll be more than supporting if they're receptive but if not... /meh
Another sheep joins the flock
Welcome elothan, great thread you've started here. As to your question on how to obliterate the strong cravings, throw some Odens Extra Stark, Thunder, or Skruf Extra Stark in your next order. Those should do the trick. Be careful though, or you will end up like me or Frosted up there using them all the time. Personally I'm quite comfortable with this, but many are weary of increasing their nicotine tolerance beyond a level that was at one time satisfactory. Having said that, many people use the strong stuff to wean off cigs then migrate toward more traditional nicotine levels. Anyway, welcome, hope you stick around, I like your posts. Cheers.
Just to say I'm using 12 mg Thunder Frosted and I know I can easily bring that down. If I went on to the 8's I'd hardly notice the difference to be honest. I'm just trying to maximise pleasure in life at the moment.
Now if I were to try and cut down on cigarette nicotine - that would've been a different story - no chance.
I'm not too worried about my overall nicotine tolerance. From considerable reading on the subject it seems like nicotine OD comes up on most people slow and is pretty easy with SNUS to mitigate (take it OUT!!!). Down some water, chill for a bit, and try not to repeat.
As far as ditching the cigs I only see raising my nic tolerance as a benefit. If I get used to more nic than a cig can provide then it should further defeat any benefit a cig would give me making them even less appealing right?
I do have some General Extra Sterk that should arrive early next week, looking forward to that. Following it up with some Ettan White.
Currently the General White is satisfying the nic-beast pretty well. My only issue is the salt, I'm really not used to taking in this much salt (I'm pretty much chain SNUS'ing). There are some positives to be had though. Potato chips, popcorn, salted nuts... have completely lost their appeal for me. In fact I was just offered some fresh popcorn in the breakroom (we have a machine at work) a few minutes ago and I had a feint vomiting compulsion. It's also making me want to drink more water, which is a good thing.
I'm going to place an order soon to really mix things up though. I don't think one SNUS flavor day in and day out is going to work for me. Been reading around and getting some good suggestions though.
Anyone have any thoughts on the LEAST salty portion out there?
Yeah, I so should have gotten a variety pack. Where'd you get yours from Tim?
I bought some General Wintergreen White on the way home, holy cow! It's like suckin on double mint gum! The portions looked really different too, like fluffy little pillows instead of hardened little wedges. I think part of it is the difference in flavors, but I'm also thinking the there was something wrong with my General White. The store I got it from doesn't stock much, in fact, when I went back tonight they didn't have General White anymore... I'm thinking that's because I bought it on Monday...
Its awesome, has nice taste range and has a nice mix of nicotine strengths.
So many kinds and so little time. *Shakes fist at PACT*
In answer to your question on salt, they're all pretty salty. V2 lös is noticeably less salty than many brands, but portions are generally about the same, with a little up and down either way. After awhile, snus shouldn't taste overly salty to you. It's an acquired taste, and I bet most thought snus was too salty when they first tried it, but I doubt there's many long term users that still think so. I bet after a month or so, the snus will taste fine to you.
you will crave the salt, and that is a fact, (sorry if any drunk spelling happens) i need the saltiness, i love me some good ol' salty snus if i don't have it i feel like im not doing it rght. btw, try some snuff too, at first it will fill kind of weird but after a while it will be as if something hit you and you want it all the time im pimpin some Ozona President and it is EFFEN awesome. keep tryin them, 'til then....xoxo
Checkin' back in here. Although I haven't been active on the forums the past couple of weeks, SNUS has really taken a good hold habit wise and I've been completely smoke free for about 2 weeks now (starting to lose track, lol). It's really awesome, the desire for cigs is almost completely gone and whenever I think about them it's just a passing whim rather than an actual craving or desire. I never thought I'd find something that could replace cigs for me like this, and that I'd be chained to that crap (or in perpetual withdrawal) forever.
I'm so grateful to the Swedes and to everyone on this forum for the knowledge, experience, and support you provide! I know it gets old after a while saying the same things over and over but you're helping so many people make an incredibly positive and life changing transition. Sure it's a personal decision that each of us chooses to make or not but your posts on this forum are invaluable for helping make that decision. Without you and this forum I'd either still be smoking or constantly fearful of that drunken moment when I lit up again and restarted the cycle. Oddly, for me at least, knowing that I can have a cig whenever I want without actually NEEDING it takes away the allure. Guess I'm into forbidden fruit ;-).
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks again!
Originally posted by elothen View PostCheckin' back in here. Although I haven't been active on the forums the past couple of weeks, SNUS has really taken a good hold habit wise and I've been completely smoke free for about 2 weeks now (starting to lose track, lol). It's really awesome, the desire for cigs is almost completely gone and whenever I think about them it's just a passing whim rather than an actual craving or desire. I never thought I'd find something that could replace cigs for me like this, and that I'd be chained to that crap (or in perpetual withdrawal) forever.
I'm so grateful to the Swedes and to everyone on this forum for the knowledge, experience, and support you provide! I know it gets old after a while saying the same things over and over but you're helping so many people make an incredibly positive and life changing transition. Sure it's a personal decision that each of us chooses to make or not but your posts on this forum are invaluable for helping make that decision. Without you and this forum I'd either still be smoking or constantly fearful of that drunken moment when I lit up again and restarted the cycle. Oddly, for me at least, knowing that I can have a cig whenever I want without actually NEEDING it takes away the allure. Guess I'm into forbidden fruit ;-).
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks again!
Originally posted by elothen View PostCheckin' back in here. Although I haven't been active on the forums the past couple of weeks, SNUS has really taken a good hold habit wise and I've been completely smoke free for about 2 weeks now (starting to lose track, lol). It's really awesome, the desire for cigs is almost completely gone and whenever I think about them it's just a passing whim rather than an actual craving or desire. I never thought I'd find something that could replace cigs for me like this, and that I'd be chained to that crap (or in perpetual withdrawal) forever.
I'm so grateful to the Swedes and to everyone on this forum for the knowledge, experience, and support you provide! I know it gets old after a while saying the same things over and over but you're helping so many people make an incredibly positive and life changing transition. Sure it's a personal decision that each of us chooses to make or not but your posts on this forum are invaluable for helping make that decision. Without you and this forum I'd either still be smoking or constantly fearful of that drunken moment when I lit up again and restarted the cycle. Oddly, for me at least, knowing that I can have a cig whenever I want without actually NEEDING it takes away the allure. Guess I'm into forbidden fruit ;-).
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks again!
peaceWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Hey everyone. I'm resurrecting a VERY old thread for a VERY good reason. This thread was the first one I started over a year ago when I started using SNUS, with the goal of quitting smoking. I'm writing you all to say that April 19th, 2010 is STILL the last day I smoked a cigarette!! As it turned out for me, mid June of 2010 I also quit using SNUS, which took ZERO effort for me personally but YMMV. I just wanted to follow up with you all as another success story. I thought about it again when my company sent out another BS e-mail about their smoking cessation programs (using Chantix, GRRRR!!!).
Hopefully this is some encouragement to anyone who finds themselves where I was a year ago.
Thank you all so much for your support!
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