New guy!

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  • c.nash
    Banned Users
    • May 2010
    • 3511

    New guy!

    I've been snusing off and on for about 6 months or so now.
    Got an order from SnusCentral about 3 weeks ago (1-General Mini Mint, 1-General Mint, 1-Thunder Frosted Extra Stark, 1-Thunder Frosted Mini+, 1-Offroad Frosted and 1-Oden's Extra Stark Cinnamon).
    I'm almost completely empty already!
    So on Monday I placed an order with and hopefully I receive it (due to the recent takeover), I ordered mostly more mints and a half roll of General Mint.

    I was wondering which snus I should try in the near future, I plan on making another order probably next week.
    I also plan on probably trying some los and was wondering what's the best los to try for my first experience?

    Thanks and it feels great to be part of this community.
  • Monkey
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 3290


    For the los, try some General or some Phantom. They are both good starter los as they are easy to bake. The Phantom will hold up better than the General though...


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Welcome to SnusOn!

      Geez.. What to try eh? You should try all of them of course :^D Here's 5 that I'd try, plus 1 lös...

      Grov original portion - tobacco flavor, with smoke and salt, a chocolate background
      Gotland Yellow portion - Strong bergamot that hints at evergreen, bitter background, almost hopish
      Göteborg Rapé #2 - Gin flavor with berries
      Skruf stark portion - This has bergamot and rose, but it tastes as close to pure tobacco as possible to me. Real pure tobacco, not the smokiness of Ettan and Grov. It reminds me of pure Virginia smoking tobacco.
      Probe portion - Sweet, and it's supposed to have a whiskey flavor. Tastes kind of like American leaf chew to me. Can burn out on the flavor quick, but it's nice on occasion
      General lös - salt, light bergamot, light smoke The most popular snus in the world, but not my favorite.

      Those aren't necessarily my favorites, but it should give you a good idea of what's out there aside from mints.


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511

        What are the "tastes" of these? Just like a tobacco taste?


        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          Just try those! I can vouch for lxskllr. He definitely had good taste in snus. In fact, if he were my neighbor and I was out of snus I would bum a portion from him.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Update above^^^


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752


              Welcome to the forum mate. lx has given you a pretty sound list. The only change I would make is that I would substitute Granit los for the General. The reason being is that both General and Granit have a similar taste profile but Granit is less expensive and has a bit more flavor. I find General to be bland to the point of monotonous.

              Anyway, keep us posted

              and while you wait for your order to arrive, you might want to check out the Dipper's Guide to snus. It has a lot of good info about all things los from a whole host of folks here on the forum. You can find it here
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • c.nash
                Banned Users
                • May 2010
                • 3511

                Thanks man.

                Waiting for my order from GetSnus to get here then another order will be placed soon after!


                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

                  Get some Odens Extra Stark Kanel Loose while you can!
                  If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                    The only change I would make is that I would substitute Granit los for the General. The reason being is that both General and Granit have a similar taste profile but Granit is less expensive and has a bit more flavor. I find General to be bland to the point of monotonous.
                    I agree, but I was trying to keep the selection to the FDA approved list :^/ I figure he's new, and there isn't much time for stockpiling, so it's better to stick with things he's sure to be able to get. Hell, if he ends up loving General, he'll be golden. That'll be the last snus to leave the market :^D


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                      Update above^^^
                      My signature?


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                        My signature?
                        That works too :^D


                        • GoVegan
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 5603

                          I couldn't think of anything else. I saw that on a bumper sticker and found it amusing and slightly true. Any other ideas?


                          • Snusdog
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 6752

                            Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                            I agree, but I was trying to keep the selection to the FDA approved list :^/ I figure he's new, and there isn't much time for stockpiling, so it's better to stick with things he's sure to be able to get. Hell, if he ends up loving General, he'll be golden. That'll be the last snus to leave the market :^D
                            Well see that's why you're not just a moderator.............but a SUPER Moderator!!!

                            Good thinking.

                            I would still go for the Granit though. I don't think anyone is going to fall in "one snus love" with Granit. So even if it is lost to FDA it won't be all that traumatic. However, General is mild to the point that it might be offsetting especially for someone coming from in your face mints. So I'd risk the first impression over the long term potential in this case.

                            So CN now you know the rational behind our suggestions. That may or may not help your decision.

                            What the hell...............just order them both
                            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                            • c.nash
                              Banned Users
                              • May 2010
                              • 3511

                              We'll see how my order goes when I place it. :P

                              It really will depend on stock at the time, based off the lists I have received here.

                              I smoke hookah regularly so I'm used to having many flavors, and especially enjoy mixing mint with pretty much anything. This is the main reason I purchased a bunch of mints first.

                              Even in my most recent order I purchased some other mints to try out.

