Hi guys/gals. I'm an ex dipper and have been snusing for about 2 years now. Until recently, I only posted on the Getsnus forum. Looks like this will be my new home.
No heads up, however, I do recall Jill from Getsnus posting something about the pact act being a little more difficult for them to deal with than they previously thought. This was a couple of weeks ago and was in response to questions about low stock levels.
well now that youre here, there is a wonderful product called LD. i know it didnt exist in your homeland, but it is the whip shit, and wont be available to us yanks much longer. get it while you can.
well now that youre here, there is a wonderful product called LD. i know it didnt exist in your homeland, but it is the whip shit, and wont be available to us yanks much longer. get it while you can.
+1 LD los is one of my favorite snuses. I have enough to last into next year. It'll be sad day when it's gone.