Having only lost my lös virginity a few days ago, I need some advice from you experienced lös users. Do you have any tips on how to remove a used prilla without looking like you're doing something disgusting? So far, I've only used lös at home, where I just stand over a sink and swipe out the inside of my upper lip with a finger. I suppose I could find a rest room and do the same if I'm out and about, but it would be nice to know some alternatives.
Is there a discreet way to remove a pris?
if i take it out in front of my wife she always has something to say about it haha. So here's what i do to try and avoid her crap. I've learned to close my lips, sort of blow with closed lips like i am blowing up a balloon, upper lip "inflates" and makes more space letting the snus drop down. It never drops just right so in order to get it out if it drops good sometimes i can just let it drop out or kind of spit it out. Then rinse with water or whatever i have to use. That trick don't work in the mud effect is too bad though. That's my 007 removal ;-)
Most of the time, I walk by the trash and just before i get there i reach up with thumb and finger and gently reach up and grab it. Try not to smush it but trying to take it out in as solid a hunk as possible. Then toss it in the trash making sure to get it under some paper or something to further hide what i am doing. then rinse out.
ive had a few years of practice now and i bet i could do it right in front of you. Unless you saw me doing it over and over you would never figure out what i am doing.
Good answer SnusoMatic. My answer, for me personally, is negative. I've posted about it before, my teeth are not crooked or anything, but are shaped as such that removal is messy. Almost all the time. I deal with it. In the bathroom. With a toothbrush. But that's just me, I understand that my methods are unusual.
I do the finger swipe.
If I need to be discreet, I turn my back to whoever might be offended and use a tissue with the finger swipe method.. It looks like I am taking care of a rogue booger to those who do not know I snus. From there, wad up the tissue and you are good. It actually works best with a piece of paper towel.
It is a bad idea to use a flavored/scented/lubed tissue though.
SnusoMatic pretty much nailed it IMO. It does take a lot of practice, but the puffing up your lip thing and letting it drop down is the most discreet because you don't stick your fingers in your mouth. I usually have to puff up my lip a few times to get it to come down onto my tongue and then it's an easy spit out. It doesn't always work though. Depends on the shape of your snus pockets and how big that pris is. Like anything else, practice makes perfect.
A lot of times I'll just do it in the bathroom though, while I take care of other business. If I'm really paranoid about it, I'll carry a paper towel in my pocket just in case.