ex chain smoker and newbie snuser

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  • Boston Mike
    • Jun 2010
    • 59

    ex chain smoker and newbie snuser

    Just wanted to say "hello".
    I had been smoking a pack and half to two a day of Marlboro reds until 5 months ago. It was rough at first. Then after about a month of using nicoret gum I tried dip. I found that I traded my cig addiction for a can of skoal a day addiction. Then I tried Marlboro's snus. I loved the fact that I didn't have to spit, I actually didn't mind the sick sweet taste, but it left me wanting more. I had to pack three at a time in to get any nic satisfaction. Here in Taxachussettes, American snus is about 4 bucks a pack, for 6 portions. I knew this wasn't going to work out. Then I did some research, found Swedish snus, made my first order, and....ahhhh. I wish I knew of snus 5 months ago. I haven't had a Marlboro jones since my first order arrived 3 weeks ago.
    I was wondering how many ex smokers are here. How much did you smoke and how much snus do you use? I am using a little less than a can a day...depending on the strength of the snus. I have only used portions so far. Sometimes when I really want to chill out I will put two in at once.
    I also wish I knew what this PACT thing was all about before finding out now. I would have put in a monster order...oh well.
  • timholian
    • Apr 2010
    • 1448

    Welcome to SnusOn!
    Congrats on quitting smoking, I never thought I could quit until snus.

    Make sure to check out the Tips and Tricks section and check out the Ex-Smoker Group!

    I smoked about a pack and a half a day and found my regular strength snus was stark but everyone is different. I maybe use a half a can a day nowadays.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Congrats on kicking the habit.
      My dad smokes about 2 packs of Reds a day and I'm trying to convert him to snus!


      • MojoQuestor
        • Sep 2009
        • 2344

        Holy cow, 4 bucks for 6 portions, what rot! Not a surprise, though, sadly. Welcome to the forum (I get to welcome you twice, cool beans ;^). I smoked about like you did, ~2 packs of the reds a day. I tried the gum first, too, and it *almost* worked, then went to rolling my own, and then bang, Swedish snus. At first, I did need extra sterks or the occasional double barrel, but now I mostly am fine with regular-strength portions (I do take lös, too). Once in a while I feel the need (or just the want) to amp up the nic a little; General Ekstra Sterk is my choice then. Otherwise, I like all kinds of snus, but General is probably my favorite.

        I do feel fortunate that I found out about snus just in time to build up a pretty good stash before all this PACT and tobacco act madness. At least the vendors (what's left of them) are doing what they can to ensure that we can all still have access to real snus in the future.

        Oh yeah... not sure exactly how much I snus. When I was counting, it was around 14-16 portions or prillas a day, even more on a bad day. It's probably half a can or better most days; that's if you go by portions only. Lös is (for me at least) messier and a little less convenient, but also a much better value. As far as which is better--sometimes I crave lös, and sometimes portions. I really like having both.


        • Boston Mike
          • Jun 2010
          • 59

          Congrats to you too, Tim. Thanks for the link. I smoked for about 30 years. I will never go back. I have an xtra stark portion in now. Regular strength portions leave me wanting more.


          • Mr. Snuffleupagus
            • Dec 2008
            • 2781

            Welcome to SnusOn, Boston Mike! Congrats on quitting the cigs! I'd say the majority of people on here are either ex-cig smokers or ex-dippers. I quit a pack and a half a day cig habit with snus. I use about a can of snus a day or a bit more. Most people seem to use less than that, and some people only snus a couple times a day. So whatever works for you should be fine. As for your monster order there is an exchange thread at the top of the "Stores & Online Shops" section that might have some stuff you want. There's also an auction section that just got started. And you can still order from the shops but they are in the middle of transition and seem pretty swamped right now. So don't worry about being able to get it IMO.


            • Boston Mike
              • Jun 2010
              • 59

              wow...three more replies while i was responding to the first. Great welcoming committee! Thanks all.


              • snusgetter
                • May 2010
                • 10903


                I said it in the Newbie thread and I'll say it again ('cause copy-&-paste is so easy)...

                Welcome to SnusOn, Beantown Boy (Beannie??) ---
                from a fellow Taxachusser...
                and now a fellow snusser!

                Around these parts the worst thing about snussing
                is trying to find the decent (Swedish) stuff -- you can't!
                That Marlboro & Camel panther poop just don't cut it!!

                I find the higher nic portions first thing in the morning and after meals are helping me over the hump of a 2-pack-a-day habit (haven't gotten into los yet). The Thunder blends are some of the strongest; for me, Nick & Johnny Strong is always a good go-to. A lot of great info & people here; take full advantage of the forum and breathe easier!

                ...............GO RED SOX
                Click image for larger version

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                • EricHill78
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 4253

                  Welcome Boston Mike!!! Great to have ya!! snus is great I'm three weeks cig free. I still crave it sometimes that's when the extra sterks work their magic.

                  Snusgetter your post made me think of the phrase "fogettaboutit" I know that's more NY what have you. That reminds me I gotta see goodfellas again, one of ny favorite movies.


                  • snusgetter
                    • May 2010
                    • 10903

                    Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                    Snusgetter your post made me think of the phrase "fogettaboutit" I know that's more NY what have you. That reminds me I gotta see goodfellas again, one of ny favorite movies.
                    Click image for larger version

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Size:	32.2 KB
ID:	595347
                    You can spank me once, good for you;
                    Spank me twice, gooder for me!!


                    • c.nash
                      Banned Users
                      • May 2010
                      • 3511


                      Red Sox FTW, my second favorite baseball team. :P


                      • zeb
                        • May 2010
                        • 53

                        Welcome to snuson Mike.I smoked a little more than you did and have not had a cigarette since I seen a bit on 60 minutes about snus.I use about half a can of extra strong and about half a can of regular per day.I put two in every morning to get that boost I need.


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                          You can spank me once, good for you;
                          Spank me twice, gooder for me!!
                          That was awesome!!


                          • deadohsky
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 625

                            I smoked about one and half packs a day. Sterks or double barreling helped in the beginning. I have no cravings with regulars unless im drinking, then i'll use two portions. It's amazing how satisfying the snus can be. Welcome to the board Mike.


                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              Originally posted by Boston Mike
                              Just wanted to say "hello".
                              I had been smoking a pack and half to two a day of Marlboro reds until 5 months ago. It was rough at first. Then after about a month of using nicoret gum I tried dip. I found that I traded my cig addiction for a can of skoal a day addiction. Then I tried Marlboro's snus. I loved the fact that I didn't have to spit, I actually didn't mind the sick sweet taste, but it left me wanting more. I had to pack three at a time in to get any nic satisfaction. Here in Taxachussettes, American snus is about 4 bucks a pack, for 6 portions. I knew this wasn't going to work out. Then I did some research, found Swedish snus, made my first order, and....ahhhh. I wish I knew of snus 5 months ago. I haven't had a Marlboro jones since my first order arrived 3 weeks ago.
                              I was wondering how many ex smokers are here. How much did you smoke and how much snus do you use? I am using a little less than a can a day...depending on the strength of the snus. I have only used portions so far. Sometimes when I really want to chill out I will put two in at once.
                              I also wish I knew what this PACT thing was all about before finding out now. I would have put in a monster order...oh well.
                              I was a former smoker, a pack to a half and a pack a day. The thing about snus is it's a much better nicotine delivery system than cigarettes. It does it in a more steady way than smoking, so you don't have those up and downs, the peaks, or the big cravings like you would with cigarettes. Where I used to crave a cig after a snus, I got to where I craved a snus after a cig, then eventually quit all together. At first, I used a bunch of strong portions, but I don't urge people to use them back to back. Mix them in with regular strength snuses and use them when you feel you need an extra kick. (this is my opinion, a lot of people use nothing but strong portions). If you use too many, your body can get adjusted to a higher level of nicotine, and then you may be chasing that white rabbit a bit much. I find it's great to use regular strength snuses, and just a stronger one when I need one. Hope this helps!

                              And welcome to SnusOn!


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