Dipper wants to try snus

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  • plumbers crack
    • Jun 2010
    • 30

    Dipper wants to try snus

    My main dip is cope but I'll dip a tin of skoal straight or spearmint from time to time. What brands of snus is a good start to try out? I don't want to buy a bunch of different tins and toss out a lot of them, I'm not a fan of throwing money out.

  • Experimental Monkey
    • Mar 2010
    • 795

    You'll probably enjoy Grov and Ettan. If you're looking for something a bit stronger, give Nick and Johnny Strong a try. Those are the three most safe bets for you based on your flavor profile.


    • 7rx07lacos
      Banned Users
      • Jun 2010
      • 41

      Jak Wintergreen, Offroad Frosted or Wintergreen los, Thunder Frosted los or portion, Thunder original los or portion Nick and Johnny and General ES portion


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Originally posted by plumbers crack View Post
        My main dip is cope but I'll dip a tin of skoal straight or spearmint from time to time. What brands of snus is a good start to try out? I don't want to buy a bunch of different tins and toss out a lot of them, I'm not a fan of throwing money out.


        Welcome to the forum mate. Glad you found us. I too came to snus by way of dip ( Dipped Copenhagen, Red Seal, and Timber Wolf for over 20 years). Anyway, a while back I put together a Dipper's Guide to snus. Since then a bunch of folks have contributed their insights and experiences. Rather than try to repeat it all here, I'll just provide you the link. You can check it out if you would like. Also know that I and others will be glad to try and answer any specifics that you may have.

        Anyway here is the link http://www.snuson.com/forum/showthre...-Guide-to-Snus

        In the meantime here are a couple of points to get you started:

        1) try a variety- even as a dipper your taste will change. If you find a brand you don't like, don't throw it away. Rather put it in the freezer and revisit it in a few months.

        2) Don't go into snus looking for a Swedish version of dip. They are two different products. Instead, approach snus as something new and give yourself time to acclimate. You really are moving from Maxwell house to a fine roasting house blend. It will take you a while to pick up on all the nuances of snus

        3) most dippers (myself included) had one brand. With snus it is not always that way. Most Americans on the forum enjoy several brands in rotation.

        Here are a few brands I would start with. All los, All stronger in flavor, All closer to dip in grind, All easy to handle
        Gotlands (yellow)
        Phantom Blue
        Phantom Brown
        Skruf stark
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Jimbob_Rebel
          • Jun 2010
          • 169

          Plumber's crack, I've dipped Cope almost exclusively for like 28 years. As far as I'm concerned, Grov is the ticket. I'd never gone in for the flavored snuffs like Skoal Berry blend but I do like Offroad licorice and cranberry. The licorice in particular has a lot of staying power in the flavor category.Monkey mentioned stronger snuses.............by stronger I'm pretty sure he's referring to nicotine content. I tried Skruf stark and it was a bit more nicotine than I was accustomed to but that's maybe because I take my snus the same way I take my snuff in generous portions.Many swedish snuses, unfortunately, are flavored with some bastard citrus fruit called bergemot which I find that I do not like. Definitely do peruse Snusdog's thread, it's well written and full of info.


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            Grov is King.

            Start by reading the dippers guide. There's a lot of good stuff in there.

            I found the biggest difference is that when you put a dip in the flavor punches you in the face. Snus isn't like that but given time it moistens up to yield a nice, full flavor. Also TRY LOS. I prefer portions because of the convenience of it all but los give more flavor, and faster. I would also suggest keeping a beverage handy as I find it enhances the experience, especially coffee or just plain water.

            Nick & Johnny's
            Ettan - great snus, but I don't think one can appreciate the subtleties early on.
            I bet you'll dig General Onyx too. I love it, but the portions get slimy on me...must be my uncontrollable tongue.

            if you like massive amounts of nicotine (which I swear I feel more w/ snus than I ever did w/ dip)

            Thunder Extra Stark Original
            General Extra Stark
            Odens Extra Stark

            Not only do they have nicotine doses sufficient to stooper a horse but they have more flavor too, but even at that I think that it's still less of a flood of flavor that you get w/ dip. Good luck, and do post to let us know how it worked out.


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              Welcome to SnusOn, Plumbers Crack! Lot's of good advice so far. Enjoy the journey.


              • NonServiam
                • May 2010
                • 736

                When I dipped I liked the natural flavors. So I've taken a liking to General Ekstra Sterk Loose. I liked Grov too, but it wasn't strong enough for me. General Ekstra Sterk loose is about 13 mg/g of nicotine, which is about the same as American dip, verses Grov which is 8 mg/g. You might also want to try some Oden's. I didn't like Oden's very much, but a lot of people do.


                • Poo-Diddy
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 23

                  As a twenty year dipper who now uses snus 95% of the time now, I'd have to say stick with the strongest of snuses. Even the strongest of snuses sim a bit weaker nicotine wise than american dips and if you are anything like me you'll need that nic craving satisfied if you are to stay away from the dip. Since dip is so strong in the nic department starting with the strongest snus will help you slowly ween yourself off the need for dip.

                  For me, I like Thunder Frosted the best, but my dip of choice was kodiak wintergreen
                  I also keep Jakobson's Wintergreen on hand as well as a stash of General Exstra Sterk.
                  Also usually use a General Onyx when I'm drinking, goes great with beer.

                  Also, I prefer the portions, when I first decided to try snus I figuered no way will I like portions, I hated bandits so it had to be loose. I wasted alot of money figuring out with snus I prefer portions so much more. Loose snus is nothing like loose american dip, the portions work so much better for me since I can manipulate it around my mouth to my liking. Each portion usually lasts me well over an hour, by the end of my american dipping I rarely had a dip in for longer than 10 minutes, my gums would hurt too much. But then I'd be putting another dip in 20 minutes later.

                  A tin never lasted me more than a day. A can of snus portions usually lasts me about 4-5 days. The money saved is insane and my mouth feels a whole lot better...


                  • Langdell
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 255

                    Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                    I prefer portions because of the convenience of it all but los give more flavor, and faster.
                    Don't want to throw this thread off-topic, but just wondering about this statement because my experience has been the exact opposite with loose. I've only been using loose for a couple weeks, and I'm enjoying it, but the flavor seems to come on much slower and weaker than with portions (though it does last longer once it gets going). On the advice of others here, I have given it some time, and, sure enough, I am tasting more flavor with loose now than when I first started with it. But I'm wondering if there's some technique to get the full flavor out of it that I'm missing.

                    Anyway, welcome to the forum and to snus, PC! Definitely try loose snus, but also don't hesitate to give portions a try. Even if you like loose better, you might like portions well enough that you'll find them enjoyable for times when you used to have to avoid dipping because it was inconvenient to spit or take a pinch.


                    • Bigblue1
                      Banned Users
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 3923

                      Originally posted by Langdell View Post
                      Don't want to throw this thread off-topic, but just wondering about this statement because my experience has been the exact opposite with loose. I've only been using loose for a couple weeks, and I'm enjoying it, but the flavor seems to come on much slower and weaker than with portions (though it does last longer once it gets going). On the advice of others here, I have given it some time, and, sure enough, I am tasting more flavor with loose now than when I first started with it. But I'm wondering if there's some technique to get the full flavor out of it that I'm missing..
                      I have to agree with you langdell. That being said a looser pris will bring on flavor faster, but will also deteriorate faster. Some times I like a really tight prilla, if I think I want it to last a long time, other times i will pack one less tight as to get satisfaction faster....


                      • Langdell
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 255

                        Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
                        I have to agree with you langdell. That being said a looser pris will bring on flavor faster, but will also deteriorate faster. Some times I like a really tight prilla, if I think I want it to last a long time, other times i will pack one less tight as to get satisfaction faster....
                        Thanks for the tip on the looser pris, Bigblue. I have been experimenting with making looser prises, and it does make a difference to the flavor.

                        I also appreciate Wicked Kitchen's advice about a beverage enhancing the experience. I am constantly sipping on water and/or coffee most of the day, but before, when using loose, I was either sipping less or being careful to avoid the liquid passing over the pris with the idea that it would dilute the flavor rather than enhance it.


                        • GoVegan
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 5603

                          At the current rate of $12.50 for a can of snus you might want to stick with dip!


                          • bover907
                            • May 2010
                            • 24

                            12.50? how are you managing to pay that???

                            My last order........
                            Grovsnus, Portion 5     $ 3.40      $ 17.00 
                            Ettan, Portion 5        $ 3.40      $ 17.00 
                            Total shipping 1        $ 6.60      $ 6.60 
                            Total VAT 1             $ 2.04      $ 2.04 
                            Total Tax  1            $ 0.00      $ 0.00 
                            Order Total Charged                ~$ 42.64
                            So, ten cans @ $42.64 = $4.26 per can. Now, I know PA doesn't currently have a Smokeless tax post PACT, but not knowing what PC will pay, I'd say "stick to dip" may not be the best advice.


                            • bover907
                              • May 2010
                              • 24

                              Oops I take the above post back. After reading this thread, maybe it did cost that much


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