Where I put my snus

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  • initb2009
    • Jul 2010
    • 30

    Where I put my snus

    I put my snus (regular portions and white portions) in my upper lip about a quater of an inch from the two teeth in the middle and sometimes a tad bit closer to my center teeth. I can't put it back further than that because it wants to slide down or out place. Can anyone tell me how I can master putting it further back without it sliding or moving out of place and if what I'm doing is common or not?
  • myuserid
    • Jun 2010
    • 1645

    I put my on the upper right, very near center.

    They used to slide around on me all the time, but you'll get more used to it eventually and be able to control it more.

    Welcome to the board.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Depending on if it's Lös or portion I will put it in different locations.

      Lös goes from my frenulum back on either side, Portions I will put from my canine back and have no problem with sliding. The best way to keep it from sliding is to just stick it up there as far as you can, some people recommending folding the portion long ways to keep it up there. If it slides just push it back up there with your finger, cheek/lip or tongue.


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        I would say keep it up front as possible so it stays in place better. It takes a little while but your lip will adjust for it and not push it around as much. Try to relax your lip for a while. The further back you go, the more it juices and slides. Not dead center, but on one side of the gum flap up there...


        • initb2009
          • Jul 2010
          • 30

          Originally posted by c.nash View Post
          Depending on if it's Lös or portion I will put it in different locations.

          Lös goes from my frenulum back on either side, Portions I will put from my canine back and have no problem with sliding. The best way to keep it from sliding is to just stick it up there as far as you can, some people recommending folding the portion long ways to keep it up there. If it slides just push it back up there with your finger, cheek/lip or tongue.
          I've heard of people folding the portions but haven't seen how they acctually do it. Could you please tell me what are the best ways to fold it?


          • Mr. Snuffleupagus
            • Dec 2008
            • 2781

            I'm not a folder, but try folding in half longways. People seem to like that...


            • initb2009
              • Jul 2010
              • 30

              I've tried folding it longways (like a hotdog) like you guys said and it seems to work better for me like that.


              • danielan
                • Apr 2010
                • 1514

                Wait a minute.... You fold your hotdogs?



                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by danielan View Post
                  Wait a minute.... You fold your hotdogs?

                  What? You don't fold yours? I have to or it won't fit back into my pants.


                  • chadizzy1
                    • May 2009
                    • 7432

                    Originally posted by initb2009 View Post
                    I put my snus (regular portions and white portions) in my upper lip about a quater of an inch from the two teeth in the middle and sometimes a tad bit closer to my center teeth. I can't put it back further than that because it wants to slide down or out place. Can anyone tell me how I can master putting it further back without it sliding or moving out of place and if what I'm doing is common or not?
                    I always put mine in the top left corner towards the back. This has become the "sweet spot" for me, and I haven't changed. In the beginning I used to go from side to side, or switch, but for the past 8 or 9 months I've stuck to this one part of my lip.


                    • texastorm
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 386

                      My favorite snus's (General white, Onyx) always seems to come come in the star formation. This makes all the portions wedge shaped. While I read on here some people like to "fluff" them to even out the portion, or even fold them in half longways, I like the wedge shape. I place the portion with the pointy side of the wedge towards the front right over my 2nd front tooth. This makes the portion invisible and allows me to speak clearly as well. This is important as I am a salesman and I need to be able to speak clearly and smile without people going "Ewww what that black thing in your teeth?" It never slips either.

                      I also notice if I dont fold or fluff them, my portions seem to last a lot longer.


                      • stones
                        • May 2010
                        • 111

                        Top left mid way back got a nice indention from it to never had problems with sore gums never really rotate ethier


                        • jtwh20
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 833

                          Depends where i am
                          At home middle top left
                          At work more towards the back so i don't get the i just had stroke mouth when i talk...


                          • dxh
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 340

                            Originally posted by lazer View Post
                            what? You don't fold yours? I have to or it won't fit back into my pants.


                            • /dev/null
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 38

                              Dead center every time.


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