well since this is pretty newbie..

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  • myuserid
    • Jun 2010
    • 1645

    Originally posted by Skruf View Post
    i didn't know you could order snus from a cigar shop, man i guess i will start doing that. because i feel as if i order online it would be faster for me to just grab a plane ticket and go there to pick it up. and i will definitely get the ettan next. i actually would have got ettan too but i didnt have much money at the time.
    Well, you can't get anything at a cigar shop other than General products. Everything else you have to order online.

    Go to General's website, and search for shops in your area.


    • LaZeR
      • Oct 2009
      • 3994

      Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
      That's kind of like masturbating when you really want sex.
      You get used to it. Trust me.


      • Skruf
        New Member
        • Jul 2010
        • 14

        its been 4 days still not a word i emailed them 3 times and not 1 reply back. i think they scammed me


        • shikitohno
          • Jul 2009
          • 1156

          Skruf, you just have to chill out for a little. They haven't scammed you. You only joined a short while ago, so you probably missed out on all the pre-PACT Act hysteria. To sum up the PACT Act as briefly as possible (there's a full copy posted in Industry News I believe, if you're inclined to read the whole bill) online vendors of tobacco can no longer sell brands that don't register their ingredients with the FDA and have them approved, they can no longer ship tobacco (except large cigars or private packages up to 10 ounces several times a month between private individuals) via USPS, and they must collect all necessary taxes for every state and local government at the time of sale. This means a few brands are no longer being sold in the US, shipping is more expensive, and you have to pay taxes up front instead of declaring your orders and paying them at the end of the year with your income taxes. The members of this forum have been following this bill for months, and some of us have been placing orders to stock up since February until now. I myself ordered about 70-100 cans in the last few months to stock up on favourites that got the axe. Stocking up only increased as the end of June approached when online vendors started implementing changes to their sites necessary for PACT compliance so they could continue to sell snus legally. Because of this, many vendors have been backordered on a number of popular flavours/brands. Unfortunately for you Skruf is one that got the axe from the FDA, and as many people on here (myself included) seem to live solely off Skruf, many people have been placing orders that have hammered the Skruf supply for getsnus, the northerner, and buysnus. Thunder frosted is also extremely popular, so many have been stocking up.

          Getsnus should have something to indicate whether something is in stock (they used to) but like you said, I don't see it there. Getsnus is owned and run by the Northerner now, so although I haven't done much business with them under that specific name, I can vouch for the fact that the Northerner is a top notch vendor. New laws and a huge surge of orders in recent weeks and months have just made things very difficult and hectic for them. It might take a little while longer than you'd like, but it will get to you. If you're really dying for some nic, try and find a cigar store on the general website that is close to you selling General. If not, put in a small order at the Northerner's main website, and just check to make sure everything is in stock before you hit pay. Landströms, Ettans, Röda Lacket, Gotlandsnus Grå (anise), Skruf Stark, and Thunder Frosted are all good choices, and they all say in stock on the website as of writing. I would caution away from Skruf and Thunder in this order, because it will sell out before their inventory software updates the website, so that could hold up your order. Just give them a week or two though, and I'm sure you'll get your order. You just need to remember, there are many others already waiting online ahead of you for backorders to be shipped out, so it may take one or two restock orders for your order to be filled, since you ordered such popular choices. Also, this.


          • Robert81
            • Apr 2010
            • 35

            Welcome to Snuson Skruf. I haven't ordered any snus for a month since I stocked up pre-pact act, but I've always loved to order from Buysnus.com. They are fast, reliable n always refund or reship cans if you have a problem. Like I said I haven't ordered post-pact but I read they're still an excellent shop. Try em out.

            In the meantime call up some local cigar shops n see if they carry snus. A few of them should carry General snus. That should be good enough to hold you over haha.


            • f. bandersnatch
              • Mar 2010
              • 725

              Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
              That's kind of like masturbating when you really want sex.
              Dude, have you ever masturbated just to masturbate? I mean, have you ever been looking at some girl, and she's like "let's do it" and you're like "no thanks, I really just feel like whacking my dick off instead"? I'm just saying, all masturbation is is man sign language for "I'd really like some poon right now".

              And that's why we should be allowed to do it in public.

              Just kidding.

              But really, if you ever did that, whacked off in the face of imminent poon, just cause you felt like it, if you did that...well, that, my friends, is Chuck Norris territory.

              And to the OP: you need to try a different distributor before you give up on the online process. International sales of a perishable/heavily taxed and regulated substance is not easy, and the northerner/getsnus has been having some difficulties lately.


              • BiggieB
                • Jul 2008
                • 53

                Originally posted by Robert81 View Post
                Welcome to Snuson Skruf. I haven't ordered any snus for a month since I stocked up pre-pact act, but I've always loved to order from Buysnus.com. They are fast, reliable n always refund or reship cans if you have a problem. Like I said I haven't ordered post-pact but I read they're still an excellent shop. Try em out.

                In the meantime call up some local cigar shops n see if they carry snus. A few of them should carry General snus. That should be good enough to hold you over haha.
                Waiting to see how it pans out, but I screwed up and didn't get a big order in prePACT (/vomits in mouth but keeps it down). I just placed an order with buysnus today because they didn't list my beloved Skruf as restricted. I don't know how it will turn out, but I payed them a nice chunk of change. If anything, my dealings with them in the past leads me to believe they will either deliver or give a quick refund.

                My last few orders have been with Northerner because of the speed and ease of ordering from their NA warehouse, but I've heard they're backedup right now. Have no idea about buysnus, going out on a limb here, but dammit, they say they can get me my Skruf!

                P.S. Northerner, this was a Skruf-only order. I'm counting on you to get your s..t together soon. I'm not blaming you, I blame the MFers in DC, but we all know their BS can impact businesses in bad ways. I'm hoping you guys can adapt to the new-age BS.

                Atlas thinks about shrugging, but postpones ending scene. . .


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  To GoVegan,

                  I just had a thought.

                  Maybe you're not doing it right?

