My first order and week of snus what do you think?

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  • jagmanss
    • Jul 2010
    • 12213

    My first order and week of snus what do you think?

    Hello everyone..... I placed and received my 1st order of snus last friday 7/23/10 from Northerner here is what I have and the ones i tried so far. 10 cans total... 1 of each... 6 cans open and of the open 1 came with a best used by date of 7/10/10 and 1 came best used by date of 7/30/10 not happy about that at all and all others are fine with dates after oct 2010 and into 2011...

    Does everone have to peel back the label to see these dates? it is a bit dificult to do if you don't tear off just right

    Goteborgs Rape no.2 white portion.... open and really like, my top so far

    Eattan original portion.... open and also my top so far

    Fellinni mint Mini white portion... open and like this after my dinner smoke, and in between cig time wish they came in reg. portion... Am A bit confused on what mg these are northerner says 8mg others say 4mg and from the hit I get i'm guessing 4

    Odens Classic Kanel portion... open liked this at first then didn't left it for a few days and now like it but need to be in the mood.. 1 problem though the best used by date is tomorrow

    General White Portion... open and still deciding but came with an already best before date of 7/10/10 not sure why i didn't order reg portion guess i liked that it has lemon citrus flavor but don't taste that so far

    Grovsnus Portion.... open and kinda like it when I'm in the mood for just plain tobacco flavor, still deciding

    Tre Ankare white mini portion.... not open

    01 Original portion... not open

    02 Strong portion.. not open

    General extra Sterk portion.... not open

    I am tempted to open an 02 strong portion or the general extra sterk to curb more of my smoking but can't decide which and I already have 6 cans open with 2 with the expire issue. i find that since i am still smoking although reduced since last friday i am only using maybe 4 portions per day as i don't want to build my nicotine tolerance up to high and then have to go to all strong. I am trying to go into this slowly....

    To tell you the truth I would like to open all the remaing 4 unopened cans to try them all but am afraid some will dry out too much before i use them and that would be 10 cans open. Maybe I should just up my portions per day and cut out more smokes, but finding that hard... I do have them in the meat/veg drawer in the fridge with the slide set to the coldest meats setting and I did use the humidor tip on 3 cans and put holes under the catch lid and put paper towel stuffed up under the lid and soaked with water closed and they seem to be ok.. should I have the open ones in that drawer in ziploc bags or a piece of tuppaware? I have the unopend ones in a sealed ziplock for now.... Where in the fridge do you all keep yours and how?

    Beside all off that I really am enjoying the snus and am looking forward already to making another order as I really want to try General Onyx and Roda lacket... Before this order I was aleady turned onto Nick & Johnny strong and have a few portions left in the home made humidor trick can, don't know why I didn't get more, but need to at some point....... sorry that this is long winded... Thanks for any input... Steve
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    I think you're drunk.


    Open all the snus. Try it all. Order more.


    • snusgetter
      • May 2010
      • 10903

      Throw them in Ziploc bags -- that'll keep them from drying out too fast.
      Even better, use vacuum containers or bags.

      (Stay away from the cheap zip bags -- flimsy and don't last)

      btw, great starter selection...


      • EricHill78
        • Jun 2010
        • 4253

        You're doing great! I've been doing it a couple months myself and haven't tried some you have.. I would write northerner about getting expired snus.. It's still okay prob it's just the principle.. Write them a letter about it hopefully they'll make it right. I myself would want them replaced.


        • jamesstew
          • May 2008
          • 1440

          Did they put those big goddamn stickers on the cans?


          • KCOLLINS18
            • May 2010
            • 165

            To cruve the smoking I would go with the General Extra Sterk protion, but you need to order some Onxy its definitely good stuff.


            • c.nash
              Banned Users
              • May 2010
              • 3511

              Congrats on getting your first order.

              Thats the craziest time. Your orders will probably be pretty consistant after this.

              I got into it right before PACT so I hoarded up. lol


              • snusgetter
                • May 2010
                • 10903

                Originally posted by KCOLLINS18 View Post
                To cruve the smoking I would go with the General Extra Sterk protion, but you need to order some Onxy its definitely good stuff.
                IMO, Thunder Frosted Extra Sterk and Nick & Johnny are also
                good choices to curb those strong urges at any time of the day.


                • c.nash
                  Banned Users
                  • May 2010
                  • 3511

                  Nick and Johnny is great stuff and so is Onyx. Thunder is great but I get the long+ because I don't need 18mg of nicotine.

                  Never tried general ekstra sterk, however I will be ordering some of that in los soon enough.


                  • jagmanss
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 12213

                    Originally posted by bakerbarber View Post
                    I think you're drunk.

                    WELCOME ABOARD!

                    Open all the snus. Try it all. Order more.
                    Thanks for the welcome and Nope.... I wasn't drunk although and Nope not now either, But wish I was.... Man!!! I haven't tied one on in awhile.... Just gettin my nic fix and more than likley will open all then get drunk

                    Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
                    Throw them in Ziploc bags -- that'll keep them from drying out too fast.
                    Even better, use vacuum containers or bags.

                    (Stay away from the cheap zip bags -- flimsy and don't last)

                    btw, great starter selection...
                    I saw A thread about the vacuum containers somewhere on here I think the one single at target was Like around $19 and maybe better and easier than the bags to get in and out of and maybe worth it to keep the snus fresh as 10 cans open may last well over a month or more... Where in the fridge is best to keep snus? Does it matter? I have a colder storage drawer at the bottom that is for meats or veg and used to keep my case of beer Ice cold when set to the meat. My thought was to keep the snus as cold as possible then thought in this colder spot it might dry it out faster dunno any thoughts?

                    Originally posted by jamesstew View Post
                    Did they put those big goddamn stickers on the cans?
                    Oh!!! Hell yes they did and it took me damn near 10 min to pull them all off all over the cans and not without some damage to my Goteborge Rape no2 can it pulled quite a bit of the blue of the side and I liked the way that can looked.... now it looks ghetto

                    Originally posted by EricHill78 View Post
                    You're doing great! I've been doing it a couple months myself and haven't tried some you have.. I would write northerner about getting expired snus.. It's still okay prob it's just the principle.. Write them a letter about it hopefully they'll make it right. I myself would want them replaced.
                    Good idea, Would I just go onto their site and go to contact us and send a message? I don't see an e-mail address...

                    Anybody got any onyx they don't like? I'll take it... Hey!!! Had to ask

                    General Extra Sterk protion open and got one in now... nice kick don't need a cig now.... ya mon!!!


                    • texastorm
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 386

                      I am pretty sure those cover stickers will go away once all the suppliers get updated labels for products intended for the US. But then the cans will all be ugly, so save a few nice cans for down the road so you can carry your snus in style.

                      As for the expired snus... I noticed it was General white portions, I think cans in the US have a US correct date version. So if it has the integrated warning labels, then its probably not out of date as it would read 10/07/10 or on the 7th of October. I might be wrong on this, and yours may truly be outdated, but I have purchased locally and thought my snus out of date, and was told that US version has a US date.

                      Onyx and Nick and Johnny Strong White are my two current favorites.... yumm


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        Yup just the contact tab, make sure to include the order number.


                        • snusgetter
                          • May 2010
                          • 10903

                          Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                          I saw A thread about the vacuum containers somewhere on here I think the one single at target was Like around $19 and maybe better and easier than the bags to get in and out of and maybe worth it to keep the snus fresh as 10 cans open may last well over a month or more... Where in the fridge is best to keep snus? Does it matter? I have a colder storage drawer at the bottom that is for meats or veg and used to keep my case of beer Ice cold when set to the meat. My thought was to keep the snus as cold as possible then thought in this colder spot it might dry it out faster dunno any thoughts?
                          Vacuum containers in the fridge are the way to go.

                          I went nutso prepping for PACT and ended up with better
                          than 2 dozen or more open containers of snus. I'm still
                          using 3 of the smaller containers I had and even after
                          over 2 months I have yet to find any dried out or stale.

                          I just keep them near the bottom of the fridge.


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