2 Month newbie

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  • stormfront
    New Member
    • Aug 2010
    • 2

    2 Month newbie

    Hey all. Looks like a great forum you got here. I've been using Camel frost snus for about 2ish months now. Didnt smoke or dip beforehand. Im not addicted but it certainly is a habit and i love it. I have a few questions to go along with my introduction.

    1. Camel recently changed their snus tins. I just bought the new flavor "winterchill" the other day. Just like the normal tins there is 15 pouches, but they call them "large pouches". Opening up the tin I discovered the pouches look almost double the size as the normal ones. Should I be snusing less of these larger pouches than the old ones? I have a feeling camel may switch all tins to these new large pouches since they jacked up the price of the tins...

    2. I had this issue once with the small, regular camel pouches. The area in my upper lip must have been really dry and the material of the pouch actually stuck to my gum and had to be teared off to be taken out. I dont move my pouch around much when snusing but i like to be able to move it if it slides over. With these new "large pouches" in the winterchill flavor, 3 out of the 5 or 6 times ive used them the pouch keeps getting stuck to my upper lip/gum area and i have to tear it off. With tearing it off im accidentally opening it up and getting loose snus in my mouth which I have no desire for. Am I doing something wrong and what can be done about this?

    Thanks a lot hope to hear back from you guys.
  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    I would recommend wetting both sides of the portions on your tongue before putting the snus in. That should prevent the snus from sticking to your gums.


    • Jwalker
      • May 2010
      • 1067

      Never had that issue. I started using camel snus without using tobacco previously (except a couple cigars) so I get the appeal. I would get some swedish snus and try it. General Mint is good, original was hard to adjust too and that was what I started with but I loved mini mint and went through a can in two days. Besides by now you've probably tried every camel flavor.


      • myuserid
        • Jun 2010
        • 1645

        Originally posted by stormfront View Post
        Am I doing something wrong
        Yeah, you're using Camel instead of real snus.

        Originally posted by stormfront View Post
        and what can be done about this?
        You can start by getting your hands on some actual snus.

        Welcome to the board. Lots of great info and people here.


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Welcome to the forum mate. A couple of things:

          1. Consider your use of Nicotine very carefully. A "habit" today is just code for..... "it's gonna be an addiction tomorrow". If you don't have to need to, stop before you do. Just put it down and walk away (and this coming for someone who has used dip/snus for 25+ years)

          2. But if you are hell bent on presisting.............try some Swedish snus at some point. It is safer and better quality. Try a variety (both flavored and plain)

          3. Finally, consider your use of Nicotine very carefully. A "habit" today is just code for..... "it's gonna be an addiction tomorrow". If you don't have to need to, stop before you do. Just put it down and walk away
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • Simplysnus
            • May 2010
            • 481

            Might browse through this thread as well


            I'll echo that it's not something I'd do again if I had the choice, as far as nicotine addiction.


            • PipenSnus
              • Apr 2010
              • 1038

              Welcome to SnusOn! Listen to Snusdog, he's a wise man and knows what he's talking about most of the time. (We all have our occasional lapses.)

              If you're determined to use snus, get yourself some of the real Swedish article. There is plenty of information here about where to get it.


              • c.nash
                Banned Users
                • May 2010
                • 3511

                It's probably sticking because of the pouch material. It's just too hard and dry compared to what real snus is.

                Do yourself a favor and try real snus.


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Originally posted by PipenSnus View Post
                  Welcome to SnusOn! Listen to Snusdog, he's a wise man and knows what he's talking about most of the time. (We all have our occasional lapses.)
                  P&S If you are refering to the following................I was clearly set up

                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • bipolarbear1968
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 1074

                    Damn Dog! How much did you drink that day? Sounds like you were on a Whiskey&Honey Binge.

                    I know it sucks you were sprayed, cuffed and stuffed....but at least your wife didn't stab you in the face...or was that afterward?

                    Ediit- I'm gonna start calling you George Jones...


                    • Langdell
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 255

                      Welcome! I agree with the suggestions that you should try some Swedish snus, but I'll also say that if you enjoy the Camel then have at it. Like most of us here, I prefer Swedish snus to Camel, but, personally, I'm looking forward to trying the new Camel Robust flavor to see if I'll like it as an occasional thing.

                      I used a lot of Camel before switching to Swedish snus, and a few times I seemed to get batches in which the pouches weren't properly sealed. Those pouches would tend to tear open and spill out. So maybe Camel is having this issue with its new larger pouches and that's what you're encountering.


                      • LaZeR
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 3994

                        Welcome Stormfront. Nicotine in ANY form will be addictive.


                        • stormfront
                          New Member
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 2

                          thanks for the welcome guys.


                          • myuserid
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 1645

                            I agree with everybody else that if you're not addicted, don't become addicted.

                            Nicotine addiction is just a constant hastle that you'll stuggle with probably for the rest of your life.


                            • Langdell
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 255

                              Originally posted by Langdell View Post
                              I used a lot of Camel before switching to Swedish snus, and a few times I seemed to get batches in which the pouches weren't properly sealed. Those pouches would tend to tear open and spill out. So maybe Camel is having this issue with its new larger pouches and that's what you're encountering.
                              Update: Just had my first portion of the new Camel Robust (which is actually the same flavor as the old Camel Original) and the pouch tore open after maybe 30-40 minutes. It was exactly the same issue I had with the other occasional batches back in the day. I didn't have any issue with it sticking to my lip/gum.


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