Hi all,
Been lurking here for a week or two and figured I'd introduce myself.
Im 33, from Wisconsin and have been snusing (real snus) for about 2 months now.
I smoked from age 16, quit a couple times here and there and always ended up going back. I used patches, gum, chantix etc, but always ended up going back. I decided to quit smoking by using chew. It went well! I didn't enjoy at having to carry around a spit cup though. Started with long cuts (mostly grizzly) then switched to pouches.
I then found camel snus. Loved the fact that I didnt have to spit anymore. I found though I ended up smoking again though from time to time (I figure this is from low nic.). I couldn't swallow the juices as it gave me wicked heartburn. They would usually last me about 1/2 hr and I'd spit them out because they'd start juicing up. Then, one happy day, I received an email about a snus survey. In it they asked about General snus. I had never heard of it and decided to check it out online. Boom I discovered Swedish snus. Been snusing now for about 2 months. Ironically I found I don't care much for General for some reason (it's not bad, but I like others much more).
I researched it and decided to place an order. I ordered all kinds of different brands and flavors. I figured I'd like flavored better, but quickly found I like regular better. I decided to give los a try and ordered an icetool and a bunch of los. Loving the los now, but still use portions when on the go. Only use Thunder minis at work (no tobacco policy). Then I discovered this place, great forum!
Been lurking here for a week or two and figured I'd introduce myself.
Im 33, from Wisconsin and have been snusing (real snus) for about 2 months now.
I smoked from age 16, quit a couple times here and there and always ended up going back. I used patches, gum, chantix etc, but always ended up going back. I decided to quit smoking by using chew. It went well! I didn't enjoy at having to carry around a spit cup though. Started with long cuts (mostly grizzly) then switched to pouches.
I then found camel snus. Loved the fact that I didnt have to spit anymore. I found though I ended up smoking again though from time to time (I figure this is from low nic.). I couldn't swallow the juices as it gave me wicked heartburn. They would usually last me about 1/2 hr and I'd spit them out because they'd start juicing up. Then, one happy day, I received an email about a snus survey. In it they asked about General snus. I had never heard of it and decided to check it out online. Boom I discovered Swedish snus. Been snusing now for about 2 months. Ironically I found I don't care much for General for some reason (it's not bad, but I like others much more).
I researched it and decided to place an order. I ordered all kinds of different brands and flavors. I figured I'd like flavored better, but quickly found I like regular better. I decided to give los a try and ordered an icetool and a bunch of los. Loving the los now, but still use portions when on the go. Only use Thunder minis at work (no tobacco policy). Then I discovered this place, great forum!