Why the huge size? Are American tobacco companies too dumb to figure out to make a high-nic product without having to double the amount of the stuff they use? The Scandinavians, and Africans, seem to manage the feat without trouble. Maybe they're just wusses.
New Skoal Snus out at Wal-Mart!
Originally posted by Darwin View PostWhy the huge size? Are American tobacco companies too dumb to figure out to make a high-nic product without having to double the amount of the stuff they use? The Scandinavians, and Africans, seem to manage the feat without trouble. Maybe they're just wusses.
I gotta say, I'm pretty excited about this stuff. With the advent of PACT, ordering snus online became extremely expensive and, frankly, a bit too much of a fuss, so I had switched back to dip (Grizzly Wintergreen Pouches mostly, if anyone's curious). Saw this at Walmart purely by chance, and picked up a can. I've got the Smooth Mint for now, and will be picking up a can of the Mint shortly. I figure I'll wind up buying a roll of whichever I like better. I paid around $2.25 for the can. In my area, dip runs from about $2.50 for Grizzly to roughly $4.50 for Skoal. Swedish snus is not reliably available, but hovers around $5.00.
A few of my impressions: The nicotine is actually pretty good. I've been off snus for about a month now, so it's hard for me to say for sure, but I'd probably put its nicotine content at about the same as a regular portion. Maybe slightly weaker, but certainly miles stronger than the Camel/Marlboro crap. Another pleasant surprise is that it's actually decently moist, roughly the same as any Swedish white portion. I wasn't bothered by drip, but hey, I've also been using dip for a month straight, so ymmv. Its flavor is distinctly "American", so to speak, in that it's extremely sweet, almost candy-like. However, it does lack the overpowering, sickly notes of Camel SNUS, and I really don't mind it much. The actual flavor is hard to describe, but I'd probably say it's somewhat like a mix between General Mint and Camel Frost. The pouches are indeed extremely large, though I don't know if it's entirely non-concealable. Despite this, the portion is still pretty comfortable, and it just feels like real snus. I have my gripes about it, sure, but it's a large step forward for American snus, and Skoal seems to have done their homework.
Also, I had an old Skoal (dip) Pouch sitting around, so I took a picture for size comparison. I'm pretty confident they use the same pouches for the two, in much the same way that the can design is basically identical. This has me hoping that it's a work in progress, and I would not be surprised to see them release a new line that can actually hold its own with Swedish snus. It's not readily apparent in the picture, but the dip pouch has slightly more tobacco in it. The top one is dip, the bottom is the new snus. Anyways, hope this is helpful. Anybody know if they've hit the gas stations yet?
Picked up a can of the Smooth Mint at speedway today.
The comically large portion size is somewhat offset by it's soft and comfortable feel, but it's still just too damn big to buy regularly. I haven't noticed any outrageous drip I've heard others talk about. The flavor is Wrigley's spearmint gum. The exact same flavor as the Camel Frost that first hit the market. Although the sweetness is toned down a bit and does have more flavor than the just sweetner flavor that Camel's provides (it's still heavily sweet though). Packaging reminds me of Skoal Edge dip and pretty much looks like a can of that stuff. Nicotine level seems decent enough that you don't feel the need to take it out and put in a real snus. Leaves a coating of sugary tasting weirdness in your lip afterwards just like Camel, or general's wintergreen does.
All in all I would buy this before Camel or Marlboro in a pinch. I'll even think of buying it from time to time just to switch up mouth taste.
EDIT: This also may sound weird, but having Skoal on the can feels like it gives the Snus more street cred than Camel or Marb because Skoal is known as oral tobacco I think.
Originally posted by BradenL View PostI bought the skoal 'snus' and ended up lower lipping them because they really are just skoal dip pouches rebranded...
I went into their website and could not find the Skoal Snus brands on the Flashy website.
There is no info that I could find anywhere about tsna or process, unlike Camel which sloganed the new (spit free) pastuerized tobacco experience.
IF this is fermented tobacco I think it should be called out quickly from the SNUS professors in the community.
Yes I ran into Skoal "snus" at walmart too, was almost tempted to try it just based on the price. The only flavors they had were smooth mint and mint???? Why two?? Can't they offer a real tobacco flavor? Any way I didn't try it, the way I see it there is two major things wrong this skoal product, the flavors and the size of the pouches. what is it about this country that everything has to be bigger!? So skoal if you are reading any of these posts I hope you take heed, more flavors and smaller pouches. Nuff said
Alright mates,
So I broke open all the different bags of tobacco for general Original, Skoal 'snus', and marlboro 'snus' and took a picture of the difference between each. If you would like to see the difference between them from a visual point just PM me because the photo size is huge and posting etiquette dictates that I shouldn't take a whole page for one picture. Anyways, the mass to density ratio of skoal mint snus and skoal mint dip is extremely similar. The process of producing snus, correct me if I'm wrong, should raise the ratio as snus is much more dense than dip. Since Swedish snus has humectants (i.e propyline glycol) I decided to add some to the skoal snus just to see if that would change the consistency of the 'snus'. It was an utter failure. In my opinion, I would state that the skoal snus is fermented dip that has simply been rebranded and placed into smaller packets. The amount of sugar on this 'snus' itself and lack of salt is enough evidence to keep you from buying it from an oral health standpoint. As we all know, sugary tobacco leads to tooth decay because of the fact that the sugar feeds micro-organisms on your teeth that use anaerobic respiration to synthesize energy from sugars with acidic bi-products. In my guestimation, there is no reason to believe that skoal's new line of products is anything more than simple dip in a new packet.
On a side note, before I found swedish snus I gutted my dip and when I bought this and tried gutting the juices I felt the same crappy feeling that comes with gutting dip...
Edit: The photo is the attachment!
Originally posted by BradenL View PostAlright mates,
Since Swedish snus has humectants (i.e propyline glycol) I decided to add some to the skoal snus just to see if that would change the consistency of the 'snus'. It was an utter failure. In my opinion, I would state that the skoal snus is fermented dip that has simply been rebranded and placed into smaller packets. The amount of sugar on this 'snus' itself and lack of salt is enough evidence to keep you from buying it from an oral health standpoint. As we all know, sugary tobacco leads to tooth decay because of the fact that the sugar feeds micro-organisms on your teeth that use anaerobic respiration to synthesize energy from sugars with acidic bi-products. In my guestimation, there is no reason to believe that skoal's new line of products is anything more than simple dip in a new packet.
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