So Why is American Snus not a legitimate form of oral tobacco?

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  • SnusNoob
    • Dec 2012
    • 29

    So Why is American Snus not a legitimate form of oral tobacco?

    Edit: It appears that the answer is that American snus overloads on artificial sweeteners and that Sweedish snus taste better and has more variety.

    Hi Snuson! I am a brand new American snusser as of a few weeks ago, and for the past four days have been Swedish snussing due to the notion I read on the internet that American snus was not legitimate.

    A few weeks ago I got sick, as I always do, a week before finals. I have smoked a full pack a day at least since I was 16 and have never even tried to reduce, much less quit, smoking. However, I had a presentation for my Honors class in which I did not want to embarrass my teamates with the same massive cough that I get before every finals. Again, I have never smoked less than a pack and have no idea what the side-effects from such an activity would present me. Rather than take any chances, I went down and loaded up on Camel Snus, and cut back to 5 cigarettes a day. The first day was annoying, in that I thought about smoking frequently, but everyday after that I was completely fine. During finals week I decided to order 4 cans of snus from Sweden based on the consensus of the internet that Swedish snus was better. I did not really look into the reasons why it was better, I just took the consensus for granted. The shipping charges blew my mind. After finals were over, I made a rash decision that it would be neat to attempt to continue to smoke 5 cigarettes per day, seeing that the Camel was cheaper than my smokes, but more importantly, than I could obtain 16 hours of constant nicotine levels without the peaks downs of smoking.

    So now I am reading on Snuson and elsewhere that American snus delivers practically no nicotine and is therefore bunk. How could this be? Did I just get placebo'd ? Does 6 years of a pack a day habit simply not produce the dependency that the tobacco-nazis claim it does? I also read on Snuson and elsewhere that American manufacturers maliciously hide their poison-ingredients from the consumer. I'll address that later, but first off, the nicotine issue:


    I stumbled upon this study: Look at table 1 in particular:

    It compares Camel, Marlboro, and other American snus to "traditional snus" which includes General Snus. It doesn't indicate which type of General, however. Regardless, the amount of Free nicotine for the Camel they tested ranges from 6.09to 9.16 mg/g, whereas the General snus they tested has 7.69 mg/g. The pH of the Camel was from 7.46 to 7.75, whereas the General they tested is 7.95. If this test is accurate, it is safe to say the free nicotine of Camel rivals that of the particular general they tested. However, the Marlboro snus is embarrassing: 0.350 to 1.13 mg/g and 6.47 to 6.85 pH.

    Here is an article from the Journal of Harm Reduction titled Is low-nicotine Marlboro snus really snus?
    They say the following: "Swedish snus is an oral smokeless tobacco product that typically contains approximately 50% moisture. Its rather high pH (7.5–8.5) results in a high proportion of "free" or unbound nicotine, which facilitates nicotine absorption into the body". It further goes on to argue that Marlboro is producing a bunk product to convince Americans that snus is bullshit. According to the first study I posted, this makes sense: there is no nicotine and a low pH. But Camel however has a pH level hovering around 7.5, which is on the low end of Swedish (which apparently is 7.5-8.5) but nicotine levels that rival that of General.


    Now to address the issue of the evil corporations purposely and maliciously lacing their products with chemicals...

    Swedish is a nearly socialist country. If a person has sex with someone they are not married to without using a condom, the two people involved have broken the law. It is not as if the Swedish manufactures of snus care about the consumer so much that they are willing to give away trade secrets... The government of Sweden forces them to. They have no option.

    America is on the other spectrum: it is a nearly capitalist country. We respect property rights and personal choice in this country. The government does not force a corporation to hand out trade secrets. The "evil corporation" brings a product to market, and consumers have the choice of purchasing it. The consumer is not entitled to to trade secret. This is to protect the property of the corporation. It is in the best interest of the corporation to not poison its customers. The more of its customer that die, the less revenue it will bring in, and the more likely consumers will sue in court.


    Now to my Question:

    What are the reasons that American snus is bullshit, and Swedish snus is the only snus I should buy? I know that the consensus is that American snus does not deliver nicotine and that the American manufactures are evil and want to kill the consumer with poison, which is proven by the fact that they won't release their trade secrets. What are the alternative reasons?

    If that study listed above is correct, and my personal experience had no withdrawl, then Camel Snus clearly delivers nicotine. I do not at all care or believe that Camel would try to kill me prematurely. I am gung-ho about GMOs and pesticides: I don't give a shit about the scientifically inaccurate claims about pesticides and what-not.

    So, what are the alternative reasons?

    If you can contradict my nicotine evidence, please do so.

    Two nights ago I plunked down $200 on an assorted order of Swedish snus because I still want to give this a chance. But I really don't want to do that simply because the internet told me that the evil manufactures won't let me know what is inside of my snus. An order that large spreads the shipping charges out dramatically, but American Snus is still dramatically cheaper.

    PS: I do not mean for this thread to come off as antagonistic; please do not take it that way. I enjoy snus and would not have been turned onto the American snus in the first place if it wasn't for the lurking on this forum: thank God for this forum.
  • Bigblue1
    Banned Users
    • Dec 2008
    • 3923

    Dude if you like American snus better than just use it. Why would you allow anyone influence your choices on anything? Boxy take care of this for me.

    I <3 Boxy


    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      It is simply a matter of taste. Almost everyone on this forum started with American snus and worked their way towards Swedish snus. Using American snus is like masturbating when you want sex. It's convenient and gets the job done but you still feel like your missing something and it's not nearly as good. I would be ecstatic to find an American made snus that I like. Nothing would give me greater joy than to fill up my gas tank and get a tin of my favorite American snus at a gas station.


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        LMAO!! I posted Boxxys video here several years ago and couldn't get that gal out of my head for a month.

        Theres just something about that young girl and how she preforms.......

        or maybe thats just the dirty old man showing thru. either way.....I'd hit it.
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • SnusNoob
          • Dec 2012
          • 29

          Originally posted by Bigblue1
          Dude if you like American snus better than just use it. Why would you allow anyone influence your choices on anything? Boxy take care of this for me.

          I <3 Boxy
          I apologize if I came off as a troll; that was not my intention. My only intention is to determine why the entire internet is opposed to American snus, aside from the belief that it doesn't deliver nicotine or that there was poisonous compounds laced in the snus. I cannot however claim that I like American snus better, as I haven't had enough experience with either American or Swedish snus. The reason I want to know about Swedish snus is because I have not found a single person who would claim that American snus is superior.

          Originally posted by GoVegan
          It is simply a matter of taste. Almost everyone on this forum started with American snus and worked their way towards Swedish snus. Using American snus is like masturbating when you want sex. It's convenient and gets the job done but you still feel like your missing something and it's not nearly as good. I would be ecstatic to find an American made snus that I like. Nothing would give me greater joy than to fill up my gas tank and get a tin of my favorite American snus at a gas station.
          Would you chalk it up to taste?


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            Originally posted by Premium Parrots
            LMAO!! I posted Boxxys video here several years ago and couldn't get that gal out of my head for a month.

            Theres just something about that young girl and how she preforms.......

            or maybe thats just the dirt old man showing thru. either way.....I'd hit it.
            Pretty crappy video. I think her only talent lies in being young and cute. If Roseanne Barr did the same video, would you still watch it?


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              Yes, I would chalk it up to taste. I remember trying Camel snus and thinking it was OK at best. I later went out and bought a tin of General and thought I hit pure nirvana after trying it.


              • Mdisch
                • Jul 2011
                • 805

                Well, I suppose it is legit enough... It just tastes terrible in my opinion. And it just seems so wrong.


                • tattooer601
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 942



                  • snusjus
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 2674

                    Legitimacy is a very subjective concept. One who desires a sweet-tasting product would likely be reviled by a portion of Ettsn snus. An individual who prefers the flavor of tobacco would likely find a portion of Camel Frosted to be disconcerting. It's all a matter of preference.


                    • CoderGuy
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2679

                      Originally posted by GoVegan
                      It is simply a matter of taste. Almost everyone on this forum started with American snus and worked their way towards Swedish snus. Using American snus is like masturbating when you want sex. It's convenient and gets the job done but you still feel like your missing something and it's not nearly as good. I would be ecstatic to find an American made snus that I like. Nothing would give me greater joy than to fill up my gas tank and get a tin of my favorite American snus at a gas station.
                      I prefer masturbation, never lost 1/2 my possessions to my fleshlight LOL

                      I started with Camel snus and moved to Swedish. Mainly for me, Camel does not make a 14mg snus. My main snus is Jakobbson's Strong Classic. If RJR made a comparable snus, I would use it.


                      • texastorm
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 386

                        I have a couple ex-smoker friends who before they quit smoking found out i snused. They also switched to snus, however the difference is both of these gentlemen who are not related and live in different sides of the US found the salt taste of Swedish snus not to their liking. Both of my friends use Camel as their go to snus. To me Camel never tasted good, and when I first quit smoking I needed a nicotine slam to forget I was no longer smoking, and so I chose a strong version of Swedish snus. Something you can't get in a Camel or Marlboro snus is a strong (high nicotine) version, and I am sure the government would crack down if they even tried. Now after a few years of this I no longer have the hardcore craving I used to and a lighter version of snus works for me, but now I like the taste of Swedish snus. So I will order it online for as long as its legal, and then I will order it off the black market once it is illegal.

                        So short answer, its just a personal preference. If you find sweet snus to your liking and can tolerate artificial sweetener, then go for the American version. I doubt the harmful effects are much out of line with Swedish versions.


                        • Tristik
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 654

                          I think a lot of it is most of our aversions to how much sweetener the US companies use. I even prefer flavored, sweet snus (Jak's Melon and WG, V2's Frosted), but can't stand more than a portion or two of Camel or Skoal snus in a row. It starts to get too disgusting to me having a constant taste of that in my mouth.


                          • wojcik49
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 112

                            Because its more like having a vat of acid on your gums and it tastes nothing like tobacco. It burns like crazy, effects are minimal and taste is poor


                            • SnusNoob
                              • Dec 2012
                              • 29

                              The burn! I have forgotten about that since I have used only General/Gotensburg (sp?) for the last week, in which there is no burn. The Camel tin even says "Grin with confidence when you feel the tingle." as if that is normal. I had to move it from one side of the mouth to the other every 5-10 minutes. Is that from the sweetener?


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