I have to say that even though it isn't 'real' snus I like it. I guess because I am a chic...dunno. I crave the sweetness of it and even after getting my real 'snus' I want some CSF bad. I have curbed the urge to buy it since it is freakin' expensive, but I really do crave it.
It is nothing like the Thunder Frost I got. It is basically an after dinner mint. If you like that then go for it. I do, but I also enjoy the back-taste of the tobacco in the Thunder.
Camel Snus Frost was my first experience with Snus and I don't think of it as bad, since it did get me to research snus and find out what it really is all about.
If it were not for Camel Frost, I probably would never have found the REAL stuff. But that's the only good thing that I can say about it. Except that maybe its less terrible than the Mellow. No noticeable nicotine content and a sickly artificial sweetness to it. Plus, the portions seemed to chew my gums up.
If Camel Frost was all that I could get, I'd just go back to Copenhagen.
Before I got on snus, I was just an occasional binge smoker, when I binge drank. I did used to smoke regularly, but I had quit. So my body was not used to it, and when I did Camel Frost the 1st few times, it was nic overload for me, it made me feel dizzy, sweaty, I was about to hurl, ugh, and I was at work too.
My only experience with Camel snus was when a friend from work mentioned he used snus. This surprised me to no end, but we got to talking about the joys of snusdom and he offered me one of his American Camels. I tried it, worked it over for five minutes trying to extract some wispy hint of nicotine from it while politely acknowledging its bubbly chick snus appeal, then spat it out in frustration and offered him a General Ekstra Sterk from my pocket.
I haven't seen him since. I think he might still be up a tree somewhere, screaming at the heavens.
Brad, if you're out there, please let us know you're okay.
JK - Camel is actually not bad until you try Swedish snus. After that, the artificial taste of Camel really comes out and it really begins to feel inadequate. I am sure a lot of us started with Camel snus and I am grateful that they got me into snus. I have not smoked a single cigarette since finding snus. I have a feeling that Camel, with all it's connections and marketing skills, really missed the boat on this one. Had they come up with a decent snus or even imported Swedish snus they would surely have a moneymaker on their hands.
Before I got on snus, I was just an occasional binge smoker, when I binge drank. I did used to smoke regularly, but I had quit. So my body was not used to it, and when I did Camel Frost the 1st few times, it was nic overload for me, it made me feel dizzy, sweaty, I was about to hurl, ugh, and I was at work too.
And now you love Thunder ES.
You've come a long way there, Tommy.
I thank this "snus" for introducing me to the wonderful world of Swedish snus. Very artificial, sweet, and minty. Nowhere near as good as the real Swedish snus, but I still find myself buying a can here and there, and using once in a while when I want something off the wall different. 2 stars.
Not something ill buy again but it was pretty good. The taste is just like any gum so I would rather spend my 2.99 on a tin of Mellow. The funny thing is, im not a person who craves sweetness, i never put sugar in my coffee or tea so i dont know why i really enjoy sweet snus.
I wish people would stop hating on camel snus, its not so bad.
I've been using snus for a few months now (early August 2009). I started when I went on exchange studies to a university in Sweden.. I just came back to the states in January with my new addiction, snus... I was / am a big fan of Goteborgs Rape (nothing like using that snus in the beautiful city of Goteborg!!)... However, I only brought back 20 packs of Goteborgs when I came back... It cost $88 since it is very expensive over in Sweden... I noticed Camel snus in 7-11 and purchased a tin... I now use it roughly 50-60% of the time since it is much cheaper than using the 'real' deal.. But my supply is finite (until I investigate online purchasing.)
So let me get into the review.
The primary difference(s) between Camel Frost and Goteborgs Rape / Swedish snus is that it is VERY sweet.. Almost like candy... The authentic snus is salty and have subtle flavors (depending upon the brand)... Goteborgs Rape has a mild juniper berry taste. Also, the portions are more oblong with Camel snus versus the authentic 'pillow shaped' portions found in Sweden. Also, the flavor lasts FOREVER with camel... It has practically no tobacco taste.. I think the 30 minute recommendation is BS since authentic snus gives off nicotine for an hour or more.. Probably just to increase sales... Camel doesn't want their snus to supplant cigarette use (too much). Also, it is only $1.79 for 12 in NJ... Not a bad deal.
Overall, I'd say that it is a good product... Albeit, I am more fond of the authentic snus...
well, having used the real stuff for a little bit I guess my palate has kind of adjusted to how real snus tastes, and considering I never consume artificially sweetened stuff too much, I came to one conclusion:
It's a headache in pouch form for me. It's truly the opposite of aspirin. It's tasty, but it provides as much nicotine as the sweetener does calories : nearly none.
But then again, I've been using strong snus for a little bit too, so your mileage may vary.
I really must thank RJR for Camel Snus(both varieties) though the taste and smell of this crap make me want to hurl now were it to never have existed I and three of my friends would never have discovered the real deal and would likely still be killing ourselves slowly with Marb Lites
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- During board meetings, Reynolds American Inc. Chief Executive Susan Ivey likes to suck on dissolvable smokeless-tobacco strips...
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- During board meetings, Reynolds American Inc. Chief Executive Susan Ivey likes to suck on dissolvable smokeless-tobacco strips to get her nicotine fix.
She's hoping to tempt millions of smokers to follow her lead.
Confronted with the inexorable decline of cigarette sales, Reynolds is transforming