Camel (RJ Reynolds) Winterchill

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Camel (RJ Reynolds) Winterchill

    Reviews of Camel (RJ Reynolds) Winterchill.
  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Written: 9 November 09.

    (NOTE: This review was written following the review of Camel Robust)

    Camel Winterchill was next, and I was curious about this one, I was expecting something more like a mint snus, but a little better than Camel Frost. Okay, I was wrong. Wintergreen. I guess I should have figured th
    at out, I just didn't figure they would add that to their snus lineup. Opening up the can you'll smell something similar to American Wintergreen dip. Wintergreen is one thing I hate worse than anything else in the world. But in the interest of my readers, I had to at least try it. The flavor is just that - wintergreen, but alot more sweet than traditional wintergreen. This being something I really don't like (Wintergreen), maybe I'm a bit biased, but I can imagine even those who like Wintergreen wouldn't like the overly sweet flavor of this attempt at bringing it to the Camel "SNUS" lineup.


    • desirexe
      • Feb 2008
      • 1170

      For some odd reason I was craving something sweet today. I decided to get a tin of Camel. Once at the store I couldn't decide what flavor to get so I grabbed 1 of each. On to the winterchill...first of all, I highly dislike wg anything but these portions were more sweet than wg, they curbed my sugar craving. The wg is gentle, it is overpowered by sweetness, tastes just like a wg icebreakers/certs breath mint. I don't love wchill but def don't hate it, I'd buy it again, if I had a coupon and my craving for sugar! Just an FYI, I paid 3.99 total for 1 can of 15 portions, yup, rip-off!


      • Mattieboy27
        • Mar 2010
        • 33

        Originally posted by desirexe
        For some odd reason I was craving something sweet today. I decided to get a tin of Camel. Once at the store I couldn't decide what flavor to get so I grabbed 1 of each. On to the winterchill...first of all, I highly dislike wg anything but these portions were more sweet than wg, they curbed my sugar craving. The wg is gentle, it is overpowered by sweetness, tastes just like a wg icebreakers/certs breath mint. I don't love wchill but def don't hate it, I'd buy it again, if I had a coupon and my craving for sugar! Just an FYI, I paid 3.99 total for 1 can of 15 portions, yup, rip-off!
        What the hell we only have mellw and frost up here in PA
        Do you think those flavors will come here?


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          Same here, I would love to try the other flavors.


          • rockinray
            New Member
            • Apr 2010
            • 7

            Only have Mellow and Frost here in Minnesota!



            • desirexe
              • Feb 2008
              • 1170

              Able to purchase Camel Robust & of the perks of having a military base nearby, I guess. Hate to go on and on about a snus that is not available to everyone but the winterchill is definitely my favorite of the 4 camel flavors and again, this is coming from someone who hates wintergreen! I don't understand why it is called 'winterchill' though, guess I was expecting a minty tingle in my mouth but there is none. Maybe I should put a few cans up on the exchange so I can see others opinions, it's no fun being the only one reviewing a product.


              • Experimental Monkey
                • Mar 2010
                • 795

                Put some Robust on the exchange. Since you love wintergreen I've got tons of General WG bonus cans that have been sitting in my freezer I can throw your way.


                • Tristik
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 654

                  Just picked up a can of this today for shits and giggles. It's not as bad as I remember the frost being. Sure, it's still very artificially sweet, but it seems they've toned it down a little. The flavor is quite good, but like with many very sweet snus, I can see how it would get to you after a few portions.

                  The portions themselves are HUGE! They're a tiny bit thinner than a regular snus portion, but a bit longer. It almost feels like a Maxi sized portion.

                  All in all, I still won't buy this again, but it's a step better than their original outing (frost and mellow).


                  • Langdell
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 255

                    Originally posted by Tristik View Post
                    All in all, I still won't buy this again, but it's a step better than their original outing (frost and mellow).
                    OT, but some may be interested to learn that Camel's "new" Robust was part of their original outing. In fact, the flavor they're now calling "Robust" was originally called "Original." It was sold in their test market cities before they went national with Frost and Mellow (Mellow, in fact, not being one of the originally offered flavors). "Original" is what I used most of when I used Camel. The original "Original" did not come in the new larger pouches, which, as Tristik notes, are huge--they make my normal General OPs seem tiny by comparison.


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      Camel should make easier to remember their names and just call it crap. You can have original crap or chilled crap but either way your getting crap. If we are lucky, in a year or so, we will have new and improved crap.


                      • snusgetter
                        • May 2010
                        • 10903

                        Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                        Camel should make easier to remember their names and just call it crap. You can have original crap or chilled crap but either way your getting crap. If we are lucky, in a year or so, we will have new and improved crap.


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          Picked up a can of this along with robust. The sweetness is in full effect with this one. It's probably the best tasting of the four Camels, but I would take a Jaks. Wintergreen over this any day.


                          • bipolarbear1968
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 1074

                            As much as I hate to say it.... I'd rather have a Camel menthol cigarette instead, compared to this.


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