I tried Discreet snus after seeing a link to order some free samples from them on this forum. Discreet quickly sent me a GENEROUS sampler of their different flavors. They are OK but I really did not care for them too much. The flavors, including peach, seemed to be very artificial and left that artificial sweetener aftertaste in my mouth. I would buy them if I couldn't find any of my normal brands first. I was impressed by their foil packs though. You can reseal them and they are easy to stash in the car as a "back up" snus. The flavors are mild and I think that this snus might be ideal for someone who is trying to quit smoking and doesn't really want the tobacco flavors of regular Swedish snus or the overpowering flavors of Camel snus.
Please tell me why snus shows up as a misspelled word when you are typing in a snus forum
As govegan said it is too artificial for me. I liked the peach flavor, but not the after taste that followed. I ended up spitting it out after a few min.
I realy loved discreet peach at first , because the flavor reminded me of skoal peach , which. I absolutely love but hate having to spit when I dip . But this one quickly turned on me after about one pouch . So it's worth a try but didn't become a player in the rotation for me
Very good if coming from Camel "SNUS". Good beginner snus, or great as a desert snus. A little on the sweet side, but a great once in a while snus. VERY Peachy. A must try. Discreet is always on my order list. 4 stars.