I used to use Swedish Snus and just ended up switching to longhorn straight. Lately though I have been getting back into snusing and have been using both Camel and also Triumph Original. I like them both. Triumph original is sweet and very good snus. Don't know what the taste is. Just love it! I have a bunch in the freezer from last year but they don't keep that well imo. So, recently I went to Atlanta and got a few more cans. I have one in my mouth right now. I am a bit concerned the new ones I bought expire at the end of December and am not sure they will keep selling it or not. Does anyone know? thank!
The very first "real" snus I tried. My impressions of the odor were that of lobster and BBQ sauce. The flavor is slightly bitter and sweet with hints of berries and hickory. The nicotine delivery is similar to white portion Swedish snus. The flavor is too sweet for me, but its a good alternative to other American snus brands, such as Camel and Grand Prix. If snus ever gets banned from internet sales, my first resort would be General Original, and my second would be Triumph Original.
Hmm. I found a gas station in my area that sells this (found it by accident, wasn't looking, just saw it and went, hmm, I've never heard of that brand). I wonder if it's all expired since it sounds like it's defunct? They had both original and mint. I also should have checked how much they were, but I just assumed since it was at a gas station it was similar to crappy Marlboro type.
I've been snusin' for over a month now. I don't even miss cigarettes. Due to finances I am out of swedish snus until my shipment comes (hopefully tomorrow)....
I just jumped on board the snus train a week or so ago when I stumbled across some Triumph Original at a gas station. I really liked it so I ordered...
Hi all, I'm glad I found such a nice and informative place, I was lurking for a while until finally decided to write something. I'm new to snus and pretty...