Triumph Mint is unlike any other snus. Only test marketed in the U.S. states of Ohio and Georgia, it's a rather rare snus. The Mint is the best tasting Mint snus I've ever had. There is a salt content in it, but this is a very sweet tasting snus, in a good way. Where Camel Frost is rot your teeth sweet, and cut your gums dry, TM is a perfect balance between Frost and other Swedish snus. Plus they come in the cool SM star pattern!
It's here! Catch Collection Fresh//Peppermint. The 2nd in a line of 4 products by Swedish Match for 2009! The first release was Catch Collection Chill//Mint...
I've been snusin' for over a month now. I don't even miss cigarettes. Due to finances I am out of swedish snus until my shipment comes (hopefully tomorrow)....