If Camel starts producing a worthwhile product in the US I'd be happy...
Camel: Doing Snus The Right Way?
Originally posted by Darwin View PostThe ingredients in Camel snus aren't the problem. The amounts and ratios are indeed a problem. First cut back the sucralose at least 50%, preferably more. Second increase the sodium carbonate, bicarbonate and chloride to a level high enough to get better nic uptake and a slight saltiness in the taste. Third make the portions the same size across the board and don't merely use more low nic tobacco in a larger portion a la the too-biggish Robust versions. Fourth expand the line with a citrus flavor. Doesn't have to be bergamot, orange/lemon/lime will do nicely. Fifth really fill the cans with the regular size portions. Ought to be able to get 20 portions in there without strain.
As far as nic goes I"ll eat someone's hat if Robust has 12mg of nic in it. This is the same as General Sterk which packs way more of a punch than Robust. Increasing the sodiums across the board will likely make the difference in Robust.
I tried the Robust yesterday, first thing...with my coffee. It was disgusting to say the least, and there was NO noticeable nic hit after a full 30 minutes. The portion never really did "juice" up, I even swished it with my coffee trying to wet it up. The flavor, well it was very, very sweet...too sweet in fact. I got no tobacco flavor at all, but did get a hint of artificial lemon/citrus. I assume they're trying to get a bergamot flavor, not sure. In short, it sucked and it's pretty much what I expected from RJR. It's one redeeming factor was that it smelled okay to me, it reminded me of Lipton's instant tea or something similar. Oh, and the can is pretty nice. I promptly dumped the remaining contents into the garbage and placed the can on "the shelf", lol.
EDIT: The issue of it having 12mg of nicotine per portion, is absolute garbage. Remember that it's the amount of free nicotine that determines the actual nic hit, just a thought.
Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post... The issue of it having 12mg of nicotine per portion, is absolute garbage. Remember that it's the amount of free nicotine that determines the actual nic hit, just a thought.
Nicotine levels
◦ 8mg nicotine (Mellow, Frost) and 13mg nicotine (Robust, Winterchill) per pouch
◦ 2.4mg unbound nicotine per gram of tobacco (1.44mg per pouch)
"Unbound" nicotine is that that is free to be absorbed by the user. It usually varies with the Ph of the tobacco mixture and is adjusted with materials such as sodium carbonate which raises the Ph and therefore raises the amount of nicotine absorbable. Consequently 2 snuses with the same absolute levels of nicotine can exhibit very different levels of absorption by the user. The amounts listed as "unbound" or available to the user are consistent with Swedish snus levels generally but all we really have is their word on this which is highly suspect since almost all Camel users report much less nicotine effect than noticed in the typical Swedish product. In no way shape or form does Camel Robust deliver nicotine at levels similar to General Sterk, Skruf Stark, Nick & Johnny Strong, or Thunder Long, to cite just a few examples. In short, they're lying.
Originally posted by WickedKitchen View PostThe JTI one isn't bad, actually. It's traditional Swedish snus and tastes like it. I find it to be a bit too salty even years into snusing but I would like to try a los version if there is one.
And yeah, if they tried to sell JTI Camel in the US, American's would be like "WHAT THE F*** is this?! Where's the 12 pounds of sugar per portion?!?!?!"
I might have made a new recruit yesterday while buying my second can of Camel Robust. I was on my way home from getting my monthly stash of General from my local tobacconist and stopped at a gas station and was buying the Camel when a guy in army fatigues behind me asked how I liked snus. I told him that I love snus and had cut down my smoking with it and that I prefer the real Swedish variety but that Robust was a new Camel flavor that came a little closer to Swedish, though it was still sweeter. He said yeah, he had a buddy in the service who had ordered a Swedish sampler and maybe he would give it a try. Hope he does!
Originally posted by chadizzy1 View PostGustavus tastes a lot like Camel, in my opinion. If you tried Gustavus los you could kinda pick up what a Camel Los would taste like.
And yeah, if they tried to sell JTI Camel in the US, American's would be like "WHAT THE F*** is this?! Where's the 12 pounds of sugar per portion?!?!?!"
Originally posted by GoVegan View PostI really didn't care much for the "flowery" taste of Gustavus but I would still pick Gustavus any day over Camel or Marlboro snus.
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