Chiani Khani Saffron

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  • Jwalker
    • May 2010
    • 1067

    Chiani Khani Saffron

    Ok so I got this in the mail today sweet right um yeah. The word I'd use to describe this is interesting not good not horrid but just interesting. No tobacco taste at all. Not sure how to describe the flavor since I'm not sure I've eaten or smelled saffron before, I assume it's some kind of herb which is what the snus tastes like.
  • Hanske
    • Jan 2011
    • 425

    How's the effect?


    • Jwalker
      • May 2010
      • 1067

      I assume you mean nicotine content it feels average I guess, I can't really tell anymore. No other interesting effects.


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        Makes your teeth yellow though ...

        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          Allright, this snus is different. I gotta use some more before I decide if I like it or not. Fun fact: you get 27 portions in the can!

          Can looks pretty cool. If you like Saffran, then you'll love this, very very strong flavor.


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
            Makes your teeth yellow though ...
            Does it ?

            LoL, yeah the saffron has a very strong dye natural color in it...


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              Originally posted by precious007
              Does it ?

              LoL, yeah the saffron has a very strong dye natural color in it...
              "Makes your teeth yellow, but it doesn't make your lungs black!" New slogan for Chaini Khaini!


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                OK.... I'm scared, really.
                Yesterday I think I had the worst snus I ever had. Chaini Khani Mango. I could not stand it, and had to spit it out, I thought it was so bad. Now, everyone has different tastes, so maybe some might like it, but I didn't. I love Indian food, music, art, spirituality, nasal snuff, but that mango snus was bad to me.

                So, now I sit here with a can of the new(er) Saffran.
                Nice red can. Hmmm, smell seems OK, kinda nice.
                I have cooked with saffron, and have eaten it in meals. I used to be a Vaisnava Hindu Monk, and we would have this saffron warm milk drink, and it was really good. I also used to make this rice pilaf dish from a recipe in a Hare Krishna cookbook I have, and it called for saffron, and I'd get this saffron, it was called, if I recall, American Saffron, and Kroger grocery store used to carry it, and it was not expensive, and it really tasted good and that rice dish was great, it's been years since I made it.

                Anyway, back to the snus. OK, I'll put one in.
                I'm getting what others have called a Tiger Balm coolness right off. Not as strong as the Mango, I don't think.
                Let's give it a few minutes, I am typing this in real time.
                So far, it's odd, I'm not sure, other than it's not as bad as the Mango. I still prefer to spit excess salaiva though, and I think it's that Tiger Balm coolness whatever. OK, it's starting to get bad. Whatever is in this, and I'm not sure, it irritates my throat, and I'm guessing it's the cooling element. I feel a nic effect, I'm wondering if it's the lime thing someone mentioned, slacked lime? E529?
                Since these came out, I was very curious, but didn't want to order them from Sweden due to the high postage, as I like to make smaller orders, as I'm not a heavy user, so I was very thankful when that kind member offered these. To those others that got these as well, please offer your reviews and comments too.
                Yeah, I think it's the slacked lime that is making me not like these, it has that tartness mixed in with the Tiger Balm coolness. It overtakes whatever flavor there is. I guess I am getting the saffron, but it's like a hint of some type of floral essence. I can "taste" it when I breath out of my mouth. I still don't want to swallow the excess salaiva.
                It actually makes me feel bad, like, with the Mango, I feel a headache coming on.
                It's not an enjoyable experience to me. I don't like the slacked lime and tiger balm with a slight essence of floral saffron.
                I have to spit too. I don't know how long I've had this in, but I've taken my time writing this, even walked in the back yard a little with it in.
                I think I'm done with it.
                I'm spitting it out. These have a lingering bad aftertaste. It feels like I have balm in my mouth.

                Overall, this is not as bad as the Mango. But, I did not like it. Ugh... now I need a soda to get this out of my mouth.
                Unlike the Mango, I could do another one, later, but, I don't want to.
                Mango was terrible, this is bad. I'll review the Spices probably Friday.


                • spinyeel
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 175

                  Just tried a portion.Free sample. This stuff is bloody awful. Dry,synthetic flavour and just plain bland. Should not be called Snus. Revolting.


                  • Snus Boost
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 640

                    I received a can of Chaini Khaini portion in the "Box pass from Hell" and that was fitting. This stuff is absolutely awful! However the portion material is soft and the Nicotine delivery isn't bad. The taste is the problem. Maybe they accomplished what they were going for with it but wow whatever they modeled it after must be terrible.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      I love India, well, most of what I know, especially their dry snuffs(and food, philosophy, music).
                      But I did not like the Chaini Khanis at all.


                      • muddyfunkstar
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 967

                        I got a surprise free can of this with my last Northerner order. On the basis of this thread, I don't think I'll bother trying it.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          You'd be doing yourself a great disservice. I haven't had the saffron yet, but I'm looking forward to it once I'm finished with the spice. I'm a big fan of the spice snus, but in an odd way. It's like no other snus(good thing), and absolutely unique in the snus world. I use less than a portion per day, but I enjoy the flavor when I do have it. It's as much snus, Skoal dip is. Which is to say it has some similarities, but isn't snus. Try it with an open mind, and appreciate it for what it is. You might like it, or maybe not, but I guarantee it'll be interesting and unique.


                          • ABW
                            • May 2011
                            • 793

                            Originally posted by precious007
                            Does it ?

                            LoL, yeah the saffron has a very strong dye natural color in it...
                            Isn't saffron the stuff the Romans used to make those killer red capes and stuff?(besides the blood of everyone around


                            • Roo
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 3446

                              This stuff isn't bad at all. I like the distinctly Indian flavor, reminds me a bit of betel nut. I have had the spice before (I think), it was some actual Indian snus by the same manufacturer that my friend got a hold of in Afghanistan (made for Indian market) and it had a similar flavor, although this Saffran is more floral. Makes sense considering saffron is derived from a flower. I can dig it, although the Spice is better, if that's what it was that my friend gave me.


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