1847 Original Portion (SM) DISCONTINUED

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    1847 Original Portion (SM) DISCONTINUED

    Reviews of 1847 Original Portion (SM Version).
  • MrSnusNSnuff
    • Jun 2009
    • 280

    After reading a couple of recommendations, I decided to give PM 1847 a whirl. My initial impression came from the packaging. The tin itself is a work of art - aluminum, with striking black lettering and a discreet catch lid on the bottom surface of the tin.

    As for the snus itself - upon opening the can, I was greeted by a strong bergamot odor mixed with an earthiness that was unlike other snuses I've tried. The portion was moist, but not wet like Camel Original. The portion fit nicely under my lip and was comfortable. My first reaction was confusion - I couldn't decide whether I loved or hated this snus. The bergamot flavor came on strong, almost instantaneously. About 15 min in, the strong bitter taste of earthy soil slid right underneath the bergamot topnote. I wasn't expecting this at all. Disturbed, I put the tin aside and went to others in my rotation.

    Determined to finish off the can, I gave it another chance after a week had passed. That same earthiness kicked in fairly early. My perception of it changed, however. It was a nice change of pace from Camel and Retro (which has the same earthiness, but in a lesser amount). WOW! What a complex flavor. It's challenging, yet at the same time mysteriously appealing. Overall: Not an everyday snus for me, but a nice occasional change of pace.

    Packaging: 8/10
    Portion material: 6/10
    Filler quality: 7/10
    Flavor: 7/10 (Unique!)
    Potential as an everyday snus: 3/10


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      We need a new review of the Swedish Match version.


      • timoteo
        • Dec 2009
        • 583

        Has anyone tried this yet :?:


        • daruckis
          • Jul 2009
          • 2277

          love it. could easily be used as an every day snus.


          • MojoQuestor
            • Sep 2009
            • 2344

            Yeah, this is becoming, more and more, one of my favorites. It's got a great, sharp flavor, almost pungent. Like lxskllr said elsewhere, the new formula is a little mellower than the old one in the metal can. I was disappointed at first, but I really like the new one now. Although I kind of miss that sharper tang, on the upside the old style did have a sort of bitterness that's gone now. I've only had a can each of the old PM1847 original and white, however.

            Like ya'll said in the WIY mouth thread, this is a "love it or leave it" snus. Once I've had enough of this Probe portion (it's really not so bad), I'm popping one of these in--well, actually a white, but they taste pretty similar.


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              Review of Original Portion:

              The Swedish Match version of Philip Morris 1847 is very decent. The tobacco smells heavily of bergamot; if you dislike the flavorant, don't go anywhere near this. The flavor consists of tangy tobacco and of course, plenty of bergamot. 1847 is basically General without the hints of citrus. Anyone who loves bergamot-only snus should give 1847 a try, since its a quality Swedish Match product with a pleasant flavor and aroma.



              • cj
                • Jul 2009
                • 1563

                in my opion the swedish match version was kind of crapy they took away all the made the pmi 1847 so good dont get me wrong the swedish match version was good in its own right


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  cj - we're backwards bro. I liked this one, but not the old one before SM started making it.

                  November 2009

                  I received a pretty exciting delivery today, and this is one of the things that was in it. The new (and if I may say so) improved version of 1847. Many people have mixed feelings about the redesign - some (myself included) really enjoyed the old cans. They were in the top 5, in my opinion, of snus designs. So when we saw the news about the redesign recently, there were alot of mixed feelings. But I believe this change to be for the best.

                  Upon opening the cans, you'll notice the Original Portions are put into the can in no particular formation, however the White Portion is in the familiar Swedish Match star pattern. On 3 September 09 I reviewed the old 1847. I wasn't impressed. The smell? A rank, rotten smell mixed with womens perfume. The taste? A very heavy taste of bergamot, a ton of pepper, and a hint of hominy. (don't ask - I picked it up in every portion I tried.)

                  Okay, so 1847 and I didn't get off on the right foot. But this outing proved to be much different. For those who are new to snus (this article may be being read in a year...), that's the old can to the left. It was a very cool metallic can. But what's inside the can made the can a little less attractive, in my opinion. The redesign, well...it's alot to get used to, but if you look at some of the other redesigns, Swedish Match is taking on a very hip approach to snus. This can, the new Roda, the new Goteborgs Rape, and the new Onyx are simple, but elegant. And I believe that's the approach that was being made with this.

                  Okay, so on to the snus. Now that 1847 falls under the Swedish Match dome of quality (Domino's reference from the 80's...some of the old timers may remember that one), 1847 is made under the GothiaTek standard. More info about Gothiatek here. This is a standard invented by Swedish Match, and alot of snusers know, Swedish Match products are made with a superior quality. Although we've been informed the recipe hasn't changed, this standard has VASTLY improved the quality of 1847. Starting with the aroma - the heavy perfume smell isn't there....well, not really. Those who have had 1847 before I'm sure will say they can detect it, at first smell I thought I could too, but maybe my nose was trained to pick it up. Upon a second smell, it wasn't as strong, I think my nose was just expecting it and interpreted it as that, but it smelled just like a fresh can of General would. These portions are much more comfortable than the 1847 portions I've tried before. The White Portion closely resembles General White, but is more comfortable because the moisture is a bit higher. The Original Portion closely resembles General Original, and is just about as comfortable.

                  The White Portion is very moist, the Original Portion is semi moist. One thing I noticed about both is the drip isn't as strong or immediate as 1847 was before. The hominy taste is gone. The taste is VERY mildly of bergamot, with small hints of pepper (not as overbearing as before, and a very pleasant salt balance. The tobacco taste is very pure, no doubt due to the standards set forth by Swedish Match with GothiaTek. With the White Portion - the flavor isn't as immediate, but comes in very subtly, the pure tobacco flavor, the notes of pepper, and then salt coming in right behind. With the Original Portion - the flavor comes on right from the get go, very balanced tobacco with notes of pepper, and a a pleasant salt balance. In both products, the flavor is far superior to that of the old 1847, it's a very noticable improvement, and those who have tried it will pick up on it as well. I'm very pleased with the new 1847, and instead of shoving it in the back of the freezer, I'll actually keep this one around. Thumbs up, Swedish Match.


                  • rickcharles606
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 2307

                    I liked both versions, but loved the old can....I sometimes use it still. I still have some of the snus too, it was one of my favs


                    • cj
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 1563

                      chad your in luck i have a couple of the SM version i could part with!


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