Granit Los

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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    Originally posted by Mawdryn
    Totally agree. Most people think of Granit and Knox as discount versions of General, but I think both of these snuses blow General out of the water.
    I never tried Knox. It's around the same price as Granit, so a may throw in a can on my next order to try it out. Also, Knox is made by Skruf, so it should be of decent quality.

    What's up with people claiming Granit Los tastes similar to General Los? They are completely different in the flavor department -- Granit has far less bergamot and a different tobacco blend, which gives it a unique, spicy flavor. General Los, on the other hand, has tons of bergamot/citrus and only a slight hint of spice. Both are good products though.


    • Mawdryn
      • Mar 2011
      • 353

      Originally posted by snusjus
      I never tried Knox. It's around the same price as Granit, so a may throw in a can on my next order to try it out. Also, Knox is made by Skruf, so it should be of decent quality.

      What's up with people claiming Granit Los tastes similar to General Los? They are completely different in the flavor department -- Granit has far less bergamot and a different tobacco blend, which gives it a unique, spicy flavor. General Los, on the other hand, has tons of bergamot/citrus and only a slight hint of spice. Both are good products though.
      Yes, Granit is a lot less spicy/more mellow. Knox is a bit stronger on the bergamot side...probably a lot closer to General.


      • SkackMan
        New Member
        • Sep 2011
        • 12

        I got my first roll of Granit Los today. My first impression was that this snus has either too much or a different sort of less-than-appetizing citrus flavor than the General and General Ekstra Sterk that I know and love, and which Granit is always compared to, and I was disappointed that I had bought a whole roll of it. After trying it subdued in the PrisMaster, then more pinches (I don't usually bake snus), I proved wrong. Granit is a winner for sure. There's a spicy tobacco taste that some have mentioned, and the citrus taste, for some reason, doesn't seem any more pronounced now than that of General, maybe less pronounced (not a bad thing as far as I'm concerned). The citrus taste is, in fact, somehow different to my taste from General's citrus, but not at all unpleasant as I initially thought. This really isn't just a General knockoff - it has its own taste and merit. If I've learned anything, it's that I should withhold my opinion until I've tried a particular snus several times. Too many factors can influence that first impression like the taste of the previous snus I had in my mouth, inexperience with the flavor, evolving preferences, etc. I will happily (and probably quickly) finish off this roll and buy more when it runs out. Great with a cup of hot black tea (I'm drinking tea with Granit in my lip right now).

        Granit is very moist. Saltiness is comparable to General. Stayed together well when I used the PrisMaster, though as I said I usually just pinch.

        Besides the great flavor, Granit has a good price. I paid almost exactly $30 for the roll, or about 6 or 7 dollars per roll cheaper than General.


        • Darwin
          • Mar 2010
          • 1372

          Nice review and glad you liked it 'cuz buying a whole roll of something before you've tried it is a gutsy move.


          • crullers
            • Oct 2011
            • 663

            I just got this yesterday and must say that I really like it. As mentioned above, it smacks you in the face with ammonia when you first open the tin but that doesn't last long. It's very moist and easy to pinch out of the can. A very nice flavour and the posters above mention citrus/bergamot. What I get from it is a nice, mild green apple sort of flavour.


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              I like has been in my regular rotation since it first came out.

              The only issue I have with it is the PH levels

              That said........................ I would take it any day over General................hands down..............
              It is a very good snus

              Hey about a little FDA know................for those of us who love you

              Seriously...........for those of you who cannot get SM in the EU..............Granit is not a step is a step up
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • strawalker
                New Member
                • Jan 2012
                • 6

                Very enjoyable snus what ever the price.

                I received a can of Granit as a bonus with a roll of Skruf Stark los. Its very good quality snus with a hint of rose oil and a nice lemony character. I didn't know it was discount priced when I tried it and it certainly doesn't taste like poor quality. I am definetly going to make Granit los a future purchase and not because it's cheaper, it's just really good snus.


                • UsualSnuspects
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 278

                  Originally posted by Snusdog
                  I like has been in my regular rotation since it first came out.

                  The only issue I have with it is the PH levels

                  That said........................ I would take it any day over General................hands down..............
                  It is a very good snus

                  Hey about a little FDA know................for those of us who love you

                  Seriously...........for those of you who cannot get SM in the EU..............Granit is not a step is a step up
                  Despite being so elliptical you are remarkably direct.


                  • Grim
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 850

                    Granit Los is a treat to behold.

                    It is probably the easiest snus I have come across to hand bake. Funny thing is, when I use my icetool, the pris just falls apart of breaks in half upon inserting it into the mouth. But I can hand bake the crap out of this and it lasts for over an hour before it starts to run.

                    As many have said, this is close to your classic General los flavor profile but has a darker, deeper profile. It is not a citrusy, pepper taste. TO me, this is Tobacco first, followed by a very subtle pepper with the smallest hint of citrus. It is definitely earthier is flavor, how some say it tastes dirtier than General.

                    With General Los, which I also use, it can get irritating. Something about the flavoring makes my throat itch if I leave it in too long, same with the portions. But Granit is very smooth.

                    I also say full heartedly that Granit is better than General for the reasons mentioned above. Another thing that Granit is better at is the can itself. It is a plastic can that has a good seal. I opened this can last week and it is still very moist and workable.

                    If I had to rank this in terms of all day usability it would fall at No. 2, only behind Ettan Los which never gets old.


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Originally posted by Grim
                      Granit Los is a treat to behold.

                      It is probably the easiest snus I have come across to hand bake. Funny thing is, when I use my icetool, the pris just falls apart of breaks in half upon inserting it into the mouth. But I can hand bake the crap out of this and it lasts for over an hour before it starts to run.

                      As many have said, this is close to your classic General los flavor profile but has a darker, deeper profile. It is not a citrusy, pepper taste. TO me, this is Tobacco first, followed by a very subtle pepper with the smallest hint of citrus. It is definitely earthier is flavor, how some say it tastes dirtier than General.

                      With General Los, which I also use, it can get irritating. Something about the flavoring makes my throat itch if I leave it in too long, same with the portions. But Granit is very smooth.

                      I also say full heartedly that Granit is better than General for the reasons mentioned above. Another thing that Granit is better at is the can itself. It is a plastic can that has a good seal. I opened this can last week and it is still very moist and workable.

                      If I had to rank this in terms of all day usability it would fall at No. 2, only behind Ettan Los which never gets old.
                      yeah, it's my all time favorite los....*sighs*


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        Granit los = snusgasm


                        • Monkey
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 3290

                          I like it. Good flavor of bergamot, but the consistency is almost doughey or pastey after a bit. Not sure if that’s a new thing or I never noticed it before.


                          • Monkey
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 3290

                            A few years later and I agree with myself…good flavor of bergamot and salt. There is a nice tobacco note that is deep and rich alongside that which makes this really good. I like it.

                            As for the consistency, maybe I got an off tin last time because this is a nice middle of the road grind bordering on coarse that sits very well. It is good.

                            I like it and will order again, maybe a couple tins every order for a switch up, but this won’t be my all day every day snus.


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