Lucky Strike Portion

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Lucky Strike Portion

    Reviews for Lucky Strike Portion.
  • RRK
    • Sep 2009
    • 926

    I got ahold of a can through the exchange and I think it is pretty good. It is a bit too smokey/peppery for my particular tastes but I love how the flavor lasts. The portion material is nice and soft, and the nicotine delivery seems a little higher to me then a standard portion but I could be a bit misled due to the strong flavor. The can is sweet but the whole thing about it getting loose in the freezer is weird. I hope it someday comes back the the US and I would love to try the bold as well.


    • wadetheblade
      • Jul 2009
      • 572

      I love it. Good smokey tobacco flavor. Kind of no frills I can use all day. I would buy rolls and use it all day if I could. Alternating between LS and Claq qui would be ideal for me.


      • heapbag
        • Dec 2009
        • 102

        First let me qualify this by saying that I love salt. Normally a snus that's on the salty side wouldn't be an issue for me.

        Having said that I am 5 pouches in on my first ever can of Lucky Strike portions and I find this snus very salty.

        So much so that it is distracting me from what I find is a very smokey and rich tobacco taste that lies underneath.

        I suppose over time I could get used to the salt taste (like I did when I tried my first ever Swedish Snus). Yet, I don't know if I want to get used to this much salty taste.

        Real shame because there is something of real flavor to be found in Lucky Strike. As pointed out numerous times the can is awesome, the pouch material is soft, the pouches are very moist and the smokey tobacco taste is there.

        Others have said that the white portions tone down the saltiness, I hope so because I don't want to give up on Lucky Strike just yet.


        Well, I'm nearing the end of the can now and it happened...I got used to the salty taste. Its to the point now that I don't really detect it.

        I reviewed too soon and I have learned my lesson. This is a fantastic snus for all the reasons I have stated above regarding the flavo(u)r.

        The trademark name should be changed to allow for our American brothers & sisters to get their hands on it.


        • texasmade
          • Jan 2009
          • 4159

          LOVE IT.. good with coffee, tea and water..and everything, If I had an unlimited supply I would use it non stop along with my Grovsnus los


          • daruckis
            • Jul 2009
            • 2277

            this was my favorite portioned snus. may it live long and prosper. (in europe)

            le sigh.


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              Lucky Stike Original was my go-to snus for a long time until it was banned from being shipped to the United States. The can design is gorgeous: the retroesque and simplistic logo is simply captivating. Unfortunately, the metal can weighs significantly more than standard plastic cans. The odor gives off mellow tobacco and a delicious hint of smoke that is unique to this brand. The portion material is very soft and comfortable in the lips. The flavor is similar to the odor; the smoke and tobacco flavor blend perfectly with a light hint of salt in the background. I miss Lucky Strike very much.



              • justintempler
                • Nov 2008
                • 3090

                Just raided my freezer and chose my very last Lucky Strike can. Still had the foil seal with a best by date of 08092009.
                I'm going to miss this snus. I forgot how good this stuff is. Damn you RJ Reynolds.


                • MJ26
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 333

                  It's a quality product. It has unique taste like it's toasted as it says. So it has kinda toasty tobacco flavor.
                  The portions are different too. They're thinner so they're propably more discreet.


                  • Connavar
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 237

                    Lucky Strike.. i actually keep the empty can from the last one that i had.. dunno if it is a wonderful memory or a painful one... *SIGH* how i miss it... never got to try nites or the bold... damn you big tobacco!!! if i could i would most likely buy at least 3 rolls..


                    • Experimental Monkey
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 795

                      This stuff is pretty good, but I find that it is considered at such a high standard in the US due to the simple fact we cannot get it, the iconic brand name, and the awesome tin it comes in. But the actual snus, while okay, is nothing all that special. Camel is a much better snus taste and nicotine content wise imo but doesn't get as much love due to the reasons stated above.


                      • Connavar
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 237

                        i never got to try the camel snus, i wanted to but at the time i had too much snus and not enough room to store it.. by the time i had room for it the ban was in effect.. need to try and track down a can sometime


                        • muddyfunkstar
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 967

                          First portion, and first impressions are that it's OK, but nothing special. VERY salty compared to Ettan and General OP, which I've been using a lot of recently.

                          Not sure how I feel about these insane levels of saltiness, it's pretty much overpowering any flavour that might be in there. Maybe I'll get used to it like heapbag said up there.


                          It didn't take long to get used to the salt. Am only on my 4th portion, and all is good in the hood. Nice snus, I like it.


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