Ok, most here know my stance on Blå, but I got a tin in my last order. Ostensibly it was to meet bandersnatch's challenge, but in reality I'm just weak(sorry Mojo and Dog). Here are my thoughts. I'll also put this in the review section, but there's a couple people who might not go there, but care about what I think :^D
I agree with the smell being kind of chocolaty, and the flavor reminds me of Ettan, but not as complicated. Bandersnatch said he got a sweetness from it, but I'm not exactly getting that. I don't know if it's the same thing he's talking about, but I get an almost unsweetened caramel taste with a little bit of chocolate in the back. the flavor overall's not as rich as Ettan, and it seems to die out quicker. I'm liking it well enough, but I'm not upset(outside of principle) that we won't be able to get it in the USA soon. The flavor just isn't as good as Ettan, and the caramel color is a turn off for me. Worth a try? Sure. It's a solid snus, and it fills a large gap in the "plain" category, but I don't consider it a "must try".
I'm starting to warm up to this snus. What I think I like about it is the distinct chocolate taste. It isn't chocolate, like OMG CHOCOLATE!, but it's there. It's a nice dessert snus, without going overboard. I'd like to see more snus of this type that has a hint of flavor, not a ton. It isn't something I'd use all day, but as an occasional thing I think it might be nice. I've only had 4 prises, so my opinion is subject to change, but I'm giving it a thumbs up for now.
I have found a new daily go to los!!! Ever since I had to start rationing my gul I no longer had a daily go to los, I would still have a pris of ettan/general/montecristo a few times a week, but nothing I went to every day. Until I tried bla los. I got my first can the other week and have been loving it ever since, first couple prises didn't blow me away, but the more I used it the more I started craving it. So I set out to acquire more and lucked out, got another can in a few days ago and am getting another 4 in today!!
There is just something about the flavor, I love a good rich tobacco taste and this has that, but with a mild chocolaty undertone that compliments the tobacco perfectly. I see how people compare it to ettan, but IMO its much better. So far I am using this a good 3 times a day, and the flavor lasts for over an hour, with a pris on the small side. I will probably put two cans away in frozen storage and just use the rest as my go to los until it runs out, then I will still have two cans for special occasions, like the gul los.
All in all this as a fantastic snus, my second favorite only to gul. Great tobacco taste, not too much salt, easy to bake, and lasting flavor. They really need to bring this one back and if they make it in portions too I think it would be a hit, though this snus was meant to be experienced los.
Ha! Bla is the first los I've tried and I agree it is great. It's just a shame that I've set the bar so high now. It sounds as though the snus' that I've ordered instead (Roda Lacket, Knox, Gotland Anis, General and Skruf stark) will just not be as good as they would have been before I tried Bla. Maybe I'm just over reacting :P.
On another note, does Roda Lacket Los taste anything like the white portion?. . . because that would be weird. But it might also be ridiculously nice.
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