Lucky Strike Nites Portion

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  • pris
    • Mar 2025

    Lucky Strike Nites Portion

    Reviews for Lucky Strike Nites Portion.
  • Paul
    • Dec 2009
    • 364

    Well to start the tin was kind of glued...
    The pouches are black, but moisty, with a citrus smell, kind like onyx...and very very soft material
    NO minty flavours in here...
    a slight kick from the nic
    A fresh feel on the lip though and yet the flavour is LS tobaco ...I do believe that besides that it's very close to the Onyx flavour...
    ~In a Hour I'll tell you more about this

    Very close to Onyx indeed
    Attached Files


    • pris
      • Mar 2025

      Ok so here's my thoughts on Lucky Strike Nites....

      First of all the portions smelt quite citrusey to me.
      They were the 1st soft black portions I've come across.
      The portion size looks about the same as General Extra Stark to me. Comfortable under the lip.
      They give a cooling sensation under the lip where you might usually get a burn.
      The taste is quite muted compared to Lucky Strike original/bold.
      The nicotine level released was good.

      Overall I wouldn't chain snus this stuff but I think it will be a good 'last snus of the day' for me.


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        Alright, my thoughts on Lucky Strike Nites.

        As you know, we recently had the opportunity to take a trip to Sweden, and one of the best parts about being in the snusland was being able to buy snus over the counter - especially brands like Lucky Strike and REAL Camel Snus, brands that aren't allowed to be sold into the US due to brand restrictions. Lucky Strike Nites just so happens to be one of those brands that I've been wanting to try for quite some time now, and glad to have the chance to try some while I was over in Sweden. Buying it over the counter was very exciting, I'm sure the cashier was wondering why I was so giddy about buying a can of snus. Alright, so Lucky Strike Nites is for sale over at and is a black portion snus that's a little bit heavier than most snuses (1.2 grams instead of the traditional 1.0 grams), and is a little bit more moist (52% moisture content) than most snuses. It's also a strong portion, which means it weighs in at 14mg of nicotine per portion, and is also a black portion. Wow, talk about a mouthful. So, we got all the specifics out of the way, let's talk a little about the snus itself. First of all, to clear up any misconception you may have heard, this is not a mint snus. That being said, let's talk Nites.

        First, the aroma. When you open up the can you'll find it smells quite similar to Lucky Strike Original/White portion. Which, if you've never had, is a traditional tobacco aroma, but Nites does have a little sweetness in the aroma, which I assume may be a presence of menthol used to add the cooling sensation you get when you put it in your mouth. Yes, I did mention that I think there is some kind of menthol in there, but that does not mean it is a menthol/mint flavored snus. The portion material is black, and although the portion is more moist (52% moisture content) than most snuses, doesn't mean it has a strong or quick drip. The moisture stays in the portion very well, which I believe may be attributed to a bit thicker portion material than usual. When you put a portion of Nites in, you'll quickly notice the cooling sensation I mentioned above, which lasts for a little while and then fades. At no point in time did I experience a mint or menthol taste in Nites. I find the taste to be close to Lucky Strike Original with a bit more pepper. For those who haven't had Lucky Strike Original, it's a traditional tobacco flavor, a little smokey with a nice salt balance and a little pepper thrown in the background - just Nites has a little bit more on the pepper flavor with all the great qualities of Lucky Strike Original. The portion packs a pretty good kick, being a strong portion, and lasts quite some time. So that's Nites in a nutshell. A pretty cool new product to use from time to time, not something I'd use on a full time basis, but something I could throw into the mix when I want a little variety.

        Also, I feel obliged to include this pic, because I thought it was just too cool, and wanted to share it. At a local shop in Sweden, they had this cool Lucky Strike Nites dispenser located on the front counter. The machine keeps the snus cans cool like a snus fridge would. It was a cool experience to be in Sweden and to see snus in fridges in 99% of the stores we went into, and it was definitely a joy to be able to buy Lucky Strike over the counter. Aside from General White Portion, Lucky Strike White Portion (which I'll review soon, I don't know why it's taken me so long to get one up) is one of the snuses I could use on a regular basis, a "desert island snus", if you will. But anyways, back to the topic at hand. Lucky Strike Nites. It's a cool snus, has an interesting approach, one of the coolest cans I've seen in a while, and an interesting flavor with a cooling sensation wrapped around it that doesn't taste like mint. Enjoyable, and something I can use from time to time when I want something different.


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          Does in contain Xylitol?

          " xylitol has the same sweetness and bulk as sucrose with one-third fewer calories and no unpleasant aftertaste. It quickly dissolves and produces a cooling sensation in the mouth."


          • desirexe
            • Feb 2008
            • 1170

            I have been away from home for 10 days and had the post office hold my mail, but somehow one package managed to sneak in my mailbox during that time. That one package contained LS Nites! That snus sat in a metal mailbox, probably for the entire duration of my trip with temps ranging 90-100F degrees during the day. The point of my long intro - I only have these abused LS Nites to review! So anyway, I immediately put the cans into the fridge and resisted cracking one open until they had chilled for a good 6 hours. First things first - the can is BEAUTIFUL. Most definitely my favorite can design, I believe it's metal with a plastic lining, so the snus stays fresh. This has probably been mentioned elsewhere and may be true of all LS, but the interesting thing I noticed about these portions is that they are the typical shape, the two ends are sealed but these portions lack that little overlap of excess portion material that runs lengthwise on other portions, making these quite possibly the most comfy/soft portions I have ever used! About 30 minutes later, I could still taste the flavor which had become a tad bitter and the 'coolness' was more pronounced and the portion felt like I had los mudslide going on. I thought the portion had broken apart so I spat it out and inspected, it was all still intact, but that is just how 'naked' and soft these portions are, the material is not noticeable! As far as flavor, like other reviewers said, it is very similar to Gen. Onyx. In conclusion - if LSN were to become available to the U.S., even under a different name, I'd buy by the roll.


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              Hey, did you guys also know that the Geckos on the Lucky Strike Nite cans glow in the dark?? This is a really cool feature IMO. The side of the can reads, "only comes out after dark" and the two small geckos on the side glow in the dark, as well as the large gecko on the bottom of the can on the catch lid. Check it out, pretty cool.


              • desirexe
                • Feb 2008
                • 1170

                Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                Hey, did you guys also know that the Geckos on the Lucky Strike Nite cans glow in the dark?? This is a really cool feature IMO. The side of the can reads, "only comes out after dark" and the two small geckos on the side glow in the dark, as well as the large gecko on the bottom of the can on the catch lid. Check it out, pretty cool.
                What what!!??? Going to dig through collection to find the can! That'll keep me entertained for hours! hahaha! But fo' reals, I had no idea about the glow-in-the-dark geckos. That is awesome!


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  what do I win


                  • rickcharles606
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 2307

                    Got to trip some people out at the bar tonight with the glow in the dark, it was funny. Probably because they were so drunk, ahaha


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                      Got to trip some people out at the bar tonight with the glow in the dark, it was funny. Probably because they were so drunk, ahaha
                      That seemed funnier when I was drunk, lol. My daughter has requested that when I finish the last few portions of Nites, she get's the can.....she's nine. She wants to keep her knick-knacks in it


                      • snusface
                        New Member
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 1

                        That snus machine/fridge is awesome. I wish there was somewhere to buy things like that.


                        • Ansel
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 3696

                          I love the Bold ones.


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            Originally posted by snusface
                            That snus machine/fridge is awesome. I wish there was somewhere to buy things like that.
                            Yeah it was really cool to see it.
                            I asked the guy if he'd sell it to me and he said they're loaned to him by his distributor.
                            And if they're lost/damaged there is a hefty price tag on them.


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