alright well its very similar to gellivare, but id say i do like the taste a bit more. i couldnt tell you the difference between the 2 if i tried, but it seems like landstroms is maybe a bit earthier? fine grind, hard to bake, stays put in my lip though when i use my icetool. all in all i like it, but am not certain if i want to buy more.
Fine? It's actually more coarse than Grov; I'd even compare the consistency to sand. Same base tobacco as Gellivare, but with a traditional citrus and salt flavor. Definitely my favorite of the two. It's a pain to work with even with an Icetool, but once it's in place, it won't budge unless you poke at it too much.
By far the best Los snus I ever had the pleasure of trying. With this it was not about the nic hit or was it easy to bake or not, it was about the uniqueness that was Gellivare/Landstroms.
Finally I grew a decent crop of tobacco and cured it all successfully - and I have just completed my first batch of snus made from this tobacco with no...
I am not really new to snusing, but have been out of the loop for a while. When I moved back to the states I kept on with Landstroms and Gellivare until...