Jakobssons Classic Strong Portion Reviews

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  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    Jakobssons Classic Strong Portion Reviews

    Didn't see a review thread for this. Getsnus has a weekend special, buy 10 get 5 free. I want to try this snus, but if it tastes like the original then I can hold out. Need some opinions from you guys, how does it compare to the original?
  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    LX pretty much summed it up...
    Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
    It's odd. You'll have to try it for yourself. It has a light thin sweetness, and bergamot flavor. It's like regular Jakobssons Classic, but different. It alludes to it, rather than being just a strong version of it.
    The Classic Strong's usually one of my top-of-the-day choices while I usually
    use the OP later in the day... they both have a place in my rotation, although
    the OP might be considered more of an every-other-day choice.

    To actually answer your question, IMO it actually tastes better ... hard to
    imagine but.......................


    • snusgetter
      • May 2010
      • 10903

      Here's also a mini-review I did when I first received them and I still stand behind it...

      Originally posted by snusgetter View Post
      Now, the Strong Original .......... WOW!
      I didn't think they could improve on the Original Original but this new Strong
      recipe is more complex and the flavor is lasting without bitterness. Perfect
      by itself but it also goes great with a craft brew. Kudos to Jakobsson's.


      • Monkey
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 3290

        I like the bitterness in the classic... kinda don't want to.try.the.strong if they removed that component from the flavor.


        • Experimental Monkey
          • Mar 2010
          • 795

          I took advantage of that buy a roll get 5 free deal the other day at Northerner. Should be in Tuesday. Can't wait to try this stuff!


          • thegameisover2k2
            • Jan 2011
            • 92

            Im not sure how it tastes but the buy 10 get 5 free deal is awesome...with taxes and shipping it comes out to like 3.80 something a can....cant beat that!


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              I ended up not getting it. Placed a snuff order on Friday. I will get around to trying it someday though. Is the SnusOn V.I.P. up and running again? Now that Jaks. has Wintergreen, Mint, and this new Classic that I might like, I could see the benefit of using the V.I.P.


              • Experimental Monkey
                • Mar 2010
                • 795

                This stuff is akward. I got my order in today and I'm not really tasting any bergamot in this. It's very akward... Bitter. Not to say it isn't good. Low drip, the sweetness is very mild and pleasant. I like it, but it's just kind of bitter and the flavor is too mild for my tastes. It may grow on me.


                • BrianC
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 463

                  This isn't a review at all to be honest, but I just have to say that Jakobssons classic strong is absolutely amazing. It took a little while to grow on me but it has become a staple of my snus usage. This and the mint are a couple of the best portions I have ever had. I even love the wintergreen even though I am typically not into wintergreen. Personally I think that this is a great direction for Gotlands to head. The fact that the yellow los has been pulled is upsetting, but frankly this one is a good replacement for it imo. I guess part of it may be due to me not really being into los, but I just think this one is THE perfect portion for all day usage.


                  • RobsanX
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 2030

                    My cousin gave me a few of these to try. It's not bad, but a little too sweet for me. I'm getting a Roda Lacket vibe from it, with hints of honey, and fruitiness. Plenty of flavor, and nicotine. It's not one that I would buy because of the sweetness, but that shouldn't deter anyone from trying it.


                    • jdman321
                      Banned Users
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 616

                      I like the honey hint in it. Very subtle but nice. It's what I use first thing in the morning with my coffee. Nice nic hit, not too overpowering but gets the job done. The pouch material isn't a problem for me, might be a little rough compared to the others I've tried but nothing bad enough to give up or anything. Then again, maybe it's the coffee drying out my mouth that makes it feel like that. Either way this is one of my favorites...7.5/10 overall. The taste after the first 30 minutes is pleasant as well so I can keep it in a good while.


                      • pris

                        Been using this for a few days now. Must say it's sweeter than most Swedish snus I've tried. Definitely a sweet coffee thing going on (as mentioned above) Can't say it's a favorite but it deals a good long lasting nic punch and flavor and is of the usual Gotlands high quality. It's kind of been my rescue snus since the EU snus ban kicked in and my stash of my goto General Long Stark dwindled. Will see where I go with it over the next roll.


                        • sirloot
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 2607

                          This is a realy good snus .. picked up a Can from Boda pipes to try out and fell in love from the first portion.. idk if i would call it a strong .. as it really doesnt give me that Ommph that a strong/sterk/stark has . but the Flavor .. so much working here with a subtle sweetness .. goes well with tea and coffee .. This will be in my rotation for awhile as its a little something different.


                          • CoderGuy
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 2679

                            Originally posted by sirloot View Post
                            This is a realy good snus .. picked up a Can from Boda pipes to try out and fell in love from the first portion.. idk if i would call it a strong .. as it really doesnt give me that Ommph that a strong/sterk/stark has . but the Flavor .. so much working here with a subtle sweetness .. goes well with tea and coffee .. This will be in my rotation for awhile as its a little something different.
                            It's my go-to snus. Perfect strength and flavor. I am running down to my local tobacci shop to pick up some more tomorrow as a matter of fact.


                            • jmdkodiak
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 218

                              Jaks Classic Strong is one of, if not THE best snus made. The flavor actually speaks volumes. The subtle honey hint is a nice touch, and a welcome divergence from the common bergamot flavor of traditional snus. However, you can still taste the quality in this snus and tell that it is a top notch snus. I've been tossing around three brands I use regularly (General Ekstra Sterk, N&J Strong, and Jaks Classic Strong) and it's now down to two. I decided not to order anymore General Ekstra Sterks as they are too bitter, too dry, and lack flavor. Jaks is looking like the winner in every aspect. It's damn near perfect.


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