Well, for the moment anyway, I think I found IT. Wending my way through the brands, I popped one of these in my mouth this afternoon. Tart, fruity, not overtly bitter, long-lasting, just nothing but yummy! The portion size is a tad annoying as it seems bigger than most, but I can easily overlook that small issue to have this flavor.
Now I just need to figure out if it'll be available after PACT. :roll:
Well I finally got around to trying this and I must say the green apple flavor was amazing, and then about 15 minutes in the portion became so bitter and drippy I had to toss it. It is a shame that the initial flavor couldn't hold up longer.
too damn dry! the flavors awesome but god, why so dry!?
I had the same problem with Gotlands portions across the board. The Loose is mind-blowing, but the portions are generally disgusting. Adding some water (distilled or salted) to the can helps a ton. It changes slightly the character of the snus, but it does help with the dryness and drip issues, and is well worth it, in my opinion.
I am using the portions now in my rotation. It is up on my
list. The bag is bit bigger than most. Seems to have a good
nic kick for a regular snus. The Elderberry tastes like green
I LOVE the green portion. The tobacco seems to swell over time making one look like a chipmunk. The flavor seems to be never ending and the taste is great - as others have said it reminds one of green apple but without the acidic aftertaste.
Maybe its just my whako taste buds but i had a portion the other night and a swear i tasted a hint of green olives .. maybe it was the sour/salt .. anyway its good to me !