Gotland's Original (Grey) Portion/Jakobsson's Licorice

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Gotland's Original (Grey) Portion/Jakobsson's Licorice

    Reviews for Gotland's Original (Grey) Portion.
  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603


    I got a free can of Gotland with an order of snus I received a while ago but I am afraid to try it. There is some kind of sheep imprinted on the lid of the can and when you open it, the portions look slightly yellow and smell like ammonia. It's almost as if the sheep on the top of the can peed on the tobacco prior to it being packaged. Please don't take this wrong, this could be the best snus ever made but I probably wont touch it until I get low on my stash. It is sitting in my freezer now.


    • MasterGuns
      • Jun 2009
      • 312

      The ammonia smell is normal. It's not ammonia, it's the smell of fresh snus.
      I'm not a huge fan of the anis, perhaps because I burned through a can of the los variety before trying out the portions. I can handle it with a cup of coffee or something, otherwise the flavor is just too much.


      • AtreyuKun
        • Aug 2009
        • 1223

        I picked this one back up after about a month or 2 thinking I might get into it more than the first time I had it. Good god, this is the only snus I actually hate. I just tastes rotten. I wish I could elaborate on that, but ugh, it's bad.


        • AtreyuKun
          • Aug 2009
          • 1223

          Funny short story.
          Northerner screwed up an order of mine. After they sent what I actually ordered, I got I suppose a bonus can. Guess what the hell it was? That's right. Gotlands grey. In this day and age, I'm not going to waste any snus even if I don't like it. So, yesterday I finally put one in my mouth. The weirdest thing happened. It didn't taste bad this time around. The last can I had, I gave away after a few portions. This time, I've actually used more now that before. Whoddathunkit?


          • Jwalker
            • May 2010
            • 1067

            Uh this isn't a favorite of mine to say the least. I like every other product from gotlands but this I just don't know.


            • Experimental Monkey
              • Mar 2010
              • 795

              Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
              I got a free can of Gotland with an order of snus I received a while ago but I am afraid to try it. There is some kind of sheep imprinted on the lid of the can and when you open it, the portions look slightly yellow and smell like ammonia. It's almost as if the sheep on the top of the can peed on the tobacco prior to it being packaged. Please don't take this wrong, this could be the best snus ever made but I probably wont touch it until I get low on my stash. It is sitting in my freezer now.
              That's a funny review I don't care who you are. I've been trying to kill a can of the grey los for 8 months now and its only half gone. Gots Grey is just rank.


              • BlueSaint
                • May 2011
                • 195

                Jakobsson's Licorice Portion

                All reviews of Jakobsson's Licorice Portion here!

                My review:

                The smell is pure Licorice, smells very fresh which gives a good start. When I grabbed one I felt instantly that the prilla is full of tobacco, a real pillow!
                And the taste; Awesome licorice taste! It lasts for a long time and the taste is exactly how it should be for a snus with that typical licorice taste, it's just 100% quality, and it's all I can say to be honest.


                • Monkey
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 3290

                  I have had my ups and downs with snus......but I will always love Gotlandssnus snus.

                  I just got a tin of the Jakobsson's licorice and OMG it is delicious. I wasn't really surprised at how good it is (I was surprised that I haven't reviewed the los yet).

                  It smells like love and tastes what I imagine licking God's coffee table tastes like.....

                  I must say.....I am still upset at the lack of los produced by Gotlandssnus but I really love the snus that they do produce...

                  A+ top ten portion snus right here.

                  Get some.

                  And if you don't like it, send it to me.


                  • squeezyjohn
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2497

                    It's no Gotlands Gul though!

                    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                    • codyg140
                      • Jan 2013
                      • 705

                      Good licorice snus, could use this one daily, seems a little more mellow then Odens was.

                      mind you I'm pretty sure they don't make this anymore.


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