Knox Stark Portion

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  • Renico
    • May 2011
    • 237

    Knox Stark Portion

    Reviews of Knox Stark Portion
  • G_Jones
    • Oct 2009
    • 69

    Not bad. Skruf Stark is probably my favorite snus so I figured another Imperial stark would be worth a try, at that low introductory price I couldn't resist a whole roll, but I figured worse case it couldn't be that bad. Its is actually pretty decent. Knox Stark is more of a basic tobacco flavor than Skruf, reminding me a little of Grov, but same portion material and moisture consistency as Skruf. Seems to be the same amount of nic as Skruf Stark. Definitely one of the better non-"premium" snus I have tried. Nothing too distinct and I mean that in a good way.

    When this is back to the price of normal "non-premium" snus I don't yet know if it will be quite enough of a bargain to replace any of my normal selections, though for now I am quite pleased.


    • timoteo
      • Dec 2009
      • 583

      I havent tried this yet cause I quit starks some time ago. But I will say this, I have done alot of Knox Lossnus in my day and it is a delight. To me its like 1/3 Grov, 1/3 Ettan, and 1/3 General all mixed together. 3 of the best snuses of all time.... Perfectly blended... come to think of it I should order a roll of this in regular white portion....


      • pris

        Well I just revisited my old mate Knox Portion but now in a Stark version.

        I lost touch with Knox Portion when I switched up to starks many years ago. Been mainly using Skruf Stark Portion for the past year or so.

        Standing out to me is the same pouch consistency as Skruf Stark and the same nic hit/delivery system but a more pure tobacco flavour with a hint of salt and citrus, the 'classic Swedish snus' flavour I guess..... Maybe Skruf Stark without the Rose Oil....

        I think I might alternate between the two now for a little variety. Nice.


        • Tristik
          • Jan 2009
          • 654

          I've only tried a few portions of these so far, but I think this is THE perfect snus for the guys that come to the forum and ask "Is there any snus out there that just taste like tobacco without all the flavoring in it?". This stuff is what I would recommend to them. Some would say it's kinda bland, but I think that's kinda the point of Knox in general: a pure-ish tobacco flavor.


          • Burnsey
            • Jan 2013
            • 2572

            Originally posted by timoteo View Post
            I havent tried this yet cause I quit starks some time ago. But I will say this, I have done alot of Knox Lossnus in my day and it is a delight. To me its like 1/3 Grov, 1/3 Ettan, and 1/3 General all mixed together. 3 of the best snuses of all time.... Perfectly blended... come to think of it I should order a roll of this in regular white portion....
            I like timoteo's description.
            The Stark version has a very nice tobacco flavor with complex but subtle background flavors and a hint of sweetness.........xlnt snus and it's value priced, amazing. I do find that the Stark version of Knox portion is a little on the strong side for me (18%?), so I don't use it on an empty stomach.


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              I need to revisit Knox..............the los used to be a staple of my snus rotation but it turned on me (went very bitter)......this was about the same time that skruf (same maker as knox) was having its quality control issues.........I wonder if the two were related

              Anybody use the los.........and if so can you give your impression
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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