Skruf Extra Stark Lös
I find myself going for the stronger snus (and in this case the strongest in the world!), as the regular strength does nothing for me. I enjoy the deeper, darker tobacco taste that can only be found in snus like this. The bergamot and rose oils are a perfect compliment to this tobacco, and above all else, the taste is what matters. I can keep a wad in for 30-60 minutes with no ill effects...not something I'd expect from such a strong snus. It's a very mellow snus with a bitter sweet finish, after all, you can't have one without the other! Definitely an everyday snus...and it bakes very easily too.
One of the finest brand snuses around! :-D
With Skruf, the rose oil seems to predominate over the bergamot; with Knox, it's the reverse, IMO. Personally, I prefer the richer flavor of Knox, but Knox lös doesn't come in an ES. Nevertheless, this is a very enjoyable snus. The nicotine strength tends to creep up on you, but it's definitely loaded with the stuff. I haven't tried handbaking it, but it has the clay-like consistency that usually makes baking a prilla very easy. Highly recommended.
This snus is good. I wouldn't step over my mother for it but it does the job.
I was fortunate to be gifted a tin of this snus and, having never tried it before, gave it half the tin before writing this review.
It comes in a 42g (WTF????) Sexy black tin. Wait.....42g? I call bullshit. That's like putting 20 portions in a tin......
Whatever. I bought Taboca at 35g tins....but Taboca los was exceptional......skruf is good.
It is kinda dense......but coarse and almost fluffy enough to be great.....but it is a good grind.
The nic is strong but not in a kick you in the tender bits way.....not super subtle either...ot will catch up with you. It is good.
The flavor is light citrus, a bunch of rose oil and dark tobacco. I also get a hint of juniper in there occasionally. It's good.
Overall, this snus is good. Better than General ES but not good as Thunder or Odens Extreme.
Skruf Xtra Stark Los....meh.....it's good. It will do in a pinch but I am not really sure I would buy a rolll..maybe 5 tins for gin and tonic nights.....which last all summer long.
Despite what some have said about the change in taste after the buyout, I find this stuff to be amazing.
The clay consistency is perfect for baking or for just taking a quick pinch. Flavor is great, the rose oil stands out the most. I have had this prilla in for about 45 min now and the flavor is still there and strong.
If you hand bake it, the flavor takes some time to come through, but if you just take a quick pinch the juices build much faster and the flavor kicks in almost immediately. I bought a roll of this stuff, I hope every can is as good as this one is.
Buzz is strong but not sickening as it comes on smooth and holds for quite a while.
I never had the fortune of trying the older stuff but whether or not the old stuff was better, this new stuff is still killer!
And for people saying the cans are 42g, has anyone ever tried weighing the cans? I have 4 empty and clean cans (one was mine and three were from a friend) with no tobacco in them and they all weigh 11g. I have weighed 3 cans unopened and they all weighed on avg 56g. So that comes out to 45g when you subtract the 11g from 56g. Who knows what the deal is with that but the numbers don't lie and still add up to 45g!
Considering the Xtra stark, flavors tend to not be as strong bc the nicotine seems to dull the flavor. But this still has plenty of flavor considering it is a x-stark.
Give it a try if you like strong dark tobacco flavor and rose.
A+ for me!