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  • SmokedEuro
    • Aug 2010
    • 280

    Originally posted by Jwalker View Post
    Interesting Interesting, that describes the taste it's certainly, the smell is um very interesting smells like death and mildew.
    Honestly this makes me want to order a can of this. Not that I like the flavor of death spiked with mildew, but I gotta try it and see if it as bad as the majority of you guays say it is.


    • jdman321
      Banned Users
      • Mar 2011
      • 616

      Trust me...it is. Fair warning.


      • ABW
        • May 2011
        • 793

        Originally posted by jdman321 View Post
        The smell is one of the worst smells I've ever come across. The taste isn't as bad as the smell but it's still terrible. Sorry AG.

        I guess everyone has their own option but I love Jagarpris.. I like everything about it. The snus and material is super high quality. The can is cool as hell down to the AG inside the catch lid. Even the catch lid works better than most. AG has put a lot of thought into the "whole" experience and I think they have succeeded. It's gets better and better and I will always have some around..


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          I'm a fan. It has an intresting flavor that mellows out to something that tastes a bit like Gold Mull snuff from Samuel Gawith. Aside from being a portion, I don't see it as ever being a primary snus for me, but I'd buy a roll per year if I used portions more.


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Originally posted by lxskllr
            tastes a bit like Gold Mull snuff from Samuel Gawith.
            I've heard this comparison 3 times now, I'll have to try this now and see. I'm curious.


            • ABW
              • May 2011
              • 793

              Originally posted by lxskllr
              I'm a fan. It has an intresting flavor that mellows out to something that tastes a bit like Gold Mull snuff from Samuel Gawith. Aside from being a portion, I don't see it as ever being a primary snus for me, but I'd buy a roll per year if I used portions more.
              The mellowing is what I love also.. I find myself running my tounge over it and It just gets better as It "ages" in your mouth. I love it..


              • Mrobin52
                • Sep 2008
                • 109

                I really like it. It is a bit heavily flavored, but I like woodsy flavors. To me it tastes a lot like Cedar and spruce initially and then the "mellowing" is a great term. It never really gets bitter it just kind of fades into this nice mellow, leathery tobacco flavor. I only use portions at work and I have been sticking to long portions, (General Long, 01) but I have been keeping a couple of cans on hand.


                • Monkey
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 3290


                  It smells like dill and lemon.

                  And death.

                  I want to like it but the dill kills it for me.

                  Still, better than Elixyr PE


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