Holy cow. LD Black. I need to open another can of this.
I love LD Black. But then, as it turns out, I love licorice.
If you love licorice, and you like snus, it's hard to see how you won't love this. The portion material is soft, and silky, and, well, black. The snus is just delicious. It's luxuriant and very licorice with no off notes I can detect.
Thank you, AtreyuKun, for posting this thread up. I knew I was wanting something different, but I couldn't put my finger on what. This. Is. It.
I can't really add to this except that the portion material is no longer black. I am really enjoying this and will order again.
Below is a chainmail I got, I checked it on Snopes.com and it's true. It was orriginally put out by the Sheriff in some small county because kids kept...