Gringo Loose

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  • crullers
    • Oct 2011
    • 663

    Gringo Loose

    When I was placing my last order I noticed a new product - Gringo loose snus. It is described as "Pure Tobacco flavor with a flowery character." It comes in a pretty cool looking can and contains 50g so I figured I'd order one and give it a try.

    It came today and I have to say I certainly get the "pure tobacco flavor"! I actually find it rather harsh and I can't detect any flowery character at all. Kind of like I would imagine eating a salty cigarette would taste like. I was getting a real burn in the throat from the juices. It's a fine grind and I just hillbilly pinch so maybe taking the time to bake a hard prilla would make it less harsh. I will try that tomorrow but I am done with it for tonight. If I get the same result from a prilla, this one's going back in the freezer for awhile.

    Chad gave it a pretty favourable review at snubie, so I don't know if it's my newbiness or maybe it's just not my thing. I'm curious to see how others find this one. It's definitely interesting.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Interesting. I hope they get FDA approval. I don't really care for the urban tin graphics, but it's what's inside that matters. The tin can't be any worse than Pioneers' :^D


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Any idea who makes it?

      And while we are at it... I wish LD..... Gustavus..... and Granit would get FDA approved......but I guess that is never going to's really a shame
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • crullers
        • Oct 2011
        • 663

        Originally posted by Snusdog
        Any idea who makes it?

        And while we are at it... I wish LD..... Gustavus..... and Granit would get FDA approved......but I guess that is never going to's really a shame
        I have read that it is a new, independent company.


        • EricHill78
          • Jun 2010
          • 4253

          I can't wait to try it. The logo is my style


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            I am wondering if this stuff is like Gustavus? I tried that when it was available here. Not bad but nothing really special either. I agree with dog on Granit and would love to see that brand here.


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              Is granit not allowed in the US?


              • GoVegan
                • Oct 2009
                • 5603

                Not really, you can still get it from Sweden but you cant order it form Northerner.


                • Duff338
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 423

                  Gringo snus is a new company, this is the website ,this is their first product. I like the name and can design, but as Lxskllr mentioned, it's whats inside that really matters most. I was really excited to try it after Chad's review, the 50g can is a huge plus also....I wish all Los to be 50g per can....I hope this snus becomes available in the US. I would love to get my hands on it.

                  I know this is off topic, but has anyone ever tried this snus I found this site a few days ago, and did a search here and found an older thread on it, but no one ever reviewed it or mentioned getting snus from them. Has anyone ever trued this snus??? I apologize in advance for going off topic, but have been meaning to ask about this.


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    Originally posted by Duff338

                    I know this is off topic, but has anyone ever tried this snus I found this site a few days ago, and did a search here and found an older thread on it, but no one ever reviewed it or mentioned getting snus from them. Has anyone ever trued this snus??? I apologize in advance for going off topic, but have been meaning to ask about this.
                    Never heard of this but the fact they used the term Ettan on the label of one of the cans really pisses me off. There is only one Ettan. They need to think of more original names.

                    This picture here reminds me of the drug buying scene in boogie nights. That white dude has the Thai dude run around lighting firecrackers while sister christian plays in the background.


                    • Duff338
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 423



                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        Lmao Duff I knew you would post the video... That movie is bad ass. Really good flick.

                        Remember man you got the touch!


                        • shikitohno
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1156

                          I'm hoping they follow up their Gringo line with some Pinche Gabacho lös. Is there any specific meaning to gringo in Swedish, or is it possible there's just somebody in an office having a laugh at every who buys it?


                          • Duff338
                            • Sep 2011
                            • 423

                            I'm just really hoping Santa's fat ass brings me a can of Gringo los this holiday season!!!!


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              As a small start up independent it comes as no surprise that it was released as loose snus. Can you imagine spending thousands of dollars to buy or rent a machine capable of making portion snus?


                              Translation from Swedish through Google suck sometimes.

                              A hug snuff [kramsnus= hug snuff?] I would like to see more of, thought that the 50g would last longer but now when it starts its run as a small indiantår down his cheek.
                              I would recommend this to say snus for those who like a little bitigare snuff.

                              I finally deciphered what the word bitigare means... bitigare = strong. I don't know if they mean strong in flavor or strong in nicotine.

                              I'm still trying to figure out the correct translation when the Swedish to English translations talk about the hug of snus.. I imagine it is describing how well the snus loose prilla holds together but that explanation doesn't always seem to fit.


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