I saw this product called Golden Eagle Herbal Chew Straight and it looks interesting. Anyone ever try this stuff?
Herbal Chew Golden Eagle
I've tried every herbal chew product you can purchase in the US market. The best, IMO. is www.hoochsnuff.com If you like hot stuff, they make a herbal snuff called "spitfire" that is fantastic!If you have any problems with my posts or signature
Before i found snus i was trying to quit dip and I've been through them all of those non tobacco dips. From ground up roots and spices to shredded mint leaves to shredded sea spogne infused with B vitamins. None of them are worth a penny. It's not the flavor its not the texture its just.....not tobacco and you will easily tell. All the reviews are obviously fabricated. The mint crap has no juice and no flavor, or its so strong your sinuses will clear for a week and you'll have a headache. Stuff like hooch snuff was ok....but it just wasnt right, I even tried mixing one can of it with 5 cans of copenhagen and i could still tell i wasnt having an actual dip. Nip the Grip (the shredded sea sponge stuff) was ok but the flavor ran otu quickly you had to use a lot to get a decent dip size and it was expensive as shit. I like a lot of foods and spices so im not one to just flat out not like something, the key is though you are addicted to nicotine and those products just dont have it.
The classic or straight flavors for everything were horrid and tasted more like bourbon mixed with cat feces, and the other flavors either didnt have a falvor or were just too gross and unappealing to keep using them. If you're looking to quit i would just keep stepping down the mg/g of nicotine with snus and then once ur down to the lowest tryign to use less and less.
Golden eagle is one of the many i tired as well and it was just as wrong and terrible as the others, I spent probably 300 buying 10 cans of every quit dip product you can try and they are all DECENT in the sense its something that is "kind of" like dip but none of them are really worth anything. If you are interested in trying any of the non tobacco dips i would jsut order one can and not waste the money. I was big into thinking that the next product would totally work but all of them just didnt.
I tried some just out of curiosity and it was at a local store, it's been a long time, but it was a brand called something Mountain, I'd have to look it up, and it was terrible, it was like shreeded plastic, and the flavor was terrible, I got Straight and Wintergreen. It turned me off to even think about trying any other non-tobacco dip again.
Originally posted by tom502I tried some just out of curiosity and it was at a local store, it's been a long time, but it was a brand called something Mountain, I'd have to look it up, and it was terrible, it was like shreeded plastic, and the flavor was terrible, I got Straight and Wintergreen. It turned me off to even think about trying any other non-tobacco dip again.
OK so far I have tried the Hooch Spitfire. I have to say I was pretty impressed by Hooch's lightning fast shipping. When ordering Hooch, you get to pick between a plastic or regular metal tin. I opted for the metal tin. PITA to open. The product inside looks like los tobacco and smells so so. I used a 3ml Ice Tool to make my pris and this stuff packs just like los tobacco. The taste of this stuff is awesome. I don't really taste anything resembling tobacco but I am definitely tasting cayenne pepper with just a hint of salt and vinegar. It is spicy but not overbearing. I am thinking this might be the perfect breakfast treat as it would go quite well with hash browns and coffee. Overall, I am impressed! I am not so sure about using this instead of snus but rather, using it to cut down on snus. Makes me want to pour tabasco on some Pioneer or Grov. If any snus makers are reading this, please come up with a cayenne flavored los. Preferably in the range of 6-8 mgs. for nicotine.
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