Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
Oden's Extreme Vanilla (White Dry) Portion
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABShould I make or should I not ?
Originally posted by RooI think some people will really like it. To me, the dominant flavor in your Wintergreen is vanilla, which I don't much care for in anything but ice cream. But lots of people here have requested Vanilla. Sweet snus doesn't do it for me, but go for it GN. You can't lose! Odens is always amazing, no matter what you do to it.
haven't had any bad oden's snus so far -
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABShould I make or should I not ?When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABYou going to have good vanila snus ...but as GN wants it Will be good Bold smooth gentle and wet
Now we are done we are sutesfyed With this snus so samples are ready to fall dawn to your mail box , please pm me those WHO did not wanted odens lime lose, Cause those WHO wanted lime Will have dry vanilla as well, and please make à notice in this thread
Sencirely yours
GN ps : this dry wet is on anther thread check it