Olde Ving 99
more appropriate for Easter
Ving E99
Now made with real chicken embryos!!!Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by UsualSnuspectsIf I were a snus manufacturer I'd send you free snus to review, though as a consumer I'm glad you pay for your own as it makes you more credible. Thanks for the well done review, and if buysnus or snuscentral is reading this, PLEASE make it available to the U.S.
Originally posted by TobaccyLassyooooh!! Sounds like a wonderful snus! Now I want to get some. Is it available at overseas locations for export to the U.S?
Originally posted by UsualSnuspectsIf I were a snus manufacturer I'd send you free snus to review, though as a consumer I'm glad you pay for your own as it makes you more credible. Thanks for the well done review, and if buysnus or snuscentral is reading this, PLEASE make it available to the U.S.
I get manufacturer samples from time to time to review on Snubie.com, mostly before they launch to help get the word out, and (for some reason) people like to read my reviews. So how does the cost of the product change the taste of the product?
Certainly Chad, I can see how you might take that to mean that I find your reviews less credible. It's the fact that the review is unsolicited that does it for me -- that his opinion is colored by the same circumstances under which I would judge a snus: having invested my money in it. Your reviews are valuable because you've built that trust in other ways (when we don't know how you acquired it). It's similar to how I listen to both my friends' reviews of movies and those of Roger Ebert. Nobody trusted Roger until he established himself in the community as someone worth listening to. But someone who walks out of the theater truly upset that they wasted their money has something to add that I can't get from Roger. The correlation is flawed because I'm sure you pay for much of what you review too.
Reviewers like Reddit's "bulio" who has a Northerner-sponsored blog are really the other side of the trust token, not you. I have no clue who bulio is, whereas we are all also watching you experience turning thirty. Sharing that vulnerability, bringing us into your life as a real person is a big but unspoken part of what adds value to your opinions.
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