General Smooth Flavour (Medium White)

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    General Smooth Flavour (Medium White)

    Recently I did a preview for General Smooth Flavour (Medium White) portion from Swedish Match. It is now available for sale and continues the new style brought forth beginning with Catch Pure Mint in the long/medium portion. The first thing I want to say about the new GSFMW snus is that it comes in one of the coolest cans I've ever seen. It reminds me a lot of the old Phillip Morris snus (deceased) that came in the embossed metallic can. Like this snus or not, you have to get one of these cans. I see myself carrying around other snuses in it, even if I don't end up using it. But let's not jump to conclusions yet, I haven't even got to the review! The new GSFMW snus is a little bit dryer than your traditional white portion, so before I got to the tasting phase I had to do a little pre-wetting to really bring out the flavor. (I've been doing a lot of original portion's lately so my tastes have adjusted a bit).

    To open this can it's just like Catch Pure Mint, a little twist and it pops right open. When you open the can the traditional aroma of bergamot jumps out at you, but in a little sweeter sense and the traditional zesty/peppery aroma of General is a little more subdued. The taste is very mellow. If I had to describe it as anything I'd say General White Light. The taste is traditionally citrus, but interestingly a little sweeter than the usual General flavour profile. There is a gentle salt balance, and a little zesty peppery taste in the background but not as strong as the usual elements of a General Snus. The Smooth Flavour name really fits this snus, as the present elements of the General Profile are very mellow and gentle. Now, in my opinion, I wouldn't use this snus all the time. I find it great as an occasional but where I think this snus will really shine is going to be to those new to snus who want to try bergamot for the first time. I find this to be a very traditional snus but so gentle and mellow in the flavor elements of this snus that it is very approachable to those interesting in trying traditional "bergamot" Swedish Snus for the first time, which is a very good thing. A great addition, check it out if you're into traditional snus flavors or new to snus and want to try something new!
  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    Rated at 7mg nicotine per portion.

    I'm more into sterks but I'm willing to try it.


    • EbenezerScrews
      • Mar 2010
      • 60

      Like usual, the "official" description for this snus is so vague. Is this a new portion size? That picture doesn't look "long and slim", more like in between a mini and regular. Is this accurate?


      • snusgetter
        • May 2010
        • 10903

        Originally posted by EbenezerScrews View Post
        Like usual, the "official" description for this snus is so vague. Is this a new portion size? That picture doesn't look "long and slim", more like in between a mini and regular. Is this accurate?

        It's supposed to be like the Catch Pure Mint which is labeled 'MEDIUM SLIM FIT'

        altho I just noticed the image at getsnus only says 'MEDIUM WHITE'


        • EbenezerScrews
          • Mar 2010
          • 60

          Thanks snusgetter for the tip, and thanks Chad, I just found your comparison photo between 01 and that Catch Pure Mint.


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Originally posted by EbenezerScrews View Post
            Thanks snusgetter for the tip, and thanks Chad, I just found your comparison photo between 01 and that Catch Pure Mint.
            For those who wanna see that pic:


            I will say that General Smooth seems a tad dryer than Catch Pure Mint.


            • EbenezerScrews
              • Mar 2010
              • 60

              Sorry if I am obsessing over the pouch size, but I am hooked on longs, haha (Insert size queen joke here...)

              It is the Lab Series pouch with less tobacco inside?

              Man, I have blindly bought a roll every new long that has come out, but I may pass this one. Little nicotine, little taste, little moisture....Maybe I'll grab a can each of this and the Catch


              • Kstolen23
                • Feb 2011
                • 281

                Yeah this snus isn't for me. . . But the can looks pretty nice, good if you cant afford the new Icetool Slim Can. Not that I have anything against General, but I dont want to put my other brand snus inside.


                • stones
                  • May 2010
                  • 111

                  Halfway done with my first can of General Smooth. This is a excellent snus tastes very similar to general white portion.I do not taste the earl grey tea in it at all but it seems like the bergamont and pepper undertones are stronger then general wp which i like. Also has a very clean finish after an hour with general wp it gets a tad bitter with general smooth the flavor just fades to nothing a very nice clean finish.Even the 7mg nic rating is nice feels just like a 8mg portion does not even notice the lower nic content.
                  The parts I do not like about this snus the can while it is a pretty cool looking can I was hoping for a full metal can this one has a metal top and the bottom is coated in metal but inside is plastic the twist thing is interesting but try to put a portion in and twist the lid shut while driving or if your busy it takes a minute for the lid to catch so not as easy as the regular cans pull the lid off and then just shove it back on.All in all a wonderful snus. I will probaly replace my rolls of general white with general smooth as time goes on A+ job swedish Match


                  • Speedoape
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 311

                    I had 5 cans on order from Nortener but went to back order and held up shipping so I canceled and will deirdre later. Really wanted to try it!


                    • muddyfunkstar
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 967

                      The lower nicotine doesn't appeal to me, but I'm tempted to try it because I like long portions.

                      If they did a long white sterk version, I'd be all over it like a rash.


                      • Jwalker
                        • May 2010
                        • 1067

                        It's ok, basically general white but less flavorful. It's basically what camel snus was trying to be and failed at imo, the tobacco is drier than normal which gives it a tax advantage and the pouches are pretty comfortable.


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          I'd want it only for the can. I'll stick with the regular General Whites thank you!


                          • Snus Hog
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 28

                            I really dislike this snus. Too dry, but always manages to drip but not in a nice way, it's like having perfume sprayed down your throat (I imagine!). Gives me heartburn too, which is the first snus to do this to me. Compared to general white, well, it's like it's made by a different company. A really good way to put people off snus, as it would seem to be targeting new users, which is a terrible idea.

                            This is all just my experience of course, but the rest is now going in the bin. Also, the tin is crap, it dents if you just look at it in a bad way (mine has many dents from this). The twist top barely works (it just falls off in your pocket), and there are only 20 portions in there, which as it turns out is a blessing.

                            Should say something nice as I expect someone has put some effort into getting this to market, ummm, the tin looks great, the size of the portions is quite good (but not as nice as long portions), probably the flavour will appeal to some people - if you're not sure, put a general portion in a tarts handbag for half an hour, then that should simulate the flavour.

                            Actually, the best thing about it is when you open a general white tin and pop one in, it's so great to return to such a nice snus from this travesty, you really appreciate just how good general white really is.


                            • snusjus
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 2674

                              After reading a number of reviews, I will stick with good ol' General White.


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